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Politics & Government - 16 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Quite a few of you on here refer to Democrat/ Liberal cowardice- referring to our unwillingness to throw money and bodies at Iraq until democracy miraculously grows there. Are right-wingers really tough guys because they send others to kill and die for an ideal that is impossible? Is pig-headedness in the face of evidence of this failure a trait to be admired?

2006-12-16 04:05:09 · 16 answers · asked by Schmorgen 6 in Politics

2006-12-16 04:04:33 · 20 answers · asked by maher n 1 in Government

A police officer gave my sister (14yrs.) a ticket for unlawful sexual intercourse, because she's pregnant, and began an investigation without reading her rights to her. Also she began to harrass her by humiliating her, putting her down, and using hurtful comments in front of the school counselor. All this was happening without any permission to speak with her from her parents; the principal of the school commented that she was unaware of the situation. Also my father requires an ASL Interpretor required by California Law through the ADA Act which they did not feel necesary to provide. Furthermore 2days later we went back to the school and they re-did the investigation legitimately in front of the principal still no interpretor. The police officer did at this time read my sister her rights, but it was obvious that she did not understand, when I noticed my sister was very bothered by the situation I explained she did not have to answer if she did not want to. They made me leave the room.

2006-12-16 04:01:26 · 3 answers · asked by Lionel 1 in Law & Ethics

Most scientists have a firm belief that the earth is dying and cannot sustain the population for much longer. This might not be the same with politicians, but it's true that life on earth has suffered from a mass extinction more than once.

Is it time to make space exploration a top priority so mankind has a future? Do we owe it to our sons and daughters to find a new home if we cannot be bothered to stop wrecking the one we have?

2006-12-16 03:56:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

I know this is beat up to ask but I still must know.... How easy is it to get full automatic weapons? Like can I go to a dealer in flordia that smuggles them in?

2006-12-16 03:55:50 · 13 answers · asked by jack 6 in Military

In most democracies of the world it's not all black or white two sides and two parties because when they vote they get to vote their first choice, second choice, third choice and on so that if your first choice is eliminated your second choice then comes into play. Make your vote count! This way you never waste a vote when voting for minor parties that speak for your real positions. We can finally get out from under the "damned if you do damned if you don't" schizophrehnic two party system. Let's do it!!!
The best way is to start at county level with Instant Run Off Voting (IRV) and then we get used to real democracy. IRV saves county elections a lot of money (no run off eelections needed) and we know who people really want.
Then we go to city councils and vote preference voting and that way each group has a seat at the table. Diversity makes democracy work. Start up you enigines and get those petitions out in your county now.
Eventually we proportionalize the state level.

2006-12-16 03:46:02 · 6 answers · asked by greensufi1 1 in Elections

I would start with a couple of books : Dee Brown : Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee, or Black Elk Speaks by G Neidhardt. This was also genocide. We just needed their land.

2006-12-16 03:42:01 · 19 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-12-16 03:41:44 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-16 03:41:17 · 12 answers · asked by i_o_i_o_off_to_work_i_go 2 in Law & Ethics

There is much to say about the Iraq War but I believe that if Saddam did 9/11 then we need to go and give those people a new life and let them know that they are loved by others and we support them and want them to be free.
THey now have freedom and can do elections and speak out. we made this for them and rumsfeld chose it when he decided to go to war.
If he chose to go to war why cant we choose to support him?
Those people did 9/11 and saddam needs to be taken out of power!!!

2006-12-16 03:39:54 · 16 answers · asked by Macy O 1 in Politics

i need the official websites for all the state Govts Ministries of Maharashtra state in India

2006-12-16 03:38:47 · 8 answers · asked by rajendra c 1 in Government

seriously... were getting weaker and other countries are thinking about declaring war on us. I also think the European Union is tired of backing us up. What do you all think about all this?

2006-12-16 03:38:28 · 20 answers · asked by , 5 in Military

Rumsfeld/Cheney are being implicated in the U.S.'s violation of the Geneva Convention Rules. Do you think they'll spill the beans on Bush, too?

2006-12-16 03:37:14 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Throughout the history of the 20th century communism, socialism and facism have been identified as threats to a 'free' society, but I feel capitalism and the consumerist ideas that come hand in hand with caplitalism has led to social and moral degredation. Families have been taken apart as our socieities have become more highly mobile leading to isolation and lack of social cohesion. Crime is increasing, prisons are getting more and more overcrowded because of poverty, the increasing gap between the haves and have nots, and bad parenting. Wars are conducted so that head capitalist nations such as the US, UK, Japan etc can get contracts to make weapons to destroy 3rd world countries and rebuild them again, and rob them of their resources.
To put it simply Capitalism is a dehumanising political force as any other.

Do you agree?

2006-12-16 03:25:03 · 6 answers · asked by Max 2 in Other - Politics & Government


what are your views about doctor assisted suicide and why do you believe that way.

2006-12-16 03:24:23 · 10 answers · asked by nedoglover 4 in Law & Ethics

National Guard soesn't look like an option this time.....

2006-12-16 03:09:11 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2006-12-16 03:08:33 · 15 answers · asked by Happy 1 in Politics

Does anyone think the UK should adopt an Adolf Hitler style of government?
Does anyone think the uk should adopt an adolf hitler stlye of goverment this would stop any anti-social behaviour terrorists and act as a deterent for any acts of all sorts of crime and terrorism, without death camps and mass extermination of humans because that is wrong. A SS guard instead of the police instead of councillers would be better.

2006-12-16 03:06:53 · 24 answers · asked by G.T 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

and confront the b@stards or shall i leave it till they have gone and just kickoff with my neighbour ?

2006-12-16 03:01:05 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous in Civic Participation

A)Get everything they want
B)Do no real good
C)Use unethical tactics to achieve their goal
D)Always look out for the best interest of the public

I need help...and if you know...say a,b,c,or d and prove why.

2006-12-16 02:59:52 · 2 answers · asked by Phil the Yahoo! Answers Master 6 in Politics

Would it be a free, open society with freedoms of religion, speech, and press, and respect for all her citizens like Israel? Or would it be another fascist dictatorship like all the other Arab countries?

2006-12-16 02:59:10 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

2006-12-16 02:54:27 · 7 answers · asked by Ringo G. 4 in Politics

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