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Politics & Government - 8 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

In Canada for example, Walmart and Canadian Tire learned they were actually offending the majority, and now have the word CHRISTMAS everywhere in their ads and promotion. Many companies do not, and still say "season" or "holiday". Staff can now say Merry Christmas. Imagine. I and countless others this year, refuse to buy from any store that wants to profit off Christmas but won't acknowledge Christmas.

2006-12-08 06:14:46 · 19 answers · asked by unfinished_adolescent 4 in Law & Ethics

This in in response to a silly question. I think it is time for Americans to act like Americans and speaking out on this subject seems like a good beginning to me

2006-12-08 06:13:24 · 18 answers · asked by tigerlilliebuick 3 in Politics

Many new Democrats elected ran on moderate or conservative platforms. But many say the Democrat leadership is liberal.

So, will the election of the Democrats result in more "liberal" immigration laws? Or not?

Yes, Bush and many Republicans already favor loosening the laws.

To the extent the American electorate does not, what are they to do?

2006-12-08 06:11:43 · 8 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Politics

I have a copy of the trust, will, and the original title. I was told that if my Mother "Funded the trust" that the Trust would be effective and I could avoid probate. As far as I can tell, she did everything she had to.
How does the executor go about disbursing the house in the trust? It goes to her two daughters, the executor and I. My mother died almost 6 years ago and I'm trying to figure this out, because the executor has not acted on anything. I need this house in my name ASAP or I will soon lose it. Thanks in advance.

2006-12-08 06:11:42 · 5 answers · asked by lilmissess 2 in Law & Ethics

ages 16-18

2006-12-08 06:11:04 · 4 answers · asked by twikiruk 1 in Law & Ethics

Why is it that bush keeps defying the people of our country?First he lied to our country about wmd,then lied about mission accomplished ,Lied about how the iraq war was developing.still reads off of a card?And doesnt do a thing for the majority of people in our country.If he doesnt have direct talks with iran about solving the chaos in the middle east and keeps spending billions of dollars of your money on his hopeless cause , do you think he should be impeached?

2006-12-08 06:10:04 · 7 answers · asked by WHEREISJUSTICE 2 in Politics

say your country, province/state, city

2006-12-08 06:09:42 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

What are my tenant rights to break my lease? (I live in San Francisco)?
I entered a 1-year lease on the basis it was a non-smoking building, but many other tenants smoke. I complained to my manager and he immediately posted no smoking signs around the building and sent a notice letter to each tenant that no smoking's allowed in tenants' units and building's common areas. The tenants ignored the letter and continue to smoke and it's been negatively affecting my health (eye irritation, congested chest, difficulty breathing). The smoking's so bad, I bought an air purifier and weatherstripped my door to help clean the air. However, the common area's so congested with bad air I feel sick everytime I enter the building. I've made another complaint to my landlord that the smoking hasn't stopped and I'm awaiting his response.

If smoking's banned in the building, why do people smoke anyway? Anyway, if people don't stop smoking and the landlord fails to do anything about it, then I need to

2006-12-08 06:08:54 · 8 answers · asked by Ebones 2 in Law & Ethics

for allowing people to celebrate christmas.
Its against the ACLU.

2006-12-08 06:07:11 · 18 answers · asked by Chunky & Lumpy 1 in Politics

a burgler can sue you if the dog attacks him or he falls down the stairs. Has there been a succesful case? if so which please link it

2006-12-08 06:04:58 · 7 answers · asked by aligrespeq 3 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-08 06:02:03 · 5 answers · asked by sabrina 3 in Other - Politics & Government

i have a friend that mite be going to fed prison can u tell me what they r like and what to expect! she is very scared and confused since she has never been in trouble before

2006-12-08 06:01:59 · 3 answers · asked by lolly 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

My friend has been called up for jury duty (UK). As she is currently part way through her teaching degree, by attending the jury service she will fail her course and have to re-do the entire year. She has explained this to the jury people (as has the headteacher she answers to) but they have refused to do anything.

The thing is, I was called up a few years back and I had the option to defer the service on the basis that they could recall me anytime in the next year and I would be unable to defer again. But they aren't allowing her to do this.

Is there anything she can do? It's stupid of the Government to say we need teachers but then delay the training of one by a year for no good reason.

2006-12-08 06:01:51 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Are the any american patriots that love this country and there children enough to unite together for the good of our citizens freedom and liberty for our children and thier children to bring our government back under control of the people instead of the people controlled by government .Our government violates the governing documents of our nation they are sworn by law to honor and obey to victemize and rob american citizens of thier money and freedom and liberty .Its time to unite america and demand our legislators and elected officials honor and obey the documents of this free nation they have sworn an oath to uphold for the good of all citizens not just the rich and special intrest groups .If you agree email me at patriot4liberty@excite.com .We have a responsibility to future generations of americans
To leave them the same freedom and liberty and quality of life our grandparents left us

2006-12-08 06:01:40 · 5 answers · asked by dollars2burn4u 4 in Law & Ethics

A piece Of wood 2 Inches By 4 Inches in the head AND the ankle :D
Also if you where wondering all the police within 200 Miles are stupid potheads Also i stole the bullys money and gave all of the Wimps their share back :D Also the Guide to get to jail here Kill Someone (NO) Shoot a cops tires (YES)

2006-12-08 06:00:32 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

2006-12-08 05:59:19 · 25 answers · asked by bill b 1 in Military

Why is it that georgie w.can try to sell our ports to a middle eastern country and yet will not have any direct talks with iran.Iran is willing to sit down and try to figure a way to work with our country yet our so called leader will not have the dignity and respect for our country and do this.He has plenty of friends in saudi arabia,where the muslim holy land of mecca is located.

2006-12-08 05:58:59 · 9 answers · asked by WHEREISJUSTICE 2 in Politics

A piece Of wood 2 Inches By 4 Inches in the head AND the ankle :D
Also if you where wondering all the police within 200 Miles are stupid potheads Also i stole the bullys money and gave all of the Wimps their share back :D

2006-12-08 05:58:23 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

This is not Democrats v. Republicans and their platforms. This is about voting for the person. So, assuming you would vote for a democrat, would you vote for Hilary Clinton? State why, one way or the other.

2006-12-08 05:57:39 · 23 answers · asked by Venice Girl 6 in Civic Participation

I know Clinton had more of a reputation for consulting a variety of sources while Bush more surrounds himself with people that agree with what he says, but do we have any examples. What questions were arisen for his 1992 budget plan? How did people within his administration question him?

Yes, this is for a homework assignment. :)

2006-12-08 05:56:22 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Can you pick what distrect or area you want to patrol or do they assign you to a certin area/distrect to patrol???

2006-12-08 05:55:03 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

Additionally, a full 100% of aborted children said they'd vote Republican, if they'd only been given a chance, of life and the right to choose their own destiny, even if it meant growing up in an orphanage, and being an adoptee to some loving family.

2006-12-08 05:52:24 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Pretty amazing

2006-12-08 05:50:49 · 9 answers · asked by _DestroyingAngel_ 3 in Politics

At first, they said he died due to enemy gunfire.

Were they just confused?

2006-12-08 05:50:11 · 6 answers · asked by Tiny 2 in Other - Politics & Government

More and more frequently, the British Army is subject to investigation for various reasons. From a fatal shooting of a terrorist to a basic theft, however it is the Army itself that does the investigating. Should this be the case?

2006-12-08 05:48:38 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

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