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-i've heard that palestine is not a country... how then are they at war with israel? or is palestine more like the al-Qaida?

2006-11-20 12:14:22 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics & Government Other - Politics & Government

16 answers

A group of people pretending to be a country.

"Palestinians" are an Arab invention designed solely to keep Israel and Jews out of the Middle East.

"You do not represent Palestine as much as we do. Never forget this one point: There is no such thing as a Palestinian People, there is no Palestinian entity, there is only Syria. You are an integral part of the Syrian people, Palestine is an integral part of Syria. Therefore it is we, the Syrian authorities, who are the true representatives of the Palestinian people." - Syrian President Hafez Assad

2006-11-20 12:23:12 · answer #1 · answered by Michael H 4 · 5 0

To answer your question there is a parallelism to the Palestinian and the Native Americans. When the Europeans came to America their where no Kings That owned all the land, but tribes that claimed it, and lived on it for thousands of years, according to the Mayan calender. It did not stop the Europeans of claiming it as the promise land. They killed off the Native Americans group by group, and took one piece at a time, and bunched all the tribes together in reservations. Now within the last 40 years native Americans have gotten equal rights, and if they wish to buy land they have all the freedom to do so. And work, own businesses, etc. I can only hope that that would happen to the Palestinians. I am not saying that the Jews do not have a right to be in the land that they originated from, but the Palestinians originated from their as well. I believe their blood line is more equivalent with the original Hebrews then the modern day immigrated Jew today.

2016-05-22 02:27:21 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

Palestine was among the several former Ottoman Arab territories.
From 1922 to 1947, large-scale Jewish immigration from abroad, mainly from Eastern Europe took place, the numbers swelling in the 1930s with the notorious Nazi persecution of Jewish populations. Palestinian demands for independence and resistance to Jewish immigration led to a rebellion in 1937, followed by continuing terrorism and violence from both sides during and immediately after World War II. Great Britain tried to implement various formulas to bring independence to a land ravaged by violence. In 1947, Great Britain in frustration turned the problem over to the United Nations.

After looking at various alternatives, the UN proposed the partitioning of Palestine into two independent States, one Palestinian Arab and the other Jewish, with Jerusalem internationalized (Resolution 181 (II) of 1947). One of the two States envisaged in the partition plan proclaimed its independence as Israel and in the 1948 war expanded to occupy 77 per cent of the territory of Palestine. Israel also occupied the larger part of Jerusalem. Over half the indigenous Palestinian population fled or were expelled.

And so on

2006-11-20 12:22:31 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 1 0

It would appear Palestine has been getting raking over the coals since World War 1 ..... if you want to try to understand Palestine's history read below and check out the link :

At the end of WW1, an Ottoman military government ruled Palestine. Turkish military governor ordered internment and deportation of all foreign nationals. A large number of Jews were Russian nationals. They had been able to enter Palestine as Russian nationals because of the concessions Turkey had granted to Russian citizens, and they had used this method to overcome restrictions on immigration. They had also maintained Russian citizenship to avoid being drafted into the Turkish army. Therefore, a large number of Jews were forced to flee Palestine during the war.

Britain and France planned to divide the Ottoman holdings in the Middle East among themselves after the war.Palestine to be under British rule, part to be placed under a joint Allied government, and for Syria and Lebanon to be given to the France.The Arabs, and many in the British government including T.E.Lawrence, believed that the Arabs had been short-changed by the British promise to give Syria to the French, and likewise by the promise of Palestine as a Jewish homeland. The Arabs claimed that Palestine was included in the area promised to them, but the British denied this.

