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Politics & Government - 10 October 2006

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Civic Participation · Elections · Embassies & Consulates · Government · Immigration · International Organizations · Law & Ethics · Law Enforcement & Police · Military · Other - Politics & Government · Politics

Why do women always get lighter court sentences than men?

2006-10-10 03:26:17 · 30 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

Why is it that when a drunk driver kills another person, he/she is only charged with manslaughter or vehicular homicide? Shouldn't they be charged with first or second degree murder. The way I see it, if a person gets behind the wheel after they have been drinking, they're saying to the world that they don't care if they kill anyone or not.

2006-10-10 03:25:31 · 18 answers · asked by ? 4 in Law & Ethics

2006-10-10 03:25:28 · 16 answers · asked by Where's the beef? 2 in Politics

I look at my paycheck and I think "what a hell?!" they tax like crazy and all this they say they spend to improve our lives.... but in what way it's improving? It's harder to get a job... It's harder to live.... They cut the corners everywhere... but not the taxes... I look at the map and I see Iraq.... that's where may this bloody money go... Do you think the same?

2006-10-10 03:22:15 · 12 answers · asked by alexandredz 3 in Military

I understand that some retirees are ordered to give their wives a chunk of their military pension. Is there some minimum federal standard? Does this have to be declared by a federal judge? Can a state judge make the decision? Is there a standard amount? Thanks in advance to anyone who can provide me with sources.

2006-10-10 03:21:45 · 11 answers · asked by Big Blair 4 in Military

I have seen the allegation made - here's a chance to provide evidence. Cite sources if possible. Thanks.

2006-10-10 03:20:37 · 17 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Other - Politics & Government


1) Both reject the idea that government and religion should be kept separate. Government should enforce THEIR religion.

2) Both are highly offended by sexual freedom, and demand that sexuality be purged from society.

3) Both despise Liberalism.

4) Both resent dissent from their views and policies, which are the oly acceptable ones.

5) Both are harsh, punitive, and vindictive.

It is not ironic that American "conservatives" have made an enemy out of Isalmic extremists. In looking at them, they see a reflection of themselves, so they understand well what they're dealing with: Tyrants much like themselves.

2006-10-10 03:20:30 · 7 answers · asked by kreevich 5 in Other - Politics & Government

how is that no getting free healthcare? Can a day worker pay for triple bypass? 80,000 dollars or more ..hell no..who pays ..american insurance payers.....They might get billed....but that doesn't mean they pay..half the time they don't even bother billing them.

Why is it assumed that illegals don't get free healthcare when almost all do...some even use fake ID ss# for nice state clinics for all sorts of free medicade care including shrinks....so piss off with that argument already

2006-10-10 03:20:05 · 12 answers · asked by hittykkiod 1 in Immigration

What right does the U.S. or any other nation have to prohibit another nation from possessing nuclear weapons? Why is it fine for the U.S. or Israel to have nuclear weapons, but not Iran or North Korea? Is it because we are "good", and they are "evil"? Or is there some historic treaty I am unaware of that the world signed on to at some point that said that a few countries could have nukes, but that's it?

"A world where [North Korea | Iran] has nuclear capabilities is not a safe world". I don't know if anyone has said that verbatim, but I can say I agree with that statement. But until there is evidence that they plan to harm another nation without provocation, what right do we have to do anything about it?

Yes, I know Kim Jun Ill has starved 3 million of his own people. So why don't we invade North Korea to stop *this*?

Is a nation's treatment of its own people the benchmark by which its "right" to have nuclear weapons is determined?

2006-10-10 03:19:07 · 9 answers · asked by rotten_toast 2 in Politics

if everyone in the US is entitled to freedom of speech, why was such a fuss made over the Dixi Chicks song that made reference to George Bush? Is speech free...but only to a point?

2006-10-10 03:18:31 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

wicked words on a keyboard?

if oj killed nicole, greenspan killed jfk.
adopt zero tolerance policies toward
violent crime? dissove the federal reserve.
encourage illegals to serve in the military to
earn citizenship. dissove the federal reserve.
elect lynn swann governor of pennsylvania. give
troops, border patrol agents and vets raises and
raise the minimum wage. ,`,`,ark 18 + yo rapists of
13 - yo children on the face, hand or forehead. dissolve
the federal reserve. agree that the freedom to consent to
sex at age 14 legally in iowa, missouri, s. carolina, israel and canada is an abomination to be abolished. raise age of sex consent to 18 in america and israel. dissolve the federal reserve. ///\\//\\\ark 18 + yo molesters of 13 - yo children on the face, hand or forehead. abolish the federal reserve. call violent extremists terrorists instead of islamic...

