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Dogs - June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Pets Dogs

I go to work from 9-5.. I don't want too big of a dog or too small.
I live in a house by myself with medium size back yard.
I wanna be able to take it for a jog once in a while but don't have time to excersize it regularly. I want the dog to be smart so It can be trained easly.

2007-06-22 07:29:54 · 27 answers · asked by moose 4

My friend received a dog as a gift,they broke up and now the bf is asking her to chip in the payments for the dog. He told her that if she doesn’t pay the dog shop will take the dog back? Is this possible?
my guess is that whoever bought the dog(the boyfriend) in this case will owe the money and if he doesn’t pay the amount/debt/account will become delinquent and will go to collections? What are the legal ramifications of this?

2007-06-22 07:15:14 · 16 answers · asked by Foxtrot_01 2

2007-06-22 07:13:41 · 8 answers · asked by JackiesMama 2

well she is more than a year old she's a mini dob/chihuahua
and when were not home she likes to take whatever there is and rip it up magazines, paper towels.....anything! and even garbage ewww!!!!!!! and it's really getting on my nerves how can i make her stop becase yesterday she ripped up a little srtaw basket adn she was throwing up all over and i want to stop her before she eats something that can really hurt her! HELP!

2007-06-22 07:12:26 · 17 answers · asked by wiwa lover! 3

My dog went missing one morning and I cannot find him. It was only 24 hours ago, but I know that dogs are fast and can travel far. Help!

2007-06-22 07:04:26 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a huge problem with a dog urine smell. I had to go out of town for a 8 days and had someone to check in on my dogs like I always do and somehow she left the puppy to pee all over my upstairs carpet. The smell is atrocious, it makes me want to throw up. I have already goten the rug doctor carpet machine and done the carpet where she peed 3 times and it is still horriable. I have tried the Simple Soultion and I swear it just made it worse. We have family coming from all over the US in 2 weeks and not only can i not have them all be here when the smell is like that - I can't take it anymore. Please any suggestions would be appreciated

2007-06-22 07:00:14 · 17 answers · asked by Kristal E 6

We purchased a Shetland Sheepdog male, age 8 months. We paid $600 for him. Due to housetraining issues, we gave him back to the breeder. She said she\'d let us have one of the puppies from the upcoming litter of her Shelties. Now, the puppies are almost 5 weeks old, and she wants to give me the runt of the litter. All the other puppies are about twice as big as the runt. I have some concerns about getting the runt of the litter. Do runts tend to have health problems? Is there anything I should be aware of when getting a runt puppy? Thanks for your advice

2007-06-22 06:56:31 · 12 answers · asked by Natasha 2

Also, what is a teacup chihuahua and how does it differ from normal chihuahuas?
Any interesting facts, info, tips are welcome!
Thanks in advance.

2007-06-22 06:47:56 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

It's been less than an hour since I said my sad goodbyes to my animal companion of 17 years, Ginger. She had numerous health problems the last few years: blindness, dental problems, arthritis, and in the last few weeks senility. I had an appointment with my vet for 3:!5 PM and a small part of me didn't want to go through with it. But late this morning, Ginger started havig seizures and I saw she was in great distress. I knew then it was her time. I was able to take her right to the vet .. I stayed with her until the first injection took its full effect and I knew she was painfree at last.

Ginger was a toy poodle and my best friend. She saw me through good times and bad: the birth of two of my nieces, my parents' health problems, the breakup with one boyfriend ) and all through my present relationship. I've had two jobs, four cars, and learn many new things in the 17 years Ginger was alive. Through it all, Ginger was a great blessing in my life.

2007-06-22 06:46:34 · 25 answers · asked by susandiane311 5

Whats the best, polite way to tell my sister that she can't bring her dog to my house anymore? She did not train him right, he is a total terror and last time he was here my husband and I had to do multiple repairs around the house. The dog has major anxiety whenever we try to leave him and he also annoys my cats. My sis is extremely sensitive and loves to hold grudges so I don't want to piss her off. I am a dog lover so Im not trying to be mean, but I just cannot handle being around this dog. Any suggestions?

2007-06-22 06:38:30 · 13 answers · asked by Chrissy 2

I have 3 Great Danes and a small problem. My living room is pretty open - no doors that separate it from the other rooms (2 doorways, about 5' across). I can't keep the dogs off the couch while i'm at work, so when i come home, there's slobber and fur all over! i love my dogs to death, but i've just about had it! I'm not going to crate them (i have a "what if there's a fire" fear). I'd like to keep them out of the room entirely, so i guess what i really need is some sort of "barrier" that will block them from the living room. does anyone have any ideas? I've looked at pet stores and they have baby-gate looking things but 1.) they're not wide enough to go from wall to wall and 2.) they're way too short (one of the danes can jump a 4 foot fence!). Please give me any and all creative ideas (and no, i'm not getting rid of them! haha).

2007-06-22 06:33:12 · 14 answers · asked by gunnerdane13 1

I`m getting a beagle in a few days, and I want to train it before i do anything. Does anyone know how much it costs to train a dog at Petco? What is the price range for them? I am getting a small 3 month old Beagle, does anyone know how much it costs? PLEASE HELP!

2007-06-22 06:23:48 · 4 answers · asked by Gemma 1


The "Chicago Dog Whisperer".

Would you take your dog to this "trainer"?

