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Politics & Government - 4 December 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Today, I resigned. I feel that the employees know that I told on them...for this reason, I resigned today. The area manager was shocked...I told him that he would find out later, but I could not talk to him because Pete, one of the managers who does drugs while working, was there and other employees that are just like him. The HR manager wants details...I just want to move on. WHAT DO I SAY OR DO?

2006-12-04 13:38:17 · 7 answers · asked by johnny33 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

most polticians come from stabble and rich backgrounds they dont know what really goes on in the real world . should we have new rules for them before they can stand for elections ? like let them live on a council estate for one year or let them work in a minimum wage job for one year.then let them stand for election. let them see how the majority of the live before they make disitions for us.

2006-12-04 13:35:23 · 21 answers · asked by rocco s 2 in Government

Should it be Legalized?

2006-12-04 13:35:06 · 9 answers · asked by ROWDY 1 in Law & Ethics

Please don't just list the Ten Commandments:
-thou shalt not ...blah blah blah

2006-12-04 13:34:23 · 3 answers · asked by indian_gogirl 2 in Law & Ethics

hi. i am a junior in high school. i recently took the ASVAB test and scored a 96 for my Military Entrance Score (AFQT). apparently, this is an incredibly high score and i was advised to look into/consider a career in the military, something i had never considered before. my other score in the career exploration and asvab test categories were also quite impressive. i have decided to begin looking into such a future and was wondering if anyone here had any advice to give me in my pursuing a military career. what steps can i take in looking into what i can do based on my score.. good websites etc. and how do i go about contacting a local military recruiter? thanks a lot..

2006-12-04 13:32:58 · 14 answers · asked by ♥_mrs.smith 4 in Military

Alright, i am a 15 year old girl, and my boyfriend is 21 (he just turned 21) but i am pregnant, and the cops found out about me and him and the age difference, and he might go to jail for Statutory rape, we haven't gotten any news yet, but my parents were fine with me and him once they found out we were expecting a baby, i just need some info on the statutory rape law in PA, and like how long he could go to jail for n all that, just things like that.. please please!!

thank you
Michila Noell.

2006-12-04 13:32:08 · 4 answers · asked by Michila Noell 2 in Law & Ethics

Alright, i am a 15 year old girl, and my boyfriend is 21 (he just turned 21) but i am pregnant, and the cops found out about me and him and the age difference, and he might go to jail for Statutory rape, we haven't gotten any news yet, but my parents were fine with me and him once they found out we were expecting a baby, i just need some info on the statutory rape law in PA, and like how long he could go to jail for n all that, just things like that.. please please!!

thank you
Michila Noell.

2006-12-04 13:31:02 · 5 answers · asked by Michila Noell 2 in Law & Ethics

2006-12-04 13:29:57 · 11 answers · asked by fordmustang32 1 in Law & Ethics

do the wages get taxed and are the airports safe?

2006-12-04 13:27:39 · 5 answers · asked by gcman 1 in Embassies & Consulates

Sunnis and Shiites clearly want to kill each other, maybe even more than they want to kill the infidels. They can't devote all of their Jihadist energy on us when they are busy fighting over who will rule the caliphate.

Iraqis had a chance at a democratically elected government. But obviously, democracy and Islam are like oil and water. Maybe we should step back and let them sort it out. Maybe after enough muslim on muslim killing, all of the imams, clerics, ayatollahs, and mullahs will sit down and have their version of a Vatican Council or Reformation, and learn how to practice their religion while being tolerant of the rest of the world.

2006-12-04 13:26:32 · 8 answers · asked by thealligator414 3 in Politics

I want to contribute to the military. I have some skills that would be beneficial. I have issues with leaving my children for training and if I am deployed. Are there alot of single mothers in the service?? I feel I will be abandoning my children. Is it normal to feel this way or should I just not enlist??? I feel it is my duty to supply our needs now and for the future. If I am stationed in the states, how long will it be before I can bring them with me?? Is it difficult for a single mother to bring her children with her to live overseas?? I know in some countries I wont be able to.. Please help in this matter. I would like to know all of the details. If there are some single mothers that are in the military please respond...Thank you so much. Your response will be greatly appreciated.

