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Politics & Government - 31 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Link to the video of Mr Kerry

Latest word is, he refuses to apologize and hurls insults about people who haven't served in the military like him (ha ha).

Now, John McCain and many other are requesting him to apologize. What will John Kerry do?

2006-10-31 05:52:35 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics


When you hear illegal immigrants, people always point the fingers at Mexicans? Aren't you aware that there are so many other immigrants? Cubans, Dominicans, Iranians, Italians, the list goes on and on? Putting a fence up will not help the problem.

2006-10-31 05:51:52 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

2006-10-31 05:51:15 · 18 answers · asked by jameel d 1 in Other - Politics & Government

How the righties on this site lack the ability to engage in intelligent debate. The best they can come up with is personal attacks that don’t even rise to the level of insult. I wonder if the republican party assigned them to this site to keep them out of the public eye. Kind of a bastard stepchild sort of thing. If their voices were truly valued, no, wait, they don’t have a voice. Just the ignorant blathering of dysfunctional automatons. Kind of remind me of those yappy little dogs. Lot’s of noise but very little presence.

2006-10-31 05:50:57 · 16 answers · asked by ? 4 in Politics

Will pyschatrist be over whelmed will we have local terrorist what will happen pray tell if they lose seats?

2006-10-31 05:50:51 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Elections

For anybody and everybody: Let's say I've never heard of George Bush.I have no opinion on him because all I know is he is President.Give me your best reasons to side with him or to go the other direction.Please give me facts as much as possible.I know personal feelings are strong both ways,but just give your best shot at defending him or condemning him.Thank you in advance for your answers.Peace.

2006-10-31 05:48:12 · 4 answers · asked by zeus2quincy 3 in Politics

My son is in the Phoenix House and Is trying to take care of his fine by communtiy services.

2006-10-31 05:48:12 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

You will get five minutes to address the nation, in prime time. All the networks will cover it, just like an important presidential speech.

What do you say?

Keep it clean, folks. And have fun. I wish I could give ten points to EVERY interesting or clever answer!

I think I'm going to try to retire from politics for the next week or so after this . . .

2006-10-31 05:46:49 · 4 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Politics

i have a project in government and i need some help, harsher punishments in sexaully based crimes,
any suggests

2006-10-31 05:44:40 · 6 answers · asked by swimgirl14456 1 in Government

Pakistan under the leadership of President Musharraf is fighting the battle against Terrorism or one can say the battle of the survival of Pakistan in International Community. This war is against Islamic Extremism. Oct 30, 2006 incident in Bajour claimed 82 lives. Do you consider it a real war against terrorism?

2006-10-31 05:41:36 · 3 answers · asked by Paassion 3 in Military

Are you really willing to support our troops? Or are you giving lip service here?

2006-10-31 05:41:13 · 9 answers · asked by thehiddenangle 3 in Politics

Hi i am new to this. I was helping a friend who i worked with several years ago. I had an affair with this person and this person is married. I had helped him and his family with some money and his wife found a note i wrote him asking if we could hook up. his wife left a voice mail essentionaly trying to black mail me in giving more money. be4 that happend i lent him 20,000 to help them out. since his wife does not work. I had found out he had been arrested for indecent eposure 6 yrs ago. he works in a school and if they found out he would be fired. I am in the process of gettig a lawyer, however i also hired a PI to keep tabs on him. He has been going to a park he lives near and is picking up men. I have talked to the PI and he is going to get a guy that is going to video tape him in the woods. He is going to send the tape to media. Am i wrong for doing this? I have tried to talk to the married man to get some of the money back and no luck
pls IM me smileycub1 at yahoo.com

2006-10-31 05:40:53 · 7 answers · asked by smileycub1 1 in Law & Ethics

We've all heard of the us military increasingly deploying high tech battlefield machines to fight their wars, eg Unmanned aerial vehicles and the fighting machine being tested in Iraq.
But hasnt someone pointed out that machines and computers are extremley easy to disable on a large scale, ECM's can divert incoming missles from aircraft, so wouldn't a potential enemy develop somthing similar to disable a hypothetical robo-army?
What do you think?