2007-06-22 05:36:25 · 14 answers · asked by Dogjudge 4

I have a 15 year old Beagle who has been losing weight lately. She eats, but has gotten pretty picky about what she will eat. She is acting fine, the same as always, but I worry about the wieght loss. She turns her nose up at her dog food but she will eat people foods, so I give her eggs and rice or chicken and rice, or I mix the chicken and egs in with her dog food (I soften it with water because she is missing some teeth). What else can I feed her that would be good for her system? (and, yes, I know - go to the vet. Since she is fine otherwise, I have hesitated to do this because she hates going to the vet. It really stresses her out. If it keeps up, though, I will.)

2007-06-22 05:04:07 · 41 answers · asked by Shelley L 6

My friend just told me that poodles poo white poo and that it is the only dog that does it. is that right because i dont think so.

2007-06-22 04:45:47 · 9 answers · asked by NIKKI 3

I just want to hear reviews on these dogs.. good or bad...☺

2007-06-22 04:14:07 · 21 answers · asked by Arcoimoj 2

I have a pit bull who is 6 years old and decently trained. He has hip dysplasia, so he is unable to jump higher then 1 foot. The conjoining fence between our house and our neighbors is 5 feet high. The neighbors have small children, as does my sister who lives with us (a 2.5 year old and 7mo old twins). My dog loves them and they love him back. he has never done anything to hurt anyone in his life. he does bark when someone knocks at our door when he is inside, or when someone approaches the house when he is outside. The neighbors don't speak english very well and my mother has tried to talk to them, but she doesn't speak spanish. She gave them kibble to toss at the dog when he barks too much, and has asked them to knock on the door when they run out. we don't know if they gave him kibble, but two days ago they threw a rock that cut his face badly. what can we do to protect him?

2007-06-22 03:27:04 · 35 answers · asked by Malina 7

She follows me to the bathroom, pokes her head into the shower. Follows me into every room I walk into. I have almost fallen over her anout 100 times in the past three days.

2007-06-22 03:10:46 · 20 answers · asked by violamom74 5

our neighbours,have dogs that never stop barking we have tried all the legal routes,council police,speaking to them all we want to do is live in peace,our little boy is scared of the dogs and cant play on the garden,even though we have a 6 ft fence,the barking scares him,and we cant afford to move house prices are too exspensive,any ideas how we deal with this please,thank you.

2007-06-22 03:04:04 · 26 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why is there so much debate on Yahoo! Answers about where to get a dog from. I think that if you just want a loyal companion or an addition to your family, go to the shelter. If you want a specific breed, go to a breed rescue. I wanted an alaskan malamute and i went to a Malamute Rescue a state away and rescued a full blooded Alaskan Malamute puppy! I think the only reason you should pay a ridiculous amount of money to get a purebred is if you are showing.
Watch this & tell me it doesn't pull at your heartstrings.....
What do you guys think? I want answers not people putting eachother down....

2007-06-22 02:55:52 · 23 answers · asked by Siberian_Husky Lover 3

Don't you think there should be some kind of permit for people that want to get a dog?
In a sense of passing a "basic canine knowledge" test.
I'd be in favour of that. How about you?
Too many dogs end up abandoned just because of human arrogance and ignorance.

2007-06-22 02:26:42 · 14 answers · asked by Rahaaa 3

Will it really be more traumatic/harmful to do it at 7/8 months?
With paying for summer camp, my finances are already stretched, but should I just find a way to do it now, or can I wait another month or 6 weeks without causing my puppy harm? please, no "if you can't afford to take proper care of the puppy, you shouldn't have her" responses.

2007-06-22 02:25:30 · 15 answers · asked by diques1018 4


I have just read a question on here which was on about her dog coughing up like phlegm.. well our dogs doing that and has persisted off and on for months we have took him to the vets three times and shes given him antibiotics which have helped for a brief while but its come back.. ive now resulted to keeping his bedding to a minimum and an air purifer on as someone said it could be an allergy and hes not coughing as much but still a bit, he is an husky and hes shedding hair which dosent help - the vet said its like doggy colds he has .. some one mentioned benylin cough mixture does that help?? any ideas

2007-06-22 02:21:54 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am truly amazed at the number of people on this site that are willing to offer solutions to stopping dogs from biting.

Teaching a dog to sit, or to come. Not a big issue if you get this screwed up.

Doing the wrong thing when it comes to solving a dog that is biting, especially one that is biting humans is an ENTIRELY different situation. You make an error an you could have a dog that is MORE likely to bite.

How would you feel if you gave someone advice on this site, and then found out a couple of days later that the person had taken your advice and NOW the dog just bit a 3 year old and the child has to get 40 stitches?

For those of you who are offering this advice, why do you feel it is necessary to delve into a situation that is potentially VERY dangerous?

BTW. I've taught obedience for 30+ years and I am EXTREMELY cautious what type of advice I give in these situations.

2007-06-22 01:48:36 · 14 answers · asked by Dogjudge 4

We have a 17yr. old Collie / Shepherd mix . She's had arthritic problems in her hips for about 3 years and now has even more problems . She's having great difficulty getting up from a laying position and many times we have to help her . The vet says she also has muscular trouble too , because sometimes her legs slide-out from under her when she's standing or walking , especially on smooth surfaces .
She seems happy though . She's alert and responsive , but it's killing us to watch her struggle to walk and even get up on her own .

What Can You Tell Me To Help ?

2007-06-22 01:41:20 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

but my one at 2 is scaird of her wot can a do cause i dont wot him to feel left out HELP.................

2007-06-22 01:06:21 · 9 answers · asked by magz 1

2007-06-21 23:24:14 · 36 answers · asked by Anonymous

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