Don't you think that? NEVER.... except British at the time of the Revolution. Well, we fought Nazi just when it was obvious Nazi is to fail to Red Army.... We never won WWII. Soviets did it, we just help them a bit! We fought peasants in Vietnam and.... we lose! We fought in Korea and we lose again! Commies are still there....We fought in 1812 and we lose that war to Britain. Oh, Japan... It signed capitulation only after Stalin unleashed his troops... So we lose even that to Commies! War in the Gulf? Yeah, we somewhat won... but is it our land? War in Afghanistan we lose again since it nothing changed there. Serbia and Bosnia.... how nice it is to bomb someone from the distance making the deal with the Russians so that they don't send Serbs rockets to fight us... so yeah, we won that ....."attack on them"....and at last Iraq..... How long we were going to stay there? a year? Overall, why did we attack it? So we are losing there again..... We won somewhere of course
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