My husband was attacked by a pitbull this afternoon. I rushed him to the hospital and he has several stitches in his leg. The guy who owned the dog shot and killed it after it attacked my husband. Now the health department can not quarintine it to watch for rabies. Also when he shot it, he did so several times and one of the bullets went through the jaw, and if it hit the cranium, then the brain is damaged and they can not tell from examing the brain if it has rabies. It did not have any rabies shots, actually any shots for the other stuff besides rabies. Now what do we do? If they can't tell from the brain if it has rabies, my husband will have to go through that terrible series of rabies shots. Has anyone had to take them and are they are awful as we have heard. What do we do about the guy and his pitbull attacking my husband. My husband did nothing at all to provoke the dog. It just attacked for no reason.
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