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Dogs - November 2007

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I have a 9 month old Lab/White Shepherd mix. He's a neutered male, and until really recently was quite hyper. He has started to calm down inside my apartment, but I still would like a dog that is more of a cuddler with me, and who could be a companion to my dog. I work 8 hours a day, while the pup stays home.

I am considering a rescue dog: 3 year old, 65-pound, neutered male who is a snuggler, guards the house, is used to living with other dogs, and is calm.

My question is this, should I consider getting him? I know it costs more money, and I can't expect their playing to substitute for our daily walks, but do you think it would help the younger boy settle down? If the older, newer dog was better behaved, which way would behavior rub off (both are housebroken, by the way). Would a dog buddy be that beneficial?

As far as living in the apartment, it is spacious, and pretty well set up to be dog-proof. Also, I would still be within my restrictions as far as pets go, even with two.

2007-11-27 07:47:43 · 22 answers · asked by cranium0466 2

I dont know how Im going to cope when shes gone, I have never lost something so special to me before. Has anyone got any tips for when she does pass away, how I can cope with her death? Ty.

2007-11-27 07:43:03 · 32 answers · asked by Morgan M 1

I'm hearing more and more about this Cesar Milan show these days. I've seen a couple of his instructional videos, but never his TV show. Does anyone know the time, and channel it comes on?

2007-11-27 07:40:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I was walking home from taking my daughter to school and this little doggie followed me home....and he followed me like I was its owner....no tags....dirty.....and acted hungry. I felt really bad so I let it follow me home and gave him a bath and fed him. I would really like to know what the breed is. He is very calm and has only barked once, he likes to sit on my lap. Here are a few pictures. I think it might be a mix because I went to the UKC website and couln't find anything like it. If possable can you find me some links to pictures or details about this dog. Good luck and thank you.




2007-11-27 07:40:20 · 22 answers · asked by Fluffanutter 3

i got a jake she has never seen or ben around one i am thinking of geting a boy, so they could mate and have pups.would she get along good with the male or not p.s. would she get a long good with her pups when she is not even a year old yet. Thank you,

2007-11-27 07:32:04 · 12 answers · asked by SHELBY M 1

He's always been very healthy and has a very good background. He's flinching when you go to pet his face and he turns his head away from you when you try to pet his face. He's also laying down differently and he's not acting like he usually does. He seems much lazier. We ARE taking him to the vet today, but does anyone have an IDEA of what's wrong with him? Please help!

2007-11-27 07:31:20 · 10 answers · asked by L B 3

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2007-11-27 07:24:48 · 18 answers · asked by abbyful 7

I want a newfoundland, but my older sister is allergic to fur. So I can only get a haired dog. I already have a cairn terrier (toto), a lap dog. Hair or Fur for a Newfoundland. I want a big one!!
and do they shed?

2007-11-27 07:18:16 · 15 answers · asked by lax518 1

MUTT this and MUTT that.... so what if a little 12 year old girl wants a fluffy Lhasa-Poo or Puggle.... I just read a post where some of you were BRUTAL to a girl about her "Morkie" Give me reasoning why it even matters?

*I am a fan of purebreds. Though this does not mean I am not soft to very cockapoo i see! lol*

I'm prepared to get beat up for this one. I know you will give me fascinating examples about shleters and such. Though as always, I love to hear all of your opinions.

2007-11-27 07:17:43 · 28 answers · asked by chocolate_krys2000 4

I noticed my dog wasnt acting normal the last few days and she got worse last night so I rushed her to the emergancy vet late last night. The told me she has a swollen and puss filled uterus and her cervix is closed and it is very fatel if it bursts and it was so swollen that it could burst any minute. So I rished her to her own vet and they rushed her into surgery this morning. She is 9 years old and im so worried about her right now. Has anyone gone through this and if so did your dog recover well after? I want her to feel better and not in pain so im hoping she has a fast recovery. I just need some encouragment.

2007-11-27 06:58:58 · 9 answers · asked by tpettyaddiction 3

Be honest!

If you don't have your dog groomed why don't you groom him/her?

2007-11-27 06:50:46 · 18 answers · asked by Butterfly 1

My husband and I have a 2yr old mutt that we adopted from the local animal shelter when she was 5 months old. Her name is Terra and we love her to death! We are thinking about getting another dog but we have a couple concerns.
She loves playing with other dogs but will she be mad at us if we have another dog live with us? Also, we were thinking about getting one that is under a year old again and we are concerned that evetually what if both dogs pass away at the same time because they are close in age. That would be devestating to us. So should we wait a couple of years until Terra is older?
Any thoughts from those with multiple pets in the house is appreciated!

2007-11-27 06:36:42 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

he has the runs. The last thing he had was his kibble in chicken broth. But he didn't eat all of it.

