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The president lied to people here about there being weapons of mass destruction and under estimated the enormous force behind the taliban. This is about as bad as drinking and driving with a car load of friends and they all die but you in an accident. He knew full well the consequences of us being over there and he knew fully well how powerful the taliban and others were. Yet he still choose war. Was this to protect his investments in the oil wells over there? I think he needs to be impeached. Get someone in the office of the president who knows what the hell is going on and get rice out of there too , along with cheney , who also by the way people got away with shooting someone.....common. I think at the very least he should of been charged with unintentional homicide by use of a weapon.

2006-11-20 09:40:18 · 26 answers · asked by dee 3 in Politics & Government Military

26 answers

In a word 'YES'. He knew the consequences. Colin Powell warned him (and got railroaded for it), but instead of listening to a more experienced smarter voice, he listened to The Three Blind Rats - Condi, Rove and Cheney.

If a Democratic president had done a fraction of what Bush did, we'll be spending our days watching him defend himself on CourtTV.

2006-11-20 09:56:30 · answer #1 · answered by nemesis 4 · 2 2

Silence my liberal friend you have much to learn.First of all this
is the U.S.Its a country where the president is under much pressure by people like you.Its a place where the pesident has not got all the power and if I am correct a "democracy" as in the
goverment must listen to the people and the goverment can be pressured by anything.Hmmm?Lets see why is it that 73% of
America approved of the war in the beginning?Well now its 33%.
A lot of people who now claim to hate the war complain loike ninnies.They may have been the foke who approved.Obviosly it
was great for the goverment because they felt that the people were supporting them.And well they go inside Iraq.I agree that Iraq is a stuipid war but unlike you I admit that when the war started (I was in 4th grade) I actually was up for it.I like all the people thought that there was WMD's or they were a threat.Well
that was not the case was it?Please try and rephrase the president did not "lie" he was just wrong.I am in 8th grade and I get the difference.You try to be president.You try and watch nearly 3,000 of your country foke die in a building collapse and
see how it feels.You try to see all those people demanding an end to terrorism while you must make the decisions that change the world.After Roosevelt who faced the depression and WW2 this guy probably has the most problems.Is is country with him?
No!IDid he make some severe mistakes?YES!Its not all the presidents fault.Why do you blame the ones that is easy to blame?Why do you blame the one that in your country you are freely allowed to blame?Why won't you blame terrorists?They
are the ones that started the mess.Bush was under panick do you think he could face having to watch 10,s of thousands of people die after 9/11?Ofcourse not its the worst feeling ever for
the leader of a nation.To watch his people suffer and make sure
they do not.This kind of situation is not like WW2.And many of the clumsy folk in the world say "lets just nuke em and bring our soldiers home".That cannot be done.This is terrorism we are
talking about.The enemy is everywhere.The enemy is not in 1
country but the enemy is everywhere.Nuking Iraq will kill the innocent but the terorists will be there.Thats how the situation is different and the people who say "nuke em" are stuipid because they do not understand.Terorists can be anywhere.Only a few months ago we nearly faced a major attack that was stopped at
the last minute.The plot involved 10 planes and could have killed
many thousands.By that you can see how much of a danger we are all in and Bush has to take care of that.Sure he can be an idiot some times but if people like you are far too dumb to blame the source of all of America's and the worlds difficulties and instead blame a dude in a coat and tie living in Washington D.C
you are not going to solve you problems.No they should not be charged for homocide.As sad as a soldiers death is they are warriors and it their duty to fight and follow the order.Right now they are falling into death for the wrong cause but that makes them more honorable because they are willing to lay their lives down for the goverment.But when they made that pledge they promised to fight and thats what they are doing.Are you far too dumb to charge the terrorists with homocide.You are ignorant to think that.Yes the U.S kicked butt and brought the Iraqi Army to its knees but now they are facing nothing but terrorists.you
never ask if the terrorists should be punished.Saddam Hussien was indeed evil and evil should be brought down.But I think he should have been delt with for later because now is not the time to fighthim now is he time to fight and secure the world.Obviosly now the U.S troops are fighting terrorists and the goverment got their wish.But why will you not blame the terorists.This argument can go on forever.I am going to say "the terorists are killing the troops" and you will say "the goverment put them in harms way"
and I can say "the terorists forced them to do that because they wanted to protect the people" and it could go on and on.But
when you find the conclussion you will figure out that it is indeed
the teroristss that are causing the problems.Do not blame our
goverment blame the terorists because they kill the troops.

