In the last minute of his speech, Governor Lamm wiped his brow.
Profound silence followed. Finally he said,. "Lastly, I would censor
Victor Hanson Davis's book "Mexifornia." His book is dangerous. It exposes
the plan to destroy America . If you feel America. deserves to be
destroyed, don't read that book."
> There was no applause. A chilling fear quietly rose like an ominous
cloud above every attendee at the conference. Every American in that
room knew that everything Lamm enumerated was proceeding methodically,
quietly, darkly, yet pervasively across the United States today.
Discussion is being suppressed. Over 100 languages are ripping the foundation
of our educational system and national cohesiveness. Even barbaric
cultures that practice female genital mutilation are growing as we celebrate
'diversity.' American jobs are vanishing into the Third World as
corporations create a Third World in America - take note of California and
other states - to date, ten million illegal aliens and growing fast. It
is reminiscent of George Orwell's book "1984." In that story, three
slogans are engraved in the Ministry of Truth building: "War is peace,"
"Freedom is slavery," and "Ignorance is strength."
> Governor Lamm walked back to his seat. It dawned on everyone at the
conference that our nation and the future of this great democracy is
deeply in trouble and worsening fast. If we don't get this immigration
monster stopped within three years, it will rage like a California
wildfire and destroy everything in its path especially The American Dream.
5 answers
asked by
harmony moon