The percentage of blacks that vote for Democrats defies logic. Show me any statitician that says that it's normal. It's as if the black population was replaced with black, democrat robots. Consider this:
A)Blacks are often in poor school districts and face hardships in life due to an inferior education
B)Democrats oppose school vouchers that would enable blacks to get a better education
A)Blacks typically have traditional values
B)Democrats denounce traditional values and celebrate gay, abortion, illegal alien, terrorists, judicial activism, and voter fraud
A)Blacks are good
B)Democrats are bad
A)Blacks are qualified to hold significant political positions
B)Democrats never let blacks have significant political positions. It is the republicans who nominate blacks to the supreme court, national security advisor, and secretary of state
A)Blacks are cool
B)John Kerry = not cool
A)I'm black, highly intelligent, and conservative
B)I'm not a democrat
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