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Politics & Government - 18 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

can you please give me a list of countries that need to apply for a visa to come to the united kingdom

2006-12-18 21:53:47 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

or is it that religion exerts an undue influence on...

the law


and especially the media

2006-12-18 21:49:36 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government


what are the european copyrights on an idea? i had an idea, that i put to paper, however, haven't been able to take the idea to reality as looking for someone to fill a roll. since then one of the people i spoke to about it, has taken the idea, and started to make it a reality on his own... what are my rights under EU law?

2006-12-18 21:38:56 · 8 answers · asked by sofiarose 4 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-18 21:35:26 · 13 answers · asked by anonymouslook 2 in Politics

2006-12-18 21:28:57 · 59 answers · asked by mistymiss 6 in Law & Ethics

I've been to the USA three times and in everytime i had a J1 visa... i'm 28 now and i'm offered a new J1 visa to go back...
do you have any information if i can still have a new J1 visa, or not.... anything about regulation beyond what's in the internet... i've read everything on the net but it doesn't answer my question....
i had it three times, can i still have it again?.

Thank you

2006-12-18 21:25:27 · 2 answers · asked by cercuse 1 in Embassies & Consulates

2006-12-18 21:16:52 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Embassies & Consulates

If someone is sentenced to say eight years in prison they can be out in 4...Why? Why not sentence them to 4 years in the first place and make them serve all of it?Some say it is to reward prisoners who behave themselves...I think it would be better to say
"You are sentenced to 8 years, if you behave you will be out in that time if you don't we will add extra years to your sentence.This would keep the scum off the streets for longer and reward good behaviour.Remember...these people CHOSE to break the law; they could like most of us have CHOSEN not to burgle, mug, assault, steal, rape etc..that's why they are in jail in the first place.

2006-12-18 21:09:32 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Why the hell is Tony Blair on tour in the Middle East & preaching to people about peace and democracy?

Isn’t Blair preaching peace & democracy, like Jack the Ripper teaching me respect towards women, or like Stephen Hawkins teaching me to breakdance & gangster rap?

Tony Blair is under Police investigation for undermining democracy by selling peerages. He ignored democratic opinion to wage the illegal war in Iraq. He deliberately manipulated intelligence to undermine democracy by deception.

The wars in Iraq & Afghanistan have killed hundreds of thousands and destabilised the regions, ending any hope of peace.

Should we bring Blair home before he breaks another country?

2006-12-18 20:56:14 · 16 answers · asked by Cracker 4 in Other - Politics & Government

What was the plan A?
To simply attack Iraq , get to Baghdad topple the Saddams Statue and then fly back to US? I would really luv to know how bush planned to fight the war against Iraq?
Was there ever a plan B?

2006-12-18 20:44:13 · 20 answers · asked by johny harlow 2 in Military

Hitler? Mao Ze Dong? Saddam Hussein? Stalin? or Nero?

2006-12-18 20:44:08 · 7 answers · asked by Bryan R 2 in Military

im a filipina, My boyfriend is a danish so he invited me to visit him, i am holding a tourist visa for 90 days, now hes concerned, about that i am pregnant for three months, that it made him realize to marry me here in denmark for the sake of the baby and of course he is so much inlove with me. but we both dont know how to go about it, so hoping that someone out there could help us.....thank you....god bless all

2006-12-18 20:42:59 · 3 answers · asked by precious gem 1 in Embassies & Consulates

Who says that 9/11 was a Muslim terror have to watch this!. This is a documentary film which has been prepared by a group of university students who are "Americans". It really chnaged my mind... What do you think? But first please have a look at it. Its full of legal proofs!


2006-12-18 20:40:46 · 14 answers · asked by Zifikos 5 in Politics

I am a legal immigrant. I was naturalized almost 20 years ago. It wasn't easy and it required a lot of work. I'm not saying I should be applauded for my efforts but at the same time, why are so many Americans so willing to accompany illegals? They don't play by the same rules. Go ahead, learn spanish, give illegal immigrants healthcare, educate their families at no cost to them, heck let them get away with breaking the law. It is a slap in the face to all legal immigrants of the United States. I believe in a strong American workforce, it is the backbone of America. That backbone is getting weak. What do you think?

2006-12-18 20:40:12 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

I think a human mind is a free mind and we can think and do the wildest possible thing if not controlled.So we created a god of whom we are scared and religion which disciplines us.god is the biggest scandal of all time.

2006-12-18 20:30:00 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

We already know the election system and government system works in Iraq. The last issues would be security and the economy, once we stabilize their market then security. As we stated the 'Domino Retreat', which means other Mid-East nations will give in to democracy when it works in Iraq, troops should decrease in the region to reduce the power of extremists. The military should leave the region built up as a safeguard, officially giving the power of offense and defense to the President of Iraq similar to our Constitution.

2006-12-18 20:28:16 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

Soldiers and Civilians

2006-12-18 20:22:42 · 1 answers · asked by harshoshanim 1 in Military


2006-12-18 20:11:07 · 32 answers · asked by bbobski79 2 in Military

be it palestine,kashmir,serbia,chechnya,etc. most of the worlds violence occurs because of islam.Islam is a religion of violence.It is the reason why there is so much violence around the world.

2006-12-18 20:05:38 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

The Government wants to introduce ID cards on the UK public which will contain their biometric data and criminal records. They also propose to link them with the NHS, DVLA and Passport computers which mean you could access any information you want on a person with alarming ease.

Am I the only one who recognises this threat. The same company that caused the debacle with the passport computers a few years ago has the contract to run the scheme. They also hashed up the MOD system and are continuing to make a mess of the central NHS computer. All your personal details will be up for grabs by hackers. If kids can break into the pentagon and other U.S. government agency computers, what chance does this have. On top of that a private company will build and effectvely own the system.

5.6 billion is the estimate from the government which will invariably rise. On top of that they want us to fork out 200 uid for the pleasure. If we refuse, we risk a prison sentence. Discuss.

2006-12-18 20:05:11 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Most of them are here anyway.

2006-12-18 19:58:52 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

i.e 1) what about 16 year olds who are competent to make decisions and must abide by laws...but are excluded from participating.
2) Also, the insane and criminals are excluded from voting, thus this seems to make inclusion contingent on qualifying to participate, is this democratic?
3) In Athens, 'citizens' were allowed participatre...but citizens were only one fifth of the population! I I argue against the question asked. Do you agree?

2006-12-18 19:58:14 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

I just want to know what the Americans think abut the War on Terror.The war in afghanisthan was justified ,and seen by the world as a "tit for tat "answer to the Al Queda,but Iraq?...simply doesnt make sence!!!...
Iraq was far safer place with Saddam at the helm than americans occupying it....now it is the breeding ground for terrorism...
.One more thing have anyone ever thought how these incidents would come to haunt you one day...
Years back in the early 90s the americans supported the Afghani fighters to bring down the Russians...have you ever thought had Russia still been there the whole alqueda would have been their damn head ache!!!!
What was the need for all this. So many dead,,,American, Iraqis, englishmen....all for what?
I am not a anti-American person...i respect and admire the american for so many othr things..
I jsut want to know what the general public in america think about this

2006-12-18 19:58:00 · 10 answers · asked by johny harlow 2 in Military

my friend joined the navy after high school in june of 2003 and he went to the first basic after he joined. Could anyone help me find out what group or squad he graduated with. i am looking for the number and stuff like that any information would be great..

2006-12-18 19:56:41 · 2 answers · asked by wcsd_121 1 in Military

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