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Politics & Government - 7 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Any military operation comes with an "endstate." An endstate is a set of conditions that Soldiers and leaders use to judge, in essence, when their job is done.

What do you feel the endstate is in Iraq? What conditions should exist before we withdaw our Soldiers from this conflict?

2006-12-07 02:34:47 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

2006-12-07 02:34:41 · 15 answers · asked by Mrs. Bond gurl 2 in Immigration

Is it right that Gordon Brown steps into number 10, without being voted there???

people (stupidly) voted for Blair. so when he steps aside, he should not have Brown take over, ther should be an election.
surely this is an abuse of privelige and goes against our rights as voters.

2006-12-07 02:34:41 · 15 answers · asked by dooglepuff 3 in Politics

It seems the Democrats have a jolly time laughing at there own partys snafu. The Rebuplicans take it so serious they don't enjoy the right to shake there heads and laugh with the rest of us. Lighten up enjoy the show! Anyone else notice this?

2006-12-07 02:33:32 · 1 answers · asked by edubya 5 in Politics

Every holiday the prices soar prior to statistically high use week ends, before....imagine that. Every holiday weekend, oh thats right we had a commision look into it and its all good. nevermind. Knowbody cares.

2006-12-07 02:33:32 · 4 answers · asked by Muz 1 in Politics

I seem to worry about things a lot, mostly daft things but it keeps me awake all night sometimes. I'm having a legal dispute with a builder just now and everytime theres a development I just cant stop thinking about it.
My job involves enforcement and issuing fines etc. and while I'm on the job I take **** from no-one, but later worry about how they feel (even though they got themselves into the situation).
I've even worried about some of the folk on 'Answers' who are going through a hard time.
How can I stop this and toughen up?

2006-12-07 02:30:43 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

why do you think this goverment wont give us the human right to have a democratic vote on the death penalty in britain

2006-12-07 02:30:23 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Don't you think we could mitigate much of the hate by dividing the country into two nations, one could be all the states that voted for Bush and the other would be the states that voted for Kerry. Then we could all be happy and live in peace. But what to call the two new countries?

2006-12-07 02:29:58 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

i just turned 16 and want to enlist in the navy but can i still join after being stuck in a psych ward for depression and cutting for a week in houston cypress creek hostpital

2006-12-07 02:28:13 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

The only way to lower crime and prison costs is to make prison a place that no one wants to go.
Way too many rights are given to convicts. Prison should not be a rehabilitation instatute it should be for PUNISHMENT. Only the very basic needs should be met. Food, clothing and basic hygene are all one needs to survive. Make prison a place where no one wants to go and rehabilitatable people will not return.
No right to vote, file a lawsuit, lift weights, recieve gifts, television or physical contact with anyone on the outside.
Take away these privileges and limit who wants to go to jail. While in prison you should do something for society for free. Something people pay for with taxes that can be done by prisoners.
All surveys cost analyze through administration costs. They fail to analyze the cost of frivilous lawsuits by prisoners and all of the cost due to prisoners privileges.
What do you think?

2006-12-07 02:27:56 · 11 answers · asked by mindfreak 2 in Law & Ethics


2006-12-07 02:27:08 · 9 answers · asked by dawn s 1 in Law & Ethics

Please! Thank you!

2006-12-07 02:25:33 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Someone told me this today. Is is true?

2006-12-07 02:22:42 · 6 answers · asked by Susan 2 in Law & Ethics

when u take china,japan,korea ,vietenam,malasiya and singapore developed well compared to indian sub continent , even sub continent got their freedom in 1950's still they cant provide food for all the people.why.what is the big difference.

2006-12-07 02:21:35 · 4 answers · asked by kiran 1 in Government

i try to apply for support financially but i was told that am not entitile to public fund can i get advise from anyone on wat to do. i try to get rid of the baby but it was too late.

2006-12-07 02:20:28 · 35 answers · asked by Bose J 1 in Immigration

Troops have to bolt scrap metal to humvees for armor, troops are being killed and wounded because they don't adequate body armor, and now the army isn't supplying enough silly string to detect mines? In the country leading the world in military spending and spending ginormous amounts of money in Iraq? And somehow it's the people that want to bring the troops home that are accused of not supporting them? Am I missing something or is this truly "bass ackwards."

They should at least bring Rumsfeld back so they can fire him again.

2006-12-07 02:20:02 · 11 answers · asked by Chris D 4 in Military

It is said, our soldiers want to stay in Iraq until the job is done. They can't bear being home while their brothers are still in harm's way. Do you believe this? Or is it propoganda from the war machine?

2006-12-07 02:19:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I know that bio Steel armor is based on using a compound similar to that of spider webs and it is being mass produced by causing goats to produce milk containing the same substances. Also, that this advancement is being used currently to coat kevlar making it even stronger and resistant to stab attacks. Many soldiers can tell you that the body armor being used in Iraq is offers inadequate protection and is heavy. Supposedly this Bio Steel Armor is 4 times stronger than kevlar and much lighter. This could save hundreds of lives. When will this be available and how can someone get it?

2006-12-07 02:18:03 · 3 answers · asked by Chris B 1 in Military

I know someone who has a fake green cards.. and he thinks he big shot making money with someone else's identity and a fake green card and social security.

2006-12-07 02:16:48 · 15 answers · asked by spriege 4 in Immigration

From all sides of every political and religous spectrum? Ignore 100%

2006-12-07 02:16:37 · 20 answers · asked by Sue b 1 in Other - Politics & Government

and while i'm at it, these lightbulbs have been around for at least a decade, if governments are serious about saving the environment, why aren't they in general use already, subsidising their use or making them compulsory?

2006-12-07 02:16:36 · 9 answers · asked by Psichore 1 in Law & Ethics

im really just looking for somthing short, a way to pay for college and make some cash on the side while i work a full time job after highschool. It's really about the money and i care more about my social life, like partying and hanging out

2006-12-07 02:15:41 · 8 answers · asked by ? 1 in Military

Is there an (easy) way for me, the sole surviving sibling with deceased parents, to find out where/if my brother had insurance policies? His untimely death has thrown me into a "tizzy." I do not live in either the town or the state where he died and know very little information about this. Rummaging through his "packrat" apartment on the day of his memorial service for a couple hours turned up very little. Other than a trip across the country, where and what are my best resources? Also, how do we (me and my husband) find out about death benefits from any associations he belonged to?

2006-12-07 02:15:07 · 4 answers · asked by U-man 3 in Law & Ethics

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