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Politics & Government - 20 November 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

my son is going to go to school down there, but needs to pay for first semester before he can get student visa

2006-11-20 12:27:26 · 4 answers · asked by cantinkerus 2 in Immigration


2006-11-20 12:27:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

like they cannot ask everybody in the town or place or every subject
to fill in so how can they be accurate

2006-11-20 12:23:50 · 2 answers · asked by Uganda 1 in Other - Politics & Government

Okay so people think he has more than his share of political blunders running the country. I won't argue there, but does that make him a moron? Is it due to his speaking blunders? He got 1206 on his SAT's. Let's focus on his intellectual capacity.

Don't people use the stupid label too often, don't they?

2006-11-20 12:20:44 · 17 answers · asked by Action 4 in Politics

Or did they vote against Republicans?

2006-11-20 12:20:27 · 13 answers · asked by slippped 7 in Politics

...that everyone revolted against?

2006-11-20 12:19:23 · 11 answers · asked by slippped 7 in Politics

I don't want a dictionary definition but an overview of what you see democracy as and what it means to you.

2006-11-20 12:16:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Judge Michael Johnson just sentenced an 89 year old man to ONLY five yerars probation for driving his car at freeway speeds into a crowd of people at a farmer's market and killing 10 of them while injuring 70+ others. He stated that it would serve no purpose to jail him while his health was failing him. --Not even house arrest! Sheesh!

I am stunned at this ruling. I believe that this man should have been made an example of, reminding ALL SENIORS that when you can no longer tie your own shoes and your motor skills are worse than a person with a blood alcohol level of .08 or more, then you need to give up the wheel and start taking public transit!

At the same token, I believe this would have served the younger generation well to know that we need to step up to the plate and drive these people ourselves in order to keep them off our streets.

With our Senior population exploding before our eyes, we need to ACT NOW or we will have a lot more accidents like this in the near future!

2006-11-20 12:14:39 · 9 answers · asked by NONAME 4 in Law & Ethics

-i've heard that palestine is not a country... how then are they at war with israel? or is palestine more like the al-Qaida?

2006-11-20 12:14:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

Why is The United States so great and powerful? Why are we the worlds greatest nation in the history of nations? Why has no one been able to achieve what we have? Folks our wonderful America will it forever be a world within a world? The United States , Why? can no one come close to greatness? Why are we ascending and Europe is falling apart? Folks , Why not stand up and praise the mighty american state! Why not realize even as citizens we are masters of the world?

2006-11-20 12:12:38 · 19 answers · asked by Imperial American 1 in Civic Participation

I think its the M4 rifle, but i heard about some like XM-29 rifle...

2006-11-20 12:10:14 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

2006-11-20 12:08:59 · 10 answers · asked by squigle_pop 1 in Government

Allowing Diabetics to Join? I personally have asked to join every branch of the military and the same rejection that because I am Insulin Dependant Diabetic, I am unfit to serve my country.

2006-11-20 12:08:20 · 15 answers · asked by Jake 2 in Military

How about rounding up all people from all countries who do not belong here and are undocumented and sending them home? How would you solve this problem that threatens our national security? How far should we go to solve this problem? I heard there are radical Muslims coming in over our borders and waiting to do us harm? If this is true, what should be done and how soon can we afford to wait?

2006-11-20 12:07:27 · 36 answers · asked by Marie 7 in Immigration

2006-11-20 12:02:24 · 14 answers · asked by Imperial American 1 in Military

If you had to choose liberty vs. security what would you choose? You have to give me a reason for your answer too. :)

2006-11-20 12:02:09 · 10 answers · asked by venus 1 in Law & Ethics

And will never achieve the utopian socialist society that they so long for. The EU will never become a super power like the vast american nation.

2006-11-20 12:00:53 · 6 answers · asked by Imperial American 1 in Politics

What if a person in one state was sueing a person in another state, but the laws in the two different states were different? How would the judge make the decision on who gets what they wanted?

2006-11-20 11:58:58 · 3 answers · asked by just fine 2 in Law & Ethics

Could anyone even think he would have a chance? Would you vote for Howard Dean in the primary's if he is running against Hillary? Is there a choice in there someplace?

2006-11-20 11:58:07 · 17 answers · asked by daydoom 5 in Politics

My bf and I, were at his primary physicians office for complaints of him feeling dizzy. Before the doctor could actually see him, while we were waiting he got up to ask if he could rest on a bed or cot instead of sitting down and as he was asking this of the nurse/staff personel, he fainted and slid down onto the floor. They took it upon themselves to call 911 for an ambulance, and I said "I can drive him thats hundreds of dollars!" They said "We already made the call" SHE WAS still on the phone and had only called 5 seconds ago- they arrived and took him to the hospital and now we get a bill for $800 for the AMBULANCE services. WHAT the hell is this? I informed them that I could take him myself and now we have this bill? Granted I havent mailed off proff of insurance yet, I only got it today, but when he has gone before in an ambulance we never got a bill, at all for it. NOTHING. Are we responsible for this when THEY took it upon themselves to call an ambulance despite my words

2006-11-20 11:56:28 · 12 answers · asked by . S 3 in Law & Ethics

Do you think the Muslim population will pose a threat to national security once their numbers become many? Do you think they are coming in illigally over the borders? Or are most peace loving and come here legally?

2006-11-20 11:55:34 · 24 answers · asked by Marie 7 in Immigration

2006-11-20 11:53:29 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law Enforcement & Police

whats the difference between the federal government and local government?

2006-11-20 11:52:33 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

Today, retiring GOP lawmakers decided NOT to complete passing all of the budget initiatives that were supposed to be done by October 1st. Already two months late, they decided to pass another continuing resolution and leave the budget to the Democrats. They have a lot of reasons. Some are doing it just to give the Dems something to disrupt their takeover plans. Some are doing it because the current budget it loaded with pork and they don't want to take responsibilty for it.

What's your opinion? Should the current Congress have finished up the work they were supposed to do? Or is it OK, or even better, to hand that work off to the incoming Democrats?


2006-11-20 11:50:33 · 15 answers · asked by Chredon 5 in Politics

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