I am pretty sure that America is not ready for Obama and that many people would go as far as move to Canada and to Europe to be out of the US as protest to a minority being elected president. I think that would happen, there would be mass demonstrations (openly based in his expierence but secretly based on something else) Clinton bashing-esque type of behavior. I think that many senators would resign and many (right wing) people would resort to civil disobedience to turn the country upside down. Its a bit dramatic but assasanation is not out of the question for figures whose politics they did not agree with. People like like Ronald Regan, The Pope, JFK, Martn Luther King, Medgar Evers heck, even John Lennon. I don't think we are out of the age of assasination, we just have not had a big enough target. Bush would seem like an obvious target but the individuals/groups doing the assassinating probably agree with his politics. It would be like shooting thier brother.
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