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Cats - January 2007

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I just got my little boy Prince neutered this morning and just picked him up about an hour ago. However, he is very hyper and jumping and running around, I just can't get him to stop. I put him in a carrier to try and calm him down but that just did not work. he doesn't have stitches (they don't use them for this procedure) So I'm scared he's going to rip himself open!!

2007-01-12 07:03:09 · 8 answers · asked by Carrie 2

I just got my little boy Prince neutered this morning and just picked him up about an hour ago. However, he is very hyper and jumping and running around, I just can't get him to stop. I put him in a carrier to try and calm him down but that just did not work. he doesn't have stitches (they don't use them for this procedure) So I'm scared he's going to rip himself open!!

2007-01-12 07:02:39 · 3 answers · asked by Carrie 2

My vet has prescribed Tapazole 5 mg by mouth every day. I have never heard of HYPER thyroid being treated with medicine. What, if anything does this med do? Thanks

2007-01-12 06:30:47 · 6 answers · asked by Diane G 1

I dont know why but hes thrown up like 3 times in the past 4 weeks or so. Hes a male, like 15 or 16 pounds i think. (i know.. iknow..) everytime i give him wet food (usally friskies) he throws up, so i stopped feeding him wet food and now he just eats dry food. which is...meow mix.

but now hes throwing up and hes not even eating wet food....what should i do?

2007-01-12 06:29:39 · 12 answers · asked by Hi 1

Our beloved kitty suffered a broken jaw so the vet has wired it nearly-shut for six weeks so that it can. Our kitty has been living with his new (temporary) look for one week. He's now getting antsy and has started to groom himself excessively through the small opening in his mouth. He's managed to remove a lot of the fur from his "bib," chest and front leg areas. The fur that's left is almost always very wet and messy. Since these areas are so wet, kitty gets very cold. We've tried many things to stop his excessive grooming and are about to ask the vet for some meds to calm him down. Before we do that, we were wondering if anyone has had any success in diminishing or even eliminating excessive grooming by using some form of sweater, jacket or shirt designed for a cat. Any related information would (also) be greatly appreciated. Many thanks in advance.


2007-01-12 06:24:09 · 7 answers · asked by Ken B 1

hi, my cat was very sick with tummy problems as a kitten...he's fine now, eats, sleeps, is a joy to be around.....the only problem is he gets (to use the term loveingly) the squirts.....he makes the most doodies and runniest poops with the worst smell ever.....anyone else have this before?


2007-01-12 06:18:59 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cat has been diagnosed as diabetic and kidney infection.
Vet said I could put him on a drip for 24hrs but cannot guarantee any improvement. Vet said if the cat was human he would be on a dialasis machine (sorry can't spelt it). Vet said I should put him to sleep. What should I do?

2007-01-12 06:13:17 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat/kitten is about 9 month old. He had his first "accident" last night. I could hear him scratching the rug non-stop so I got up to see what he was doing....Well he was scratching the rug to pull up the yarn threads to cover a #2! Ok, I stayed really calm and I didn't yell at him because I could tell that he was embarrassed since he was trying to cover it up.

I picked it up, cleaned the area with an orange cleaner. Spray some febreeze and dusted the area with Baking Soda to remove any minor odor (that way he wouldn't use that area again).

The whole time I was cleaning, he ran behind the bathroom door and peeked around the corner to watch. I tried to get him to come out and play with him but he just backed up.

As soon as I was back in bed he went back to tearing up carpet pieces and trying to make a pile.....

Not only do I probaly have a bare carpet now...I think my cat was embarrassed at what happended.

What could I do? Should I of done something else?

2007-01-12 06:04:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I live in Germany!
I also wanna know how to transport it when I leave the country(by air)

2007-01-12 05:51:06 · 3 answers · asked by lukietare 1

He got run over on Sunday and I want a mix of sad/grateful songs to remember him by but I've got no ideas...

2007-01-12 05:43:45 · 5 answers · asked by serf m 2

I have 2 10 week old kittens, one male, one female.
Im thinkin of calling the boy Diesel (as he is black with grey flecks) But i really dont know what 2 call the girl.

Some names i like are - Tinkerbelle, Princess, Amelia and Winnie, but im not sure, i want a really girlie pretty name as she is a very pretty girl!!

I have 5 other cats already, 3 girls - Poppy, Maddy and Fatty, and 2 boys - Charlie and Taz.

Please any nice names wil be appreciated as im really stuck on what to call her and i think shes gettin confused as i call her allsorts at the min! (Shes ginger and white btw)

Thank u xx

2007-01-12 05:27:30 · 25 answers · asked by Jeni 2

I want a cat

2007-01-12 05:01:41 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a one year old cat. We have a shag type rug that my cat sucks on like she was suckling her mother, she also sucks plastic bags and likes to get inside them. I have heard people refer to her as a wool sucker. What could have caused this behaivor? Is it serious?

