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Fish - February 2007

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I had a few pirinhas. they went from being fine to having a stringy fungus looking thing and dead in 45 minutes. It was white and a few inches long. There was no fungus in their mouths. Besides the fungus, the bodies looked fine. This happened years ago, but noone I have ever asked has ever heard of this..

2007-02-18 03:24:50 · 3 answers · asked by Rob 4

I'm planting out my first aquairum and I've read about people using lead strip, but this doesn't sound safe for my fish. Is there a better alternative?

2007-02-18 03:18:14 · 18 answers · asked by Rob G 1

My sucker catfish has got some white hair-like things on its back of the head and it is just sitting on the glass ansd not eating (sucking ) anything...what must b the problem

2007-02-18 03:15:03 · 5 answers · asked by ashley 2

2007-02-18 02:52:09 · 13 answers · asked by LIZZIE M 1

I have a black chinese fish and it has been on its own until i brought a fantail goldfish. Since putting them together the fantail has been attacking the black chinese fish. I have no idea why this is happening! The chinese fish is smaller than the fantail. Can you help!!!

2007-02-18 02:49:40 · 9 answers · asked by Lydia O 1

Goldfish in a fish bowl don't ever grow big, but the ones in the canal do. I always figured it had to do with the amount of water, but somebody informed me it was the depth and the water pressure that made the difference. Which, if either, is it?

2007-02-18 02:32:40 · 7 answers · asked by Mike D. 3

2007-02-18 02:22:11 · 1 answers · asked by Larry m 6

he is blue with a brown head, and sort of a darker rainbow on his fins.

2007-02-18 01:56:04 · 11 answers · asked by awesome 2

my female fish all of a sudden looks very sad she barley swims. She also has eggs some hatched but some didn't make it. some hatched but got eaten. she just lays on the ground most of the day. we also got a new algae catfish cleaning guy like a week ago(3 inches long). i don't no if its his presence or what. she's been laying around. that was the first time she had eggs. Mabey she'll have more. I don't know. Please Help Me?

2007-02-18 01:07:20 · 3 answers · asked by David 1

i havent seen the tank he said it dont seperate fromthe stand has anyone ever heard of such a tank he said it takes 6 guys to lift

2007-02-18 01:06:06 · 1 answers · asked by image 1

I got some medicine for my oscars called Ick-Attack Its says to add 1 table spoons per 10 gallons i have a 60 gallon tank.... so i put it 7 spoons..... it says to increase dosage by 50-100% if the infection is very bad...... how do i know how bad the infecting is... both my oscars are acting fine and eating and not acting odd at all they just look like the been salted... ( little white spots all over them) Please help im very woryed i love my oscars. :-(
P.S let me know if you need more details.

2007-02-18 00:57:13 · 4 answers · asked by Bloody 2

I heard they do but their eyelids are clear. Hence it seems they do not have eyelids.

2007-02-18 00:55:12 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

my tank is clean anonmoia is good water is warn normal for tropical fish my other tank is doing great but not this one for some reason.. it doesnt smell not cloudy ph is right why could be the matter i only had 4 guppys and a alagee eatter in the tank day by day each one died but not the eatter what could be the problem

2007-02-18 00:13:09 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-02-18 00:00:41 · 21 answers · asked by adrian c 1

I dont know what to do? If i leave it there the fish will eat it or frost may kill it. Last year I took it out, the tadpoles hatched and died anyway just as their legs were sprouting. Advice needed please

2007-02-17 22:28:08 · 10 answers · asked by chynablue 4

i have a 15 gal tank
with 12 tetras which are glowlites and neons
2 danios and 2 guppies
i put 5 shrimps in it and 3 of the shrimps are bigger than the tetras and my little guppy.

will the shrimp eat my fish?
what do shrimps eat?
are the herbivore,carnivore or omnivore?

anymore info and answers?

2007-02-17 19:37:35 · 9 answers · asked by numbah1 1

I have two calico goldifish named Koi and Daisuki.

Lately Koi hasn't been eating and sits at the bottom of the tank with all her dorsal fin down and just doing nothing.

The tank was pretty dirty and the filter wasn't working.

I've been feeding them about once a day.

I came home today after looking up some info on them online and saw Koi laying sideways. At first I was really sad cuz I thought she was dead, but then I saw her move so I changed the water, I cleaned the entire tank and all the stuff inside, found a filter bag and checked the PH and Ammonia. The ammonia was a little higher than it should be so I put some stuff in there.

I tried to force feed Koi, but she wouldn't open her mouth at all.

When I put them back in the tank Koi seemed to get a little better, though still laying sideways, her fin was up and she was opening and closing her mouth. She was also moving around a tiny bit.

I'm wondering will she be okay or is there some other things I should try?

2007-02-17 18:15:41 · 8 answers · asked by Kohaku 2

I was looking in my aquarium tonight and saw a pretty shell moving. After looking a lil closer and researching on the internet, found out it was a malaysian trumpet snail. My only problem is I need to know where did he/she come from. I recently got 2 cichlid about 4 mths ago from the pet shop, but this is the first I have saw of this snail. I have never had a snail in my tank before. Do i need to remove it? Will it over populate my tank? I only have a 5 gallon tank with no live plants. By the way I have 2 baby molly fish and 2 cichlid in there. Where did it come from..... HELP!

2007-02-17 16:52:03 · 12 answers · asked by BayouBabyGurl 1

i cant seem to find a real dark gravid spot on either of them and not sure who's a mum.

2007-02-17 16:47:43 · 5 answers · asked by kylie__e 2

anyone have any info on telescope eye goldfish? i have 2 but i just wanted to know a lil info on tank size and their behavior and stuff

2007-02-17 16:22:06 · 5 answers · asked by xo_peanut_xo 1

My kids have a 10 gallon fish tank. We have an algea eater and 3 neon tetras. A few weeks ago we got 4 guppies for it.. 2 female and 2 male. Within a couple days the two males died. We waited a while to watch the other fish and they were fine so we decided to get some more males. It's only been a couple days and already one of the males has died. Does anyone know if there's any chance that the females may be killing the males or is there maybe something special we're suppose to be doing to take care of them that I don't know about? Thanks in advance for your help.

2007-02-17 16:21:35 · 6 answers · asked by ♥~Amy~♥ 2

when i went to the pet store i bought 2 telescope eye goldfish and i told the person that i had only a six gallon tank. He said that was fine! but i am really worried. ppl say that u need like 40 or 50 gallons for 2 goldfish! i am probobly gonna go and buy a bigger tank like that but can ppl plz tell me the price!? i am not sure if i can afford it.

2007-02-17 16:18:07 · 6 answers · asked by xo_peanut_xo 1

I have 2 telescope eye goldfish and they are very cool! but i have a problem, i only have a 6 gallon tank!!!! But anyways i did some research about how many gallons i need and all the websites said different things. If any of you are goldfish lovers plz tell me about how many gallons i need for 2 of the telescope eyes. And about how much you think it would cost! i am guessing i need a 20 gallon tank but i just want to hear what u guys have to say! and i am really worried cause the fish keep coming to the surface "gasping for air" and i know thats bad! thx for all ur help.

2007-02-17 15:53:31 · 8 answers · asked by xo_peanut_xo 1

i wanted bettas to breed
i have bread other fish like guppys when i was in liek gr 7 and hamsters/dwarf hamsters
all in gr 7 haha

but anyways lol what other kind of fish breed easily?
and fast
and in large amounts
i have read knife/sword (i dont knwo which one) tail fish are easy
and so are guppys
so what do you guys think ?
and if you have experince
tell me around how much it would cost?

2007-02-17 15:38:38 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just recently bought a tank and tonight I started my saltwater setup. I bought a heater, a filter, a thermometer, hydrometer, test strips, sand, salt, and some fake coral.I put everything together, treated the water 5 gallons at a time, then added my salt. When I added all the water I tested it with my hydrometer and it read way over. Shoud I wait a few days before worrying about it? Or is this a problem that needs tend to immediately? If so, what do I do to correct this? Also there appears to be a very little bit of salt in the bottom, is this a factor or will it mix up eventually? Now, my setup right now consists of this; tank filled with saltwater, w/ running filter, running heater(78 degrees), and floating themometer. A guy told me I wouldnt need a skimmer yet since I wouldnt be keeping anything too hard, is this true? My final question, when should I add my bagged sand and fake coral? Please answer as many as you can, thanks for your help.

2007-02-17 15:24:14 · 4 answers · asked by Jonathan B 2

What is a bulldog discus?
Are they more special than the normal discus? What color do they come in? Are they rare to find?. ect. ect. Any information about them would be great.
We just added one to the tank. He looks very cute. ^_^

2007-02-17 15:19:37 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am saving up for a aquarium full of fancy guppies but first I need to know what it takes. I do not know how to care for regular guppies either. I want to start a aquarium garden in the tank what plants are good for that? Do they eat plants? What can you do for population control? Of course I don't want to do anything cruel to them! I just don't want a big hole in my allowance!! How often do they breed? What kind of tank do they need? Etc etc

I also want some additional breeds in the tank what other fish can live with them?

Do you have to feed the fry anything special AND do you have to take the fry out. Basically GIVE ME ANY ADVICE YOU HAVE

How long do they live for? When they die do you have to take the body out?

2007-02-17 15:15:27 · 4 answers · asked by southern black chick 1

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