2006-11-20 10:39:36 · answer #2 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

you will desire to yet you will would desire to pass back to each president we've had and could ever have in the furture, yet once you employ some straightforward because of the fact you will see that he rather did the main appropriate difficulty, i'm assuming your 13 years previous or nevertheless stay with mom and pa in the event that they're nevertheless married which i doubt, at some point you will advance up and be a tax paying working type individual and you will look back and snigger at your cutting-edge perspectives. I would desire to accept as true with Aldo "what a hideously distorted view of actuality you have".

2016-12-28 07:05:05 · answer #3 · answered by Anonymous · 0 0

If incompetence as a President were a crime then Franklin Roosevelt would have been in prison for a long time!
He had happen under his watch:
Pearl Harbor
Fall of the Philippines (Largest mass-surrender in US history)
Fall of Wake Island
Allowing Soviet Spies to infiltrate US intelligence agencies and the US State department.
Participated in the overthrow of the legimate and popular ruler of (Persia) Iran.

John F. Kennedy
Allowed assasination of President Diem of Vietnam
Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba
Began US military build up in South Vietnam.
Good news is he got himself assasinated before he could do more damage.

Lyndon Baines Johnson
Continued Vietnam fiasco resulting in the deaths of 50,000 men and milions of Vietnamese.
Did not trust the advise of his Generals.
Knew going in that the US could not win in Vietnam.

2006-11-20 11:53:51 · answer #4 · answered by Anonymous · 1 1

No, the president got authority from congress to go to war. Really you should convert to islam and join Al-Qaida . Bush isnt perfect, Iraq wasnt the best idea. You are a moron you use our freedoms to speak about the very people that try to protect them. Do you think that Radical islam is going to go away if we are just nice to them? Do you think your free speech is worth anything in Caliphate? When taking sides think about who you are protecting? I think Iraq was a mistake not cause Sadam wasnt a threat but because now it might get taken over by someone more radical. Go ahead vote for Democrats so they can give terrorist more rights. Let them get ride of spying on our enemies. Let them put more muslims in congress as they already have one. Go ahead spit on the soliders who come back from Iraq and call them war criminals. Live in your "i hate america world" your are not alone some really great people are on your side.(terrorist)

2006-11-20 10:22:09 · answer #5 · answered by Anonymous · 2 1

No but we should Charge you for Treason, Confering fundementalist ideals to the masses. Post you up in Iraq for all to see. Let you tell our Soldiers face to face these excuses. See how long you last before you get a blanket party.

We chose the dang war as Americans: We voted the President in Office if you do not like it. Griping will not solve a thing. Buck Up boy. Voice to your congressman. Post to your Party. Dont hide in Yahoo. Be a man. little boy

2006-11-20 10:00:26 · answer #6 · answered by devilduck74 3 · 3 1

I'm one of many Bush haters. Unfortuantely the war is among many other things Bush is guilty of. George W also had stolen the presidency election of 2000....

If you ever get a chance check out " Michael Moore's Movie - Farienheit 9/11.. It explains The Bush administration and all the conspiricy behind that family.

Its really Dick Cheney who is running the country George W, is just an empty stuffed shirt in a suit..

2006-11-20 09:50:59 · answer #7 · answered by Anonymous · 1 3

If so, political police, political echoes, and the intelligence community are equally liable. It all moved on their impetus and information provision. Scapegoats aren't justice. Bring the penalty to bear on any and all guilty parties. Otherwise you'd be really stupid to think they won't instigate another war. Guaranteed.
( You'll also probably see a sharp drop in the criminal population in the continental U.S. at least. ) :-)

2006-11-20 09:42:51 · answer #8 · answered by vanamont7 7 · 1 1

You can't charge the Commander in Chief with any crime. He has authority over the military. He can send them anywhere he wants to. Do you want to charge all the other presidents also? Everyone of them have sent soldiers to their death.

2006-11-20 10:07:47 · answer #9 · answered by fmf3 2 · 2 1

You can't technically charge the President for murder. However, you can get Bush on a trial for War Crimes because of his use of DU and the torture of prisoners in Abu Ghraib and Guantanamo Bay.

2006-11-20 09:53:33 · answer #10 · answered by drecarter04 2 · 2 2

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