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Cats - December 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

2006-12-22 03:59:01 · 9 answers · asked by Onique 2

Is this harmful? How do I know whether or not she'll be ok?

2006-12-22 03:47:38 · 9 answers · asked by millatorch 2

I have a kitten and three cats. We have had a total of 18 kittens but we gave them all away.

P.S.- answer my other question about "What are your times for swiiming(everything)"!

2006-12-22 03:44:33 · 44 answers · asked by Swimmergirl 2

He is stuck in the walls, I dont know where he is and i cant get him out...

2006-12-22 03:22:46 · 25 answers · asked by Alex F 1

my cat didn't want to sleep or stay on the bed, after just few hours from spaying operation. she always wants to jump, run and even play with me as normal. i am really worried about her injury on incision. I can't force her to stay on her bed, which may make her struggling and get worse. what can i do????

2006-12-22 03:04:18 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

the kitten is grey and white he is very playful and he loves to cuddle

2006-12-22 02:52:44 · 26 answers · asked by sweetpea_0889 1

I have a 6 year old male cat. He is a great pet except that he has completely destroyed a sofa and love seat. I have tried using sprays, but he ignores them. I have placed different types of scratching posts by the furniture and sprayed with liquid catnip to no avail. The biggest problem is his latest habit, which is that he uses the carpet. Problem is that he uses a different spot all the time. I am finding small pieces of torn up carpet everywhere. He ususally digs in after he wakes up. Trimming his nails doesn't seem to help because he does it more to sharpen them back up. HELP!!!!

2006-12-22 02:38:31 · 10 answers · asked by Jack B 1

My Cat seems a bit dirty and greasy, and I feel that he needs a wash. I wash thinking of using a wet Flannel to get him wet and them use some Shampoo and Conditioner on his coat, and then wash it off with the wet Flannel again.

Is this a good idea? And also when applying the Shampoo and Conditioner will I need to use a pet friendly product or do you think that the one I use will be okay, as im not really prepared to buy a "Pet-Friendly" one.


2006-12-22 02:30:36 · 8 answers · asked by sam y 1

She constantly is purring.
My friend thinks she is happy and I think she is in pain or dying. Who do you think is right???

2006-12-22 02:29:09 · 3 answers · asked by stingme 3

I give my cat Laxatone as an anti-hairball treatment. He does not like it at all. So, I have to rub it on his paws and then he licks it off. The other day I spilled a little olive oil and he purred and lapped it up so quickly. The Laxatone is primarily mineral oil, so I was wondering if another oil (specifically, olive oil) would be okay. Does anyone know?

2006-12-22 02:17:23 · 5 answers · asked by Pethy 2

2006-12-22 02:00:03 · 11 answers · asked by VIERCK D 1

My sister's cat has blood in his stool. It is bright red, NOT dark like tar. She is concerned and called her Vet but there is evidently a rush to get animals in before Christmas because they said they had absolutely NO openings. She was advised to take him to the animal hospital which is quite a distance. She intends to take him but can not go until this evening. She is very sad and worried. Does anyone know what causes red blood in a cat's stool? She said he is acting quite normal but said his eyes look sick. If there is anything she can do to comfort her cat please let us know. Thanks and God bless!

2006-12-22 01:48:41 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just bought new furniture and my cat has a slight problem with vomiting from time to time. I'd like to preserve the new furniture as long as possible so while I'm at work, I'd like to prevent him from entering the living room. I tried using a shower curtain but, of course, he shredded right through that. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

2006-12-22 01:48:13 · 13 answers · asked by Lady Z 1

When I go out of town and come back home, he talks to me alot then lays on his back and stretches out. When I come home from wherever I am going, he is waiting, sitting in front of the door, he may even be waking up from his sleep cuz he blinks his eyes alot. Is this normal??? Also he will just run up and bite my leg out of nowhere!!! Then he likes to sleep with me and put his face under my chin

2006-12-22 01:48:06 · 9 answers · asked by she 2

I heard this more than once BUT others don't agree!!