2007-01-12 04:37:50 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have a 1 and a half year old cat. A while ago we caught her peeing in a spot upstairs, so we had the carpet cleaned. A little bit later we started smelling the pee agian, so we figured she could still smell her scent and was still going in the same spot upstairs. Well then all of a sudden we could smell pee downstairs as well. So we bought a black light to detect where the pee was, and let me tell you it was a shock. The cat has peed in almost every other inch of the downstairs. The thing is I see her go in her litter box all the time, and I never have caught her in the act. She seems normal as far as eating and activity. Do you have any idea why she is peeing all over the house and what I can do to get her to stop?? I am desperate. Also any cleaning ideas to get the smell out. Any answers will be much appricated.

2007-01-12 04:33:37 · 8 answers · asked by silvienicole 1

i just wanted 2 know...because cats usually have more than one

2007-01-12 04:32:23 · 7 answers · asked by Bruna Kelly 4

It's like in a previous life, she was a video game addict. I can't get her attention usually. Now even picking up the tv remote control, she thinks is a flashlight.

2007-01-12 04:28:44 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

we have a minature long haired brown tabby, she is 12 years old. for the last couple of years she has eaten her food and then proceeded to vomit it back up right next to her dish. this happens quite regularly, evry few days or so. does anyone else have this same problem with their cat? does anyone know what it is and how to resolve it?
we've tried her on a variety of different cat foods.....

2007-01-12 04:09:42 · 29 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-12 03:37:48 · 14 answers · asked by jessicas_sage 1

When Fidel eats his food he takes his time, but every once in a while he throws it all back up, and I am not trying to see Fidel starve to death in front of my eyes.

2007-01-12 03:32:17 · 13 answers · asked by rhonda t 1

i found this little (maybe 8 week old) kitten last friday night. i took him to the vet first thing saturday morning. the vet gave me ointment for his eyes because they were sealed shut with infection and oral antibiotics for his congestion. when i found him he could barely even breath or move for that matter. he looks better and sounds a lot less congested. i've been forcing kitten milk down his throat every couple of hours and he reluctantly takes it but i'd really like to see him showing some interest in eating or drinking on his own. he might be blind but i'm not sure yet. i pry his eyes open and put the ointment in his eyes twice a day but he doesn't try to open them on his own yet. he seems so pitiful but i'm still holding out hope. i know i should go ahead and get him tested for feline aids and leukemia but i guess i'm stalling because i don't want to find out that he really is that sick.

2007-01-12 03:29:39 · 10 answers · asked by ? 2

Firstly we have an absolutely hyperactive kitten-about 7 months old. She is lovely at night though. Anyway, sometimes she will come up to us and either attack us playfully or just cuddle up. However, she will then start to lick us obsessively. It's lovely, but I have never known a cat that has licked humans so much. She wasn't brought up with a mother cat. Could this have something to do with it? Other wise she's fine and lovely :-)

2007-01-12 03:29:18 · 27 answers · asked by xMwahahahahahahax 3

He is almost bald in these areas in fact. He licks the areas a lot too.
We have been treating him for over three months with a flea remedy (on the back of his neck) which was bought from the vets, so we don't think it is fleas.
Any help please?

2007-01-12 03:23:48 · 10 answers · asked by chocofluff 1

Who has Burmese cats, what do you most like about them, and what names do they have? No cat haters please.

2007-01-12 03:23:10 · 5 answers · asked by Trixie Bordello 5

He is 5 months old and probably only eats about 1 pouch per day and some dry food too. He isn't skinny and doesn't seem ill,he's got loads of energy still and is generally really happy. I'm just worried that we're doing something wrong with his food which is why he is losing interest really quickly and then not going back to it.

Any wise words from experienced cat folk?

2007-01-12 03:23:06 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my kitten has just started cry and yelling before he goes into his litter box. AT first i thought he might have a bladder infection but he's not peeing anywhere but the box, and its cleaned daily...what could it be?? I did change his food recently.

2007-01-12 03:10:51 · 18 answers · asked by sassy2sloppy 2

As per earlier posts, my cat had surgery to remove an abdominal obstruction. He was offered food last night about 12-hours post-op and he declined. (He hasn't eaten since Sunday night.) This morning the vet called to say he did well last night despite not eating and could go home this afternoon or tomorrow. I chose to keep him there another night to see if he would eat. Did I make the right choice? Would he eat if he came home? Is it normal not to eat 12-hours post-op? And he's hissing at them now--he is not a hisser. Is this more an indication that he's getting worse or that he's getting his energy back and getting better and just doesn't want to be there. He also had a low fever (103)--he'd had a higher one (upwards of 104) before surgery. Thanks.

2007-01-12 03:08:46 · 6 answers · asked by kimpenn09 6


Hi, I have a cat that has recently came up to our house. It is shaky, very bony, seems to be dehydrated, won't move very much, when it rains, it just sits there and gets soaked. We have other cats, and one of them is fighting with it, so we brought it inside. It seems to be Very scared. any suggestions? Please help, we have no money to take it to the vet.Thanks!

2007-01-12 03:03:31 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

She has been urinating in strange places, drinking lots of water.

2007-01-12 03:02:29 · 12 answers · asked by Sandra T 1


2007-01-12 02:56:24 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

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