2007-11-27 06:20:46 · 14 answers · asked by Koter Boters misses Rufus! 6

I gave my cat and dog sentenal for 4 years, There last pill was given Nov 1. They have been scratching for 2 months and the vet said they had allergies. On Sunday I discovered my dog has a tapeworm that you can only get from fleas. Two hundred dollars later they are both on deworming medicine and advantage to fight fleas. Although I don't see any fleas, and no one is being bit by the fleas accept the pets, I know my home is infested because both pets have them. What are some of the best methods for getting rid of fleas in my carpets and beds and sofas . Do I need to worry about solid surfaces and how do I know when the are gone? I don't want my pets infested again. What was the point in giving them the sentenal I wonder?

2007-11-27 06:10:00 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

For the last week I have been noticing my pup scratching alot and chewing around his tail and his hind legs. Its getting so bad that most of his hair is falling out and he is tearing open his skin. He doesnt have fleas I do a thourough search on him just about everyday. I also dont bathe him that much because they say that its bad for his natural oils. He seems perfectly healthy except his chewing..Any help would be great..

2007-11-27 06:00:46 · 8 answers · asked by Jessica B 2

My dog is perfect around me but when I leave she destroys what ever she can get here mouth around. What do i do?

PS Its too cold to just stick her outside all day, (thats what I did all summer)

2007-11-27 05:46:23 · 17 answers · asked by mmiboy1 1

should i give him a flea bath or just a plain bath until i can give him advantage he needs to wait at least until dec 6th to get more meds he only weighs about 6 lbs hes a shiz su and chawawa mix

2007-11-27 05:31:42 · 5 answers · asked by janet m 2

I went to the shelter yesterday and saw a black fluffy chow/retriever mix puppy and not sure if i want that type of dog...my 9 yr old daughter wants him though. Is that type good with kids and how big will he get? my kids are 9 yr old girl and 22 month old boy

2007-11-27 05:26:21 · 7 answers · asked by ♥Sexy Mama of 2 cuties♥ 7

We both work 20 mins from our house and gas is getting expensive. I estimate we waste $10 everytime we drive home for lunch to let the dog out. Is it mean to make it wait until we get home. We let her out at 730 am and 4 pm. Are there any other options we have?

2007-11-27 05:12:32 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I used to have a boston terrier pomeranian mix. I was wondering if anyone else had one of these or had seen one, and also is this a designer breed because he was a very pretty little dog.

2007-11-27 05:09:36 · 4 answers · asked by I think I'm Dumb ~Amy~ 7

With a lot of difficulity, it goes outside than comes in and does its business at the back door grrrrr. It just had its injections so in 10 days i can take it out for walks so i am hoping this will be my answer. At the moment i have put paper down at the back door but now the dog as started to tear it up and put some in her basket why??? Her basket has a soft cushion puppy. The basket is next to the radiator. Why is it ripping paper up for?

2007-11-27 04:32:02 · 5 answers · asked by sexiebum 5

He was born on Sept. 25, 2007. Maltese dogs are Italian, that's why we chose "Joey" for his first name. Hope there are some good ideas out there! Thank you in advance.

2007-11-27 04:25:04 · 7 answers · asked by Ms. G. 5

a dog trainer came over yesterday, and spend 3 1/2 hours here. shes with the nationwide dog training company called barkbusters, she charges $500, and when she came over yesterday, thats all she was worried about first was the money. she wouldnt say anything about the training until we had the money situation figured out first. then we talked for like 2 hours and 45 minutes. and everything that she was saying I ALREADY KNEW! then the last 45 minutes she told me how to train the dog, by if he scratches the door, throw a chain at the door and growl "bah" at him, and then tell him to sit, we did the same thing for when he would bark when someone came in, and when he steals food off of the table we would do it too, throwing chain at floor say bah. well then she said then next time she comes will be december 13. so i was sitting down looking over the papers and the training chart that i have to do til next time she comes, and ididnt see the aggression issue on there at all, then i relized

2007-11-27 04:15:05 · 36 answers · asked by KIM-dobie owner 2

My little Chi is aggresive when I try to dress her for warmth, in WI. She growls real bad, and bites and snips. I keep trying to be very gentle, and distract her with things. I want her to not mind getting dressed. So I try alittle each day. I know she is young, 11 weeks old. But I heard to start young, so they get used to it. I was going to try and give her small pieces of a healthy treat to try and get it to be a good experience, which I want it to be. Do you think that is good to try? And if anyone else who was in this boat, what were your good working tactics? I really would like to find a good way.

2007-11-27 04:06:18 · 23 answers · asked by Anonymous

can run the faster and what speed can it run for and how long could it keep that speed up please

2007-11-27 04:00:19 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

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