2006-10-31 05:39:25 · 3 answers · asked by alias2342003 1 in Military

I'm sort of in between. If we find him and kill him, dont you think that will make these terrrorist cells "Explode?" (no pun intended). I think if we got him and killed him the repercutions would be far worser than sept 11. so what do we do? do we secretly know where he is and keep it a secret for safety reassons?

2006-10-31 05:38:06 · 14 answers · asked by ABC 3 in Politics

i think that we have no valid reason to be over there fighting. we are fighting a useless war and even more americans are dying after sept.11 because of nonsense. violence does'nt solve violence. i think america should call it quits and send our troops home. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO THE WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION?

2006-10-31 05:35:59 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Military

I'm curious, does the "if you don't like it, get out" argument apply when its not your politicians in charge?

2006-10-31 05:35:53 · 10 answers · asked by thehiddenangle 3 in Politics

I filed Ch.7 and was discharged in february. I am trying to clean up and reestablish my credit now, but I have found out that my bankruptcy was actually incomplete. I went through an agency who specializes in bankruptcy, I filled out all of the proper paperwork including a full list of my creditors. After the BK was dc'd I noticed nothing was updating on my credit report, after checking PACER it is showing only 2 creditors on my creditor matrix! I had nearly 20?!? I have copies of my original paperwork with my list, and then the "official copy" mailed to me after. The "official copy shows only 2 as well, but my originals have the correct list? whats up with that? If these is true I filed bankruptcy for 700$??? shouldnt someone have seen a red flag?!? Is there anything I can do to reverse this or take legal action against the agency since it is their mistake?

2006-10-31 05:34:16 · 2 answers · asked by rd 2 in Law & Ethics

I am a German-American, however I have never worked in Germany. I want to be covered by the German social security system; so when I retire, I can get benefits. Can I pay into it with a minimum payment to qualify for coverage?

2006-10-31 05:33:06 · 2 answers · asked by mrmiami2 1 in Government

and it is a womans choice to let it turn into a baby, or to remove it, why should a man be held responsible for the woman choosing to have a baby?

This is your logic, prochoicers. You all said/ believe the above.

2006-10-31 05:32:15 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Mexico is a Nation !
We Mexicanos are a Nation of many ethnic groups, colors, flavors, sizes, religious groups, social lasses, etc....

Don't pick on our low social class, or on our Indigenous Communities!!!
.... Mexico is a Nation !!! We are Proud of our nation ( English and Spanish speakers in both sides of the Wall)
and if you support the Republican idea to built a Zionist Nation on Palestine... U better start understanding what a Nation is, and that any Nation is MultiCiltural and Multi-Ethnic.

And also... Nations can't be Anglo-Monolingual.... So learn Spanish!

Como se dice Patria en Ingles?

2006-10-31 05:28:43 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous in Immigration

Seems like a controversy is brewing today on who is keeping us in Iraq. Can't the politicians bring our boys home, or do the soldiers have that decision on whether or not they want to be in Iraq for 3 more years?

2006-10-31 05:28:28 · 21 answers · asked by thehiddenangle 3 in Politics

How do they decide who works a crime/homicide? You have homicide detectives (Law and Order), Crime Scene Investigators (CSI), the FBI (Numb3rs), US Marshalls(US Marshalls), et al. On TV, they all basically do the same thing, but who does what in real life?

2006-10-31 05:28:07 · 3 answers · asked by midwestshorty75 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

Many times we have heard the question "if you knew then what you know now, would you have changed your position on the war?"

But logically, there really isn't a way to answer, is there?

To truly give an informed answer, one would have to know what would have happened had we NOT invaded, had we taken a different course. There's no sure way to know that.

Even so, life is full of educated guesses. So what do you think? Would your opinion have changed? And more importantly, what do you think would have happened had we taken a different course?

2006-10-31 05:26:44 · 6 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Military

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