2006-12-04 13:20:57 · 18 answers · asked by texaslady78 2 in Military

To be more specific I recieved two tickets, one for going 83 in a 65, and the other for driving without a license, both infractions. I need to know how long before i get my court date in the mail, so i can get the mail before somebody else does. Thanks!

2006-12-04 13:20:29 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

I'm sure you people have a viable excuse for each of these incidents:

There are the money bribing scandals, lobbyist scandals, Mark Foley Scandal, abandoned report on the Foley Scandal after one was promised by the House Ethics Committee, no help for Katrina victims in New Orleans, procrastination of the illegal immigration issue and the real reasons behind it (the fence has no way to be paid for), unreported pre-9/11 Intelligence failures, the administration fighting against an independent CIA 9/11 Commissions Report Group, false CIA-unapproved reports by the president that Saddam had been purchasing nuclear materials from Africa, misleading the American public about the condition of wars for years, abandoning the hunt for Osama after he was already cornered in Tora Bora, failure to even attempt a course change after vowing to do so, Halliburton involvement scandals (secret oil extraction programs still going on today), secret prisons such as Abu Ghraib, destruction of the Habeas Corpus, the Mission Accomplished speech, NSA illegal wire-tapping program…etc.

2006-12-04 13:18:35 · 9 answers · asked by Careless Leaders Suck! 1 in Other - Politics & Government

I just found out that Im going to have to take a permanent profile is goint to affect me for concideration for Warrant Officer (nonflight)

2006-12-04 13:14:27 · 4 answers · asked by moore_d_d 1 in Military

2006-12-04 13:13:24 · 7 answers · asked by G Rey 1 in Government

I am interested in seeing some specific paperwork that was given to me months ago by my landlord and cannot find it. I'm having quite a bit of difficulty with them on several different levels and would like to see the entire file and possibly make copies. Does anyone know if they are required to show me or can they legally not allow me to? I reside in VA. Thanks in advance for any advice you can offer on this.

2006-12-04 13:11:05 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Almost all other countries close for 2 weeks plus everyone gets vacation. Would you support a bill That gives us 5 national Holidays only allowing emergency support staffs to work? What holidays would you recomend these are mine.
Thanksgiving-New Years Day-Fourth of July-Memorial Day-Election Day.

2006-12-04 13:08:46 · 19 answers · asked by ? 6 in Civic Participation

Please be honest and serious

2006-12-04 13:05:36 · 18 answers · asked by boognish 2 in Politics

When our governments nolonger look after the people of their own nation but for others for their own financial gain, would you support a civil revolution to remove the trash that has taken over our nations?

2006-12-04 13:05:09 · 7 answers · asked by Earth 2 in Other - Politics & Government

please email me if you are a skip tracer I would very much like to get into skip tracing.

2006-12-04 12:58:48 · 1 answers · asked by Stephen 2 in Law Enforcement & Police

husband is a civil servant on a base and they say it is mandatory for him to work on sundays even though he has been there 4 years and never worked a sunday and gave them wriitten notice of that in 2002.

2006-12-04 12:57:45 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

My husband is an E-5 in the Marines. We are not able to have a baby. I have a friend who is willing to carry a child for us, but I am concerned about the costs. We have tri-care, but will tri-care take care of my friend if she is our surrogate? She is not in the military. I cannot find any info. on this type of situation....

2006-12-04 12:56:56 · 10 answers · asked by ilih2006 1 in Military

This mask is black and covers the head and the mouth, it is longer than a ski mask. You sometimes see officers wearing them on Cops etc..

2006-12-04 12:56:18 · 8 answers · asked by LRP 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

The MCA says non-citizens, as well as citizens, can be held indefinitely. This is an UN-AMERICAN law which will be overturned if appealed. No doubt about it.

2006-12-04 12:56:12 · 7 answers · asked by Careless Leaders Suck! 1 in Other - Politics & Government

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