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How about rounding up all people from all countries who do not belong here and are undocumented and sending them home? How would you solve this problem that threatens our national security? How far should we go to solve this problem? I heard there are radical Muslims coming in over our borders and waiting to do us harm? If this is true, what should be done and how soon can we afford to wait?

2006-11-20 12:07:27 · 36 answers · asked by Marie 7 in Politics & Government Immigration

36 answers

knock on every door demand a birth certificat, green card, passport, whatever... if you cant prove you belong here you get kicked out. STOP GIVING THEM WELFARE AND SUCH BENIFITS THEY DIDNT PUT IN FOR!!!!!!

2006-11-20 12:10:50 · answer #1 · answered by TJ815 4 · 5 1

How about doing the right thing, and addressing the legal issues that have brought the entire situation about to begin with? 20 years of enforcement and policy negligence aren't going to be made up overnight, this is a big problem, needs to be handled well, and professionally, and frankly it might be time to consider just shutting off immigration for 10 years. People wanna come work for a year or something, sure, but they gotta leave when the time's up.

The facts need to be put on the table, and carefully examined, and appropriate and effective remedies and resolutions reached, and institute the reforms necessary to prevent future illegal immigration, but nothing violent, nothing knee-jerk, nothing ignorant and so forth. You don't need a goon squad to settle civil matters, what you need is informed citizen involvement, and international co-operation and participation. So, put down the billy-club, there, and slowly back away...

Things like illegal immigration hardly happen in a vacuum. Someone somewhere's making a buck. Find out who it is that's profiting by it, deprive them of their incentive to do what they've been doing, and the problem will start to solve itself. I'm for putting ALL the facts about immigration and illegal immigration on the table, for as wide and broad a public review as humanly possible. They talk about 'global communities' and so forth, well immigration and illegal immigration are now global issues. If we want to show 'leadership' on this issue, then we need some top-flight answers to it all. I don't think that's impossible, not by any means. But, I also feel that caving to special-interest groups and money pressures is not the way to go. If, for example, the lettuce farmers or whatever say 'we just can't live without our foreign workers', then by all means invite them to 'outsource' themselves to the country where they like the laborers better than in the United States.

Fines, and penalties will also go a long way towards reforming unlawful practices. If you fined a company, say, 10,000 dollars per instance of discovering they had illegal workers, they'd be a lot more careful not to hire people illegally to begin with.

Clarity. When other countries understand that we've gotten serious about the issue, they'll start being better partners on it.

Simple stuff, won't even really cost all that much, just gotta think the whole business through, and then work with all the states together to figure out the best answers, and get the job done.
When other countries, such as Mexico, decide it's time to have their own civic initiatives to nail down immigration problems, start giving their citizens some real incentive to try and stick it out at home, then we'll be REALLY making progress, I think...
Also, 'undocumented workers' etc. is liberal soft-speak, 'illegal alien' is the accurate way to express it. Breaking the law is still breaking the law, better to describe it accurately.

2006-11-20 13:09:11 · answer #2 · answered by gokart121 6 · 1 0

The first issue should be to control our borders. I am sure that by far the vast majority of illegal immigrants come here looking for work and a better life, but we don't know who is sneaking across. After our borders are secure, then we can decide whether to deport or not. The law needs to be changed that makes an illegal alien's child a citizen because it is born here. That might take a constitutional amendment.
It would be a big job to identify, round up, and deport 10 million people. Better to remove their reasons for being here and let them go home as they see fit.

2006-11-20 12:17:16 · answer #3 · answered by plezurgui 6 · 1 0

We should go ALL the way, first by not electing liberals like the New Mexico, House Rep. Hector H. Balderas, (liberals voted him in last election) who voted nay on border control. Then we send the soldier's, police, Minutemen, and other American volunteer's, trained to know what real documentation is, all over USA, house to house, and in the bushes, and start making arrests. It may take a few years, but worth it. Put the National Guard on the border to protect us from any new illegals entering. Put a stop to all incoming traffic of foreigners until the situation is resolved (not including business people, and President's of other countries, and their managerie's)

2006-11-20 12:31:13 · answer #4 · answered by xenypoo 4 · 2 0

We have already waited way too long now. It should be every employers main goal not to hire anyone who cannot prove they are legally in this country and that would help to slow down the illegals from coming here. Maybe even a few of them would return on their own and then maybe we could start deporting them as they are discovered. Securing our border needs to be the top priority first.

2006-11-20 12:13:14 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 0

Yes! There is nothing wrong with legal immigration when people go thru the proper channels to live here. But those coming over illegally are already breaking the law here the second they set foot on US soil. Whats gonna stop them from breaking more?

2006-11-20 12:15:40 · answer #6 · answered by DominusNox 2 · 3 0

When ever citizens try to do something to curb this problem, the government steps in to stop them,even though they are doing it in a peaceful non violent way. This is the extent of politics out of control, and adhearing to PC for the assumed vote. We are in affect helpless to do anything about it, as voting is too long a time to wait, and very unsure of who to get to champion the cause.

2006-11-20 12:24:36 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Nobody can stop all illegal immigration, not even with a fence (unless you put the entire US miltary on the Mexican border). Any radical muslim that gets into the US is immediately reported by US citizens. They are now (post 9/11) easily tracted by the FBI & police if they enter the US. It would be next to imposible to deport the millions of illegal immigrants in the US right now.

2006-11-20 12:16:41 · answer #8 · answered by Anonymous · 0 3

NO, if we pulled all 12 million illegals right now, it would be a devastating blow to our economy, if would hurt us more then it would help us, especially in the fruit and meat industry.

We do need to secure our borders, from radical islamists though

The mexicans are a problem, but they are not TERRORISTS, like the radical muslims.

I'd rather speak spanish, then get bombed

2006-11-20 14:43:13 · answer #9 · answered by Anonymous · 0 1

I think Amsterdam should just take over the world... Then we'd all be citizens of the same country.

I say Amsterdamn, 'cause they have more freedom than our so called "Land of the Free"... More like "Free to control your life"

Well, I don't think we can stop people from coming into our country, and I don't think kicking them out is as easy as rounding up every single illegal immigrant and deporting them out... How would you know who has papers and who doesn't? I'm sure whenever an illegal immigrant is pulled over, they are deported (which is probably why they drive so damn slow!).

2006-11-20 12:15:38 · answer #10 · answered by Anonymous · 0 2


Get that through your heads! We are people just the same as you...we have families we are trying to support...People just talk a lot a **** and categorize us all...Hundreds of us die trying to find a better future for our families something we can't find in our homeland.
Seriously people do you think we like to be treated like animals? And being referred to as criminals and illegal Aliens? NO!

If President Bush represents all you Americans than I can see why there's so much ignorance!

2006-11-20 12:56:23 · answer #11 · answered by Licha 1 · 0 1

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