Thats much like saying if a tree falls in the forest and if no one is around does it make a sound?
I would say its a frame of mind a person could use to vindicate a questionable action.
Regardless doing somethign illegal is illegal.... but if no one other than yourself is around when you do it the only person who is guilty is yourself
2006-12-14 11:44:25
answer #1
answered by lethander_99 4
I am pro choice for the same reason that I'm pro second amendment. I find the consequences of those positions less disgusting and scary than a government that would usurp those rights by force. While I find the prospect of destroying a fetus in the womb reprehensible, I would not want to live in a nation where a woman is forced to have a baby at the point of a gun. When it comes down to it, everyone has their own opinion on the value of a fetus at various stages of development. Some people believe that as soon as the gamete is formed there is a soul there too that needs protecting. Others believe that once a mother decides she doesn't want a baby that organism becomes a parasite feeding off her body. And, obviously, there is an entire spectrum in between. With such vastly dissenting opinions from anyone you meet, is it right to legislate one way or the other? What makes one opinion more valid than the next? I applaud your for applying rational thought to the issue. And I believe that you are correct. Making abortion completely illegal will only result in increased hanger sales. Kevin, why don't you ever choose a best answer? You always let it go into voting which is weak. Do you even read the answers you receive?
2016-05-24 06:26:40
answer #2
answered by Anonymous
Well, someone who TRULY believes in that phrase may be someone who doesn't have a strong sense of morality. Some people choose not to do bad things simply bc they don't want to get caught, not bc they really care that it's wrong.
Some people choose not to do bad things because they really believe it is wrong to do, and they have a moral and upright character and are guided by their conscience.
The idea that "it's only illegal if you get caught" implies that people are controlled more by social pressure, laws, and fear than by conscience and a naturally upright and honest character.
It's also something people joke about sometimes. Like you might hear someone laughingly say, "Sure, I'd rob a bank in a second if I wouldn't get caught!"
The fact that there are laws in place, and a fear of the law, allows people to make this joke, bc they would NEVER actually do it. But what if there were no laws? Or what if it was guaranteed that you wouldn't get caught? Would he really do it? It's kind of a scary thought... something we don't necessarily want to seriously think about. Because that would be exploring this other deviant, possibly wicked side of us that we pretty much keep under control and may not even be consciously aware of...
2006-12-14 11:49:55
answer #3
answered by Anonymous
After world war 11 they held the "Nuremberg Trails" They very carefully picked what was a crime and wasn't, Nazi's bombing the crap out of civilians in London and Coventry was not a crime because the Allies did way more of bombing civilians, STRATEGIC LY. At one point they they were going to hang one German for sinking a sub or something then his defence pointed out a case of allied forces doing same thing, so that was dropped, no longer a crime. The prosecutors at the time came to realize that basically what was going on was who ever wins sets the laws, and that would be true no matter how many wars are fought, but with nukes in play they really wanted a sincere try at peace.
Cynics feel the same about moral behaviour, but really I believe the universal goal to to aim for is " Is the way I would want to be Treated? you know ,do on to others.
2006-12-14 12:00:42
answer #4
answered by mary57whalen 5
The legality of something is the real question. Not everyone is caught breaking the law. The concept is that you as an individual have The right to chose whether or not to follow the laws. Not all laws are just, so that is why we are a notion now: We fought against British tyranny.
Basically, it might be advisable that one should not do ANYTHING that makes you feel uncomfortable.
2006-12-14 11:47:33
answer #5
answered by Legandivori 7
Have you ever heard the saying, "If a tree falls in the forest, does anybody hear?" This runs along the same lines; basically saying that just because something happens, doesn't necessarily mean anyone knows/cares about it, because they didn't know it happened. In essence, something may be illegal, but some people believe the law is only being broken if it affects someone or someone else notices it.
2006-12-14 11:46:23
answer #6
answered by phil98z24 1
It's just a saying, mostly used when committing a crime where the chances of anyone knowing you committed the crime are very small. It might also be used when the punishment for a crime is very minor, compared to the reward of getting away away with it. Unfortunately, a lot of people who try to live be this philosophy often misjudge what crime they're going to be charged with and end up paying dearly. Good Luck!
2006-12-14 11:58:05
answer #7
answered by Anonymous
It's kind of like traffic laws only applying when there are other cars on the road.
2006-12-14 11:44:02
answer #8
answered by Anonymous
It's like saying "I'm going to commit a crime now, pretend you don't see it." It's wrong.
2006-12-14 11:42:15
answer #9
answered by Kodoku Josei 4
it means ...if nobody knows u did it does that still make it wrong? the answer depends on wat ud o.....if nobody ever knows u killed ur neighbor but u still did it ....its wrong but if u just ran a red light ...no1 harm done....its not wrong it depneds on weather or not sombody else got hurt in the process.
2006-12-14 11:43:23
answer #10
answered by Anonymous