Why don’t politicians just come right out and say it!
The real reason politicians want illegal aliens in this country is to provide cheap labor for Big Business at the taxpayers expense! How BLANK have we been fellow Americans???
Illegal aliens are nothing but “HUMAN CAPITAL”, for big business. Big business illegally gives the politicians campaign contributions, expensive vacations, VIP treatment, cash bribes, future job promises and the politicians still collect a government paycheck and government pensions.. All the while selling America down the drain. Is this the kind of Democracy we’re trying to peddle around the WORLD?!!
The American government is corrupt in both political parties to the point it’s mind boggling! As long as Big Business can buy off politicians like the cheap whores they are. “We the People” will continue to be raped, robbed and pillaged!
CONGRESS is the only WHORE HOUSE that loses money on a daily basis! To build a fence and secure our boa
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