2006-12-22 01:29:54 · 11 answers · asked by 10048 1

2006-12-22 01:23:32 · 12 answers · asked by hopenfaithinlove 1

2006-12-22 00:53:22 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous

The table he sleeps on is actually our computer table. I thought of putting the bed on the table but it won't fit. I've tried putting things on the table to discourage him from going there but he still insists on doing so. i don't want to upset my cat by changing his routine. how do i introduce his new bed?

2006-12-22 00:45:35 · 17 answers · asked by curious_cat 2


I am moving in with my wonderful boyfriend. Everything is perfect - apart from one thing. I have a 17 year old cat. She is a healthy and very loving little town cat. She is not used to going outside or to being with other cats. Actually she is quite frightend when she faces changed in her life.

My boyfriend has a really great house in the countryside and he has three/four cats. They are nice cats but one is of course dominant. He used to my cat until a year ago, but he and my little female cat didn't hit it off. She is terrified of him.

How do I introduce my little female cat to these other cats? And how do I create an environment where there is room for everybody?

2006-12-22 00:27:21 · 8 answers · asked by Great Dane 4

If a female cat mates with her brother or one of her offspring, will the babies have problems? I have heard that this was not a problem for animals but I have also heard that the babies would have things wrong with them.

2006-12-22 00:16:48 · 11 answers · asked by allisonsmith6980 2

you know how i know? because a stray cat wondered into my yard and i shot it's face off with a 12 gauge, actually more than its face was missing, hahaha. it didn't know what the hell hit it. thats the good think about living out in the small country town. no one really cares about that kind of stuff. I mean they hunt buck,doe,coons, rabbits. its all good.

2006-12-22 00:05:47 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

i'm cofused!!!!

2006-12-21 23:49:45 · 15 answers · asked by silent_midn8t 1

my cat is a cross breed cat and on his pet cover it says he's a moggie is a moggie a cross breed? im sooo confused.

2006-12-21 23:24:56 · 8 answers · asked by jodie t 1

i was wondering Can you train a cat to fear snake like objects? (incld snakes) , like get it to play with a rubber snake and u holding the snake and make it move like one and pretend to strike at the cat, like a real snake would, (meaning make it bump the nose of the cat) to give it fear of it so it will run from anything that looks like a rubber snake , (eg real life snake) . would it work?

2006-12-21 22:38:16 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

I don't remember the name,.. so does anyone know the name?

Does anyone have any experience with the Cat Chia Plant? What was your experience? Would you rec. it or rec. against it?

2006-12-21 21:54:46 · 5 answers · asked by sailortinkitty 6

Okay, I volunteered to babysit these two cats for some people going to the mainland for a month (I'm in Hawaii), and only a few days later I discover one of the cats dropping tiny pink/white dots. They are about the size of the tiny cat litter pellets, but in closer inspection I found that they move. I'm freaking out a bit because after that first one, I started to find more--and bigger!

Since they are not mine, I am not sure whether I should try to take them to the vet myself (is that possible?) or if I should find something for them to take/be sprayed with to get rid of them.

Has anyone else seen anything like this before, or know what I could treat it with? I never had anything like this in mind when I offered to watch after them. I've never had cats before...@_@ this is not something I ever guessed would happen! :'(

The one that I deffinately found them on is male, 6 mo. old, and sneezes constantly, and sometimes with blood. I noticed a topic for that too...suggestions?

2006-12-21 21:29:00 · 17 answers · asked by Kgirl 1

2006-12-21 21:09:13 · 17 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have had him now for 3 weeks he used his litter tray for weeing and pooing for the first 2 n half weeks but now has stopped weeing in the litter tray he will poo in it but not wee in it have you any idea why he is doing this ?

2006-12-21 20:58:25 · 10 answers · asked by alybongo2008 2

Ok when you look into a cats eyes it looks so clueless?
How smart are they? They just seem so dumