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Cats - January 2007

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He knows that the door handle is the mechinizam that you need to work so that the door can be pushed open. It only opens one way and he seems to know that also and when on the other side he doesn't try to open it because he knows when he jumps up to the handle his slightly forward force does nothing. Is it pretty common or should I call ripleys?

2007-01-19 23:30:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-19 23:08:31 · 23 answers · asked by lord_lawro 1

i had a cat ,but have got rid of him now, i just found 2 fleas in my house, iv put flea suff over the house but were still gettin bite, can the fleas live long after the cat has gone an would i be better to put the fle boms down thank you

2007-01-19 22:50:32 · 14 answers · asked by miss shy 1


I just got a 4 to 6 mo. old kitten and it is clawing at the corner of the bed. I got it a scratching post treated with cat nip but It just seems to like the corner of the bed. I put up some scrap carpet on it to prevent damage but I would like to know how I could discourage him from the wrong places

2007-01-19 21:05:20 · 12 answers · asked by SUPERSTAR X 4

just over 1 week ago our cat ran off but hes never done it befor. during the 2 weeks befor he left he started eating loads and loads and we couldnt not feed him because he would just rip open the bag of food or steal the dogs dinner.Then he started pooing in the house which he also never did befor because we had a cat flap he started never going out unless we made him and even then hed come back through my window. then he strted sleeping all the time and became fat as if he was pregnant but hes definatly a boy. he then started passing blood when he pooded im scared that hes gone of to die because i read this thing where it says cats run off when there about to die please could yo shed some lite.

2007-01-19 21:00:33 · 8 answers · asked by Super awesome 1

I adopted a ragdoll 3 years ago. She is extremely anal about food (if the bottom of the bowl is visible, she goes crazy until you add more). I can't walk around without her following me. She'll let me pick her up but isn't a huge fan of petting, although she wakes me up at night to be "lovey". She is always getting into something. If I'm in a room, she's playing in the blinds. If I try to work on the computer, she is tearing up bits of paper. Taking them away leads to her finding more. She gets into EVERYTHING unless you pay her attention 100% of the time. We've tried squirting her with water when she misbehaves, but it doesn't work. She gets crazy hyper to the point of running into walls and such and hates cat toys.

I adopted another cat about 1 year after I got this one thinking it would help her to have someone to play with. Although the two get along ok, she can become very aggressive with the other one.

I would never give her up but any advice for a slightly wild cat?

2007-01-19 19:29:52 · 5 answers · asked by Lucky 2

My cat got sick and he is not neutered therefore its very hard to feed him and make him sleep. When the vet feed him his medicine she numbed him first, how can I do the same thing at home, I need to find out so that I can give him the meds. Anyone please help... Thanksss!!!

2007-01-19 19:16:13 · 7 answers · asked by OHwlfYESuxxxZ 3

2007-01-19 18:49:50 · 14 answers · asked by timmy 1

If you have one of those feeders then please toss it out. My 10 month old cat, Snuggles ran away in Oct. and came back in Jan. when we were on a week-end visiting trip. We had put the feeder in the kitty house outside filled with food and when we came back we found the bottom of the feeder in the yard and the top with our missing kitten's head stuck! he came back hungry an that feeder killed him for it. please get rid of them while you can. In memorie of my sweet Snuggle Bunny, Please.

2007-01-19 18:49:31 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2


My Cat Mookie, is licking himself bald on his back legs and now his belly. I have had him to two different Doc's, and one gave him pills and one gave him a shot, neither worked. He was tested for allergies and so far nothing, I bought him a hood collar and this seems to work Only, he can't wear this the rest of his life. Has anyone run into this problem?

2007-01-19 18:00:19 · 8 answers · asked by Nanasgals2 2

Please help! My cat is acting CRAZY! i think its because of antibiotics she is taking! Ok this is the picture: I got her 3 weeks ago (5 months old?) She was really loveable and sweet and a little playful at times. She had a cold when i got her and I thought she would get over it but she didnt so I got her an antibiotic and the first day she took it she fell asleep all day. The next day, (I have to give it twice a day) she is acting INSANE! Like, WHAT is in that medicine? I cant even pet her without her biting and scratching me to bits. She's not doing it to be mean, just playing, but her scratches are drawing blood, and she bites HARD. She is jumping around, knocking things off my dressers, tearing things apart, and she has this WILD look in her eye. This is NOT her normal self! Is it the medication? Will it stop when she's off it? She's been taking it 3 days now. She NEVER sleeps anymore, just gallops around the house at mach3 all day! Please, I'm going out of my mind!

2007-01-19 17:53:16 · 20 answers · asked by o 2

my cat was making a noise yesterday for a few minutes and it didnt sound like a hairball or anything and i was wondering if anyone knew if it could have been hiccups or if its even possible?

2007-01-19 17:45:33 · 23 answers · asked by Hunnybunny00 2

I am taking care of an outdoor stray cat for the last 2.5 yrs. It took me about a year to even pet it. It was inside once when it was fixed. It has not been inside since and is good at being on her own. I feed her and I think another couple feed her once in awhile. I am moving and Im not sure if I should take her because she is so used to her surroundings and that it would be hard for her to adjust. I do not want to put her inside because I think it would be wrong and she wouldnt like it. Should I bring her to my new house or ask the new home owner if I can just drop off food for the cat ( if they are even ok with that)? My indoor/outdoor cat adapts well to change but Im not sure if this one will.

2007-01-19 17:25:16 · 24 answers · asked by jules12413 1

Hey, ok, so my question is about my adorabley cute (slightly crazy...I think she has it in for me) cat. She is about 6 months old now and I don't think she has yet gone into heat...though I know it's coming soon. When we first got her I gave her this small camel toy thingy and now she carries it around in her mouth and takes it for a little walks. Lately though, I noticed that everytime that she is around it she gets....Weird. Non-stop meowing, rubbing against it, almost as though she is in heat. But she doesnt do that when she is not near it so I have doubts that it is heat. My mom thinks she is just attatched to it but I think my cat is a little too attatched, if you know what Im saying. (Note: She isn't fixed yet, but she is an indoor cat and we don't have other cats. We will of course get her fixed within this month.) Is this just normal? Is it heat? Pre-heat? Is she getting frisky with it? What are your thoughts?

2007-01-19 17:08:58 · 16 answers · asked by Katie W 3

OK my house cat just went outside and she normally does at night for a while (we have a fenced in yard and she never jumps it or anything) but its like 30 degrees here and I cant get her to come inside! Ive tried to shake the treat can and get her attention with a toy but she will not come in!!! Any suggestions????

2007-01-19 17:07:47 · 11 answers · asked by nervousenergy73 5

I've read an article saying that Egyptian Mau should be thaught that fun doesn't mean aggression. How?

My 12 wks old Mau is the smartest cat I ever had, the cuddliest and the sweetest, but also the meanest! Lately when it comes to play time he become more and more aggressive. He bites so hard that he drew blood. I've said firm NO, screaming OUCH and yelling STOP IT. He would stop, but few minutes later will go back biting people until he's no longer in the mood to play and then will come to us purring and ask for space on our lap. I also gave him time outs in one room away from people. He knows he's being punished but I don't think he understand for what. I tried spray bottle but the dude loves water and often join people in the shower so it didn't work to stop him.

How to teach a Mau that fun doesn't mean aggression?

2007-01-19 17:02:12 · 2 answers · asked by Speck Schnuck 5

I have a foster cat with her 2 kittens in a HUGE kennel so she and her kittens can walk and play .
she keeps trying to take them out..how can I get her to not do that. I understand why she is doing it but it's the safest place for them.

I have the back and sides covered with a sheet to make her feel safe, should I cover the front with one also to make her feel safe ?

2007-01-19 16:44:56 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have 5 cats and one of them we just got not too long ago. She is about 14 years old. She will not use the litter box. She uses other places as the litter box. All of our cats are inside but one. If she does not learn to use the litter box, she will have to be an outside cat when the weather heats up. I am wondering if you guys have any suggestions for teaching an old cat, well, old tricks. Have anything to help get her to use the litter box?

2007-01-19 16:17:25 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

i honestly don't think hes drunk but he's swaggering when he walks, and he kind of hangs his head, he lays there with his eyes half open and not even curled up like he's sleeping. I just got him inside after not being able to find him overnight, and i've gently checked him and he's not hurt anywhere or vomitting-but he's a huge tomcat and for the first time ever he won't eat. When he jumped off of my bed he nearly fell down-like his legs wouldn't hold him up-and there is no emergency vet open nights or weekends in my little town!But we love this cat like a brother!

2007-01-19 16:02:22 · 19 answers · asked by stevenashfan 1

Why not dogs, people, etc.?

2007-01-19 15:55:16 · 7 answers · asked by magyargirl206 1

she is still a kitten. she was fine yesterday (01/18/07) but today she was in her cage, cause her, her bother spooke, and thier mother molly are kept outside, and when i let the other two out oddball, who is named that becuase she was the only black and white one born, did not come out. so i looked in there and she was kinda siting up, but laying down and when i tried to get her out she hissed at me! and normally she is a very sweet cat. could this be the work of rabies? i am afriad she will die soon, but i would like to know what killed her. anyone know?

2007-01-19 15:34:13 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-19 15:33:24 · 7 answers · asked by Jules 2

funny...cute..., or quirky habits? If so, what are they? My cats are hilarious...Fatty will run on his back legs with his front legs straight out in front of him,..at Bonk and tackle him. We call it his Godzilla move. Im still trying to catch it on tape but it happens too fast.LOL

2007-01-19 15:31:23 · 19 answers · asked by Hunnybunny00 2

she hates to be inside and races around from window to window knocking everything over and rips the house to shreds to let me know that she wants out! so to keep her warm outside, at night i have been putting 2 large jugs of hot water by her bed in the garage. i wonder if it would be even nicer for her if i put a heating pad in her bed. would that be safe? have any of you ever tried that? i understand that it is not healthy for an outside animal to have an actual radiant or convection heater in their living quarters because then they are prone to catch cold when they go outside because the ambient temperatures is so different from each other.

2007-01-19 15:27:52 · 8 answers · asked by LINDSEY MEOW 1

He has been treated every time he has a uti, but now he has one and is in pain and throwing up....

2007-01-19 15:23:45 · 7 answers · asked by beach_chica02 2

If I were to give some catnip to my cats every day would that be safe?

2007-01-19 14:43:58 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have month an a half kitten, Syberian - its been 14 hours since he last pooped - Is it normal?

2007-01-19 14:43:19 · 10 answers · asked by Ari 2

I need to know because his back teeth are getting a lot of tartar on them and his front teeth are getting yellow. Would a baking soda-paste (water and baking soda) be safe for his back teeth and not irratiate him????? I use a q-tip and some water know, but that's helping him that much...HELP!!!!

2007-01-19 14:34:28 · 15 answers · asked by Xx+Tory+xX 2

2007-01-19 14:30:52 · 11 answers · asked by ◄Hercules► 6

I know this sounds ridiculous but my 5 year old male cat's upper "fang" teeth protrude past his bottom jaw pretty far. It is actually making indentions in his lower gums. I have had several cats in my lifetime but never had one with this problem. I just want to be sure it is normal or if I need to have something done about them. By the way, he eats dry food and doesn't seem to be bothered by the long length.

2007-01-19 14:18:49 · 14 answers · asked by Ginger S 1

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