The Balfour Declaration - In November 1917, before Britain had conquered Jerusalem and the area to be known as Palestine, Britain issued the Balfour Declaration. The declaration was a letter addressed to Lord Rothschild, based on a request of the Zionist organization in Great Britain. The declaration stated Britain's support for the creation of a Jewish national home in Palestine, without violating the civil and religious rights of the existing non-Jewish communities. The declaration was the result of lobbying by the small British Zionist movement, especially by Dr. Haim Weizmann, who had emigrated from Russia to Britain, but it was motivated by British strategic considerations. Paradoxically, perhaps, a major motivation for the declaration may have been the belief, inspired by anti-Semitism, that international Jewry would come to the aid of the British if they declared themselves in favor of a Jewish homeland, and the fear that the Germans were about to issue such a declaration

2006-11-20 13:08:58 · answer #4 · answered by Akkita 6 · 1 0

Palestine is not a country, and it has never been a country. It has always been part of some other country, from Imperial Rome to WWII Great Britain to Syria or Jordan. But the area has been referred to as Palestine since the Roman victory over Judea in about 66 A.D.

Today, we tend to refer to the West Bank and Gaza as the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Fatah and Hamas and Hezballah are groups operating within that area, much like Al Qaida in Iraq or Afghanistan. It is not Palestine who loads up suicide bombers, it is Hamas and Hezballah. Both Hamas and Hezballah have the destruction of Israel as a central theme of their platform.

2006-11-20 12:37:54 · answer #5 · answered by Chredon 5 · 2 1

Palestine was an official country right after WWI but was occupied by the British. In 1947 the British left Palestine and gave it to the United Nations who then created Israel. The UN took Palestine from the Palestinians and gave it to mostly European Jews that surived the Holocaust. Palestinians are fighting the Israelis to get back what they consider their land.

2006-11-20 12:24:14 · answer #6 · answered by Anonymous · 1 2

No they are not an actual country. These people came to that area around 1948 because they were forced to by their own governments under the guise that the Muslims could prevent the Jewish people from re-claiming their ancestral home land. These arabs were told that if they would go to the Gaza strip and West Bank to live that after a few years they could come home to their jobs and homes. When the time came to let them back in they were denied re-entry to their countries. These arab countries do not turn a hand to offer aide to THEIR brothers and sisters. It all comes down to Muslim law that says that ANY land that Muslims have inhabited belongs to them.(Now there's something to choke on)!! Also these people did not even call themselves "Palestinians" until the late '70's. There has never been a Palestinian people with their own language and culture. Yasser Arafat was actually an Egyptian, for example.

2006-11-20 12:28:28 · answer #7 · answered by softspot 3 · 3 1

Palestinians are a group of people who falsely believe that they have right to the land that God gave to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and their descendants. Palestinians are the Muslim people who moved into Palestine after the Vatican invented Islam for the purpose of conquering Jerusalem. When England overthrew the Ottoman Empire and the Hebrews had the Holyland returned to them by the United Nations, the Palestinians (who butchered the Hebrews to conquer Jerusalem) insisted that they should be granted most of Palestine, including Jerusalem and Bethlehem. To this day they strive to totally evict the Hebrew people from all of Palestine. Palestinians are merely modern day Philistines.

2006-11-20 12:22:19 · answer #8 · answered by hmghosthost 3 · 3 1

In eastern Europe they are called gypsies! Does that explain it?

These are the tribe of Arabs who allow themselves to be used by their own people. Other Arab countries could band together and really help the Palestinians regain their identity and dignity, but instead they keep financing the radical element amongst the Palestinians to fight with Israel. This solves nothing, but it sure helps keep up the fight with Israel and pushes back the day when the two could have some solid agreements to live in harmony , as neighbors.

2006-11-20 12:24:17 · answer #9 · answered by briang731/ bvincent 6 · 4 0

Palestine never was and is not a country. The land they want was not theirs prior to the war in which Israel took it. The Golan Heights belonged to Syria, Gaza was Egypt's, and the West Bank was Jordan's.

They are a group of people the Arab countries didn't want and don't want. So they support them in their agenda to get rid of Israel and have their own nation there.

They will never be a nation. Christ will return.


2006-11-20 12:18:31 · answer #10 · answered by newbiegranny 5 · 4 2

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