2006-10-10 03:18:18 · 4 answers · asked by redreverser 1 in Law Enforcement & Police

In the same general time frame, where we increased
3 fold since 1919, Mexico has grown twice as fast,
STAY, (over the long haul). They will eat our nation for lunch. Six fold population increase in 85 years, PLUS there are 48 million Mexicans and Mexican-Americans here by some estimations. Good bye AMERICA...here comes GREATER MEXICO!!!! This is the REAL manifestation of MONTEZUMA'S REVENGE!!!

2006-10-10 03:16:38 · 10 answers · asked by Devils_Advocate 2 in Immigration

How can we convince all the Mexicans in our Country to join the Army?

And will that threat send them running back home?

2006-10-10 03:15:11 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

Some people say "Bush lied" about WMDs. If that's true, then he had to know, or at least believe, they were NOT there. Is that what people really believe? Just curious. Thanks.

2006-10-10 03:14:29 · 12 answers · asked by American citizen and taxpayer 7 in Other - Politics & Government

I just asked the question are you a socialist or a capitalist and put up the link to a blogthings quiz and they deleted that. The quiz is on my blog on my 360 if anyone cares. Let's see if they delete this one too. I wonder if Big Brother is watching me?

2006-10-10 03:09:41 · 14 answers · asked by SunFun 5 in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-10 03:09:31 · 21 answers · asked by MiKe 3 in Politics

I am on probation in PA I am having lifeproblems that don't involve the law but needed to be with family. I left PA and went to Illinois to be with family hoping to make a new start. My probation officer saud I did the wrong thing and should come home.I only want to get a job and start over. but what will happen if I ignore what she had said to me?

2006-10-10 03:07:35 · 21 answers · asked by dennis f 1 in Law Enforcement & Police


Shouldn't Americans see this broadcast on the news?

2006-10-10 03:06:29 · 3 answers · asked by RON PAUL for President 2008 2 in Government

and when 911 came about they took action,,,hav u every heard that sayin calling the kettle black or is it pot

2006-10-10 03:05:16 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous in Government

As a decendent of those white people who died, where's mine? I want reparations for the pain and anguish my ancestors suffered in the Civil War!!!

2006-10-10 03:05:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Politics & Government

2006-10-10 03:05:04 · 1 answers · asked by boubacar b 1 in Other - Politics & Government

like white guilt for stealing America and slavery and iperialism
look at the poor oppressed black person or latino person .his/her life is going to be hard because they are a minority ....what if the newborn just wants to be judged on his own merit?...it's kind of like socio-political abortion

can we please stop using race as an issue in immigration in f-king 2006?.. It is so disgusting and cowardly

If you thinkjust a little past your ignorance you realize that no race owes any other race anything and there is no biological link to superiority or inferiority among races..therefore any racial rhetiric is automatically craven crap of whiners, mental cases, and slow people

2006-10-10 03:05:00 · 9 answers · asked by hittykkiod 1 in Immigration


Do most Americans need to see this?

2006-10-10 03:03:29 · 2 answers · asked by RON PAUL for President 2008 2 in Politics

2006-10-10 03:00:48 · 12 answers · asked by American Superman 3 in Politics

I mean only 5% of our military is there. The rest are around the world and could be moved as necessary, I assume?

2006-10-10 02:59:53 · 9 answers · asked by MEL T 7 in Military

Are they following after Limbaugh?

2006-10-10 02:59:45 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Politics

This question is all about the second amendment. I'd appreciate any liberal answers. Why do some people want to disarm good, law-abiding people. The crime-rate has dropped 50% since the concealed carry permits became available. If you came home, to find an adult raping your daughter, and he had a knife, and you had a gun, what would you do? Guns are central to our country. And by the way, since the constitution says that a well formed militia can have guns, the government can't disarm any of the thousands of civilian militia paramilitary groups because they are legal militias. As a member of the NRA, I will fight to the death for American's right to bear arms. Anti-gun people can leave, because we don't want them. Go to Japan, or Canada, or England, or Australia. You'll fit in. But, Gode damn it, this is America! The Government can't disarm us while we still breathe. They'd have to kill us all.

2006-10-10 02:59:42 · 16 answers · asked by boyfriend_love_jessica 2 in Other - Politics & Government

Some people assert that lawyers are unethical, on the premise that they lie. But what people fail to realize is that lawyers are passionately supporting their clients. Lawyers have an ethical duty to their clients, more so than to themselves. They must defend their clients at all costs.

The stereotype of lawyers being liars is a fallacy. There is good and bad in everything.

My question isn't limited to the province of attorneys- I am also curious about other aspects of our legal system.

Do you think that our laws originate from Roman law, or English law (laws here in the United States, that is)?

2006-10-10 02:55:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Law & Ethics

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