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Cats - December 2006

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My big furry cat loves boxes. She has squeezed herself into some pretty small ones and just lies their happy as can be. Is this a leftover instictive behavior from their wild ancestors?

2006-12-13 09:15:41 · 10 answers · asked by Cathy H 1

Our cat cheetoe will jump on my other two cats i think because he wants to play.Bubba will hiss but this does not stop him from jumping and trying to bite the other cats.I have told him no,Ihave sprayed him with water ,i have put him in a seperate room until he calms down but that only lasts for so long and it begins again.
they all sleep together fine and Bubba will attack other cats outside but will only hiss and run from cheetoe.My husband and i our baffeled any advice would be good.

2006-12-13 08:44:04 · 5 answers · asked by nobodytotalkabout 4

Im making a cat playground(dont tell me to buy one)
what should it include(this is part of my quest to get our cats into shape)
Prefered dimentions would be 4lx2wx8t to go into my closet(my closet doesnt have doors lol)
but it doent have to be that size, if could go in the corner of my room

I would like It to include a litter box at the bottom

2006-12-13 08:42:42 · 5 answers · asked by Skittles 4

I keep the litter box in the basement, she pees in it, but poops outside of it ,only around the litter box. Its on a tile floor--I've cleaned the floor area with bleach---and I've tried using two litter boxes to no avail. I use good clumping litter and clean it every day. Any suggestions?

2006-12-13 08:42:00 · 8 answers · asked by jslebod33 2

2006-12-13 08:32:05 · 16 answers · asked by clorenda23 2

She was left on the porch and when I came home she was gone and NOWHERE to be found outside or inside. I hope she is ok. anybody have any ideas? she has never done this before. in fact she is usually an inside cat....but she sometimes enjoys going outside. Thanks

2006-12-13 08:27:48 · 11 answers · asked by Jolt33 1

2006-12-13 08:26:19 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is this terrible to think about leaving a mellow adult cat alone inside for a period of 5 days and nights, leaving an abundant source of food and water, and warmth? She hates being outside and is afraid of other cats. No cat boarding houses in our area. We have left for about 2 1/2 days before and she seemed fine and dandy and did not even tear up anything. Would this be cruel to leave her that long? I don't know of anyone to have come in and check on her nearby.

2006-12-13 08:22:03 · 25 answers · asked by auntie44 2

I know this is probably a dumb question, but it has become a serious issue with me. Recently a neighbor has demanded money for vet bills because she claims my cat knocked up her cat. I told her that my Larry doesn't do those things and that she must have the wrong guy, but she insisted and threatended to sue, which is when I told her I wouldn't pay a dime until I saw a paternity test. When I talked to Larry about this his face just told me that he's innocent! How are these things handled legally? Is there any way to legally find out who the father is? BTW, because of this scare Larry went to the vet and is now half the man he used to be, but what do I do about this potential lawsuit?

2006-12-13 08:19:22 · 17 answers · asked by Matt 4

2006-12-13 08:17:31 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat has like black stuff under the chin, my other cat had it once. It isn't any sort of bug i know, but any ideas what it might be?

2006-12-13 08:15:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat was in a terrible catfight this summer and his vet bill ended up being about $600.00. Needless to say, he's a lover, not a fighter. Since then I have kept him inside. Obviously I can't afford for this to happen again and I see the other cat on a pretty regular basis. I don't let my cat out and he meows continuously. Outside of hollering at him or shooing him away from me, what can make him stop??

2006-12-13 08:08:42 · 8 answers · asked by georgiarose_01 4

i have a cat who is all-of-a-sudden eating more and throwing most of it back up....this is now a daily thing. we have tried switching her food and it stopped for a while but it started back again. she is solid white with blue-ish green eyes, and long hair. not sure what breed, she was a stray.

any idea of what it could be....is it serious?

2006-12-13 08:05:59 · 9 answers · asked by Tanner E 1

I have a Persian that doesn't go out ever because my last cat, a normal and timid (with people) cat disappeared just over a year ago. I was heartbroken and got my Persian several months ago. My domestic cat turned up yesterday... he is in good condition although was very hungry and in need of my affection, also wanting to come into my home again. I've done all I can to ensure his comfort and needs, but am afraid to allow him in because of my persian.... who is a real baby in case he attacks my persian..... he did fight other cats prior to going missing..... I feel loyal to them both and so sorry for my domestic, I'm giving him all the love I can in my porch, but I feel I'm not looking after as I should and that it's not good enough. I must add that he's always had a wildish streak, but is so affectionate with me...

Has anyone else with cats experienced this senario? Could I introduce them and them get on? Or should I keep them apart at my domestic cat's expense??? Help!!!!

2006-12-13 07:40:28 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Once he gets out it's nearly impossible to get him back in. Is there anything I can do to keep him from running out whenever a door is opened?

2006-12-13 07:38:37 · 9 answers · asked by fergie75 1

2006-12-13 07:37:12 · 14 answers · asked by lvcoolbg 3

I have a cat and a dog. One of them is defecating on my carpet every other day. The poop is always near the litter box, but my cat has never had issues about using the litterbox. And when I look in the litterbox, it is not that dirty.

Any ideas????

2006-12-13 07:22:49 · 17 answers · asked by riptide_71 5

ok, i am watching my gf's fleabag cat and apparently it hasn't been spayed and its that time of the month or something, so i call the vet for advice and they told me to use a "kitty pad" and to bring it in to get spayed whenever i can. Walmart didnt know what a kittypad was and so i got the smallest tampon i could find and tried to use it, but the damn cat keeps scratching me and wont let me put it in. What am i supposed to do? the cat is running everywhere and i have white carpet! HELP

2006-12-13 07:06:36 · 28 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi! My cat was microchipped yesterday and I was surprised to hear later that a friend's vet used anesthesia and shaved the area behind her cat's neck before putting in the microchip. Now, I'm worried that my vet did it the wrong way. (He literally stabbed my cat with the big needle without anesthetic.)

If you know anything about this, please advise me. Was my vet in the wrong? I love my cat dearly and it breaks my heart that someone might have hurt her unnecessarily.

Thank you very much in advance!

2006-12-13 07:04:57 · 13 answers · asked by Natalia 2

plz suggest home made stuff too. plzzzzzzzzzzzz

2006-12-13 06:55:25 · 10 answers · asked by Worried 1

My kitten had tapeworm and we gave her worming medication. We found worm segments on our bed where she sometimes groomed herself and vacuumed them; the segments looked like sesame seeds or rice. Are these segments actually "alive"? Can the eggs hatch and infest the house? How to get rid of them if so? My kitten is now (hopefully) worm free but I keep worrying about the segments that I might have missed in my cleaning. I don't want them to infect me, my cat or to infest the house.

2006-12-13 06:55:23 · 12 answers · asked by Diyabolo 1

2006-12-13 06:37:30 · 12 answers · asked by voodoocoach 1

When they're mad they puff thier cheeks up and move their ears back and they move their tails a certain way. There are lots of other things they do that are different, for a lack of better words. Is this just strange, or do other people's cats do the same thing?

2006-12-13 06:33:41 · 17 answers · asked by amanda 3

My cat hangs out in the bathroom ALL day. Before it was the kitchen. She gets excited when I come in there but doesn't leave unless it is too eat or do her business. Any ideas as to why she doesn't spend more time in the room I am in more often? I am the only person who lives here..

2006-12-13 06:31:00 · 6 answers · asked by beingwyrd 2

Why do people get pets they can't afford? I read questions all the time from people who can't afford to take their pets to the vet. Don't they understand that when you get a pet it is a living creature and will need care? Don't they know that it's illegal in some places not to provide care for a pet? Geez!

2006-12-13 06:24:40 · 20 answers · asked by Santa Baby 2

Could anyone please tell me what could be wrong with my tom cat? He use to be a big cat, not fat, but a lot bigger than he is now. He is just like skin & bones... He acts ok though.... Any answers will be great... Afraid to take him to the vet - afraid they will tell me I need to put him down & he seems ok, just too skinny!!

2006-12-13 06:08:31 · 12 answers · asked by LeAnne H 1

My roof is being re-done and there is suet and black powder (I think dried up old tar) all over the ground and she rolled all around in it. She smells like what I assume is roofing tar and her white fur is all grey...what can I do?...She would never let me give her a little cat bath...wouldn't even want to try that one....

2006-12-13 05:55:20 · 11 answers · asked by rebeccasventure 2

2006-12-13 05:39:31 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am looking for a breed of cat with the following characteristics: 1. lap cat; 2.) loves to be held/carried 3.) likes to get under the covers 4.) loves cuddling/petting 5.) is trainable and loyal like a dog 6.) is laid-back and doesn't mind my noisy and not-really-a-cat-person fiance 7.) doesn't need a lot of grooming. I searched similar Yahoo! Q&A's as well as the CFA profiles and found that Burmese, Ragdoll, Main Coon, and American Bobtail seem most to match these criteria. I would get a kitten in order to help mold his personality (yes, I woud get a male - more affectionate that females). In YOUR experience with cats, what would you suggest?

2006-12-13 05:39:26 · 9 answers · asked by sundownrunner 1

I have a 5 month old kitten and a 4 year old cat. We recently adopted the kitten and have been very slowly introducing them to each other. It has gotten so that we can let the kitten walk around the house without much incident, although we do hear hisses every once in a while. Today, however, I went upstairs after hearing a hiss, and found both cats near each other. There was blood on the floor, and the kitten hid behind a door. I opened the door, and there was blood swiped all over the wall. When I picked her up, I had some blood on my sweatshirt. I have checked the kitten thoroughly (as thoroughly as I can, anyway) and can't find the source of bleeding. Is it possible the cut already healed and stopped bleeding, or should I be concerned? The kitten isn't showing any signs of pain, is jumping around and walking like usual. She did recently get spayed but the area isn't irritated. Or, is it possible the bigger cat is bleeding and the kitten transferred blood?

2006-12-13 05:23:41 · 6 answers · asked by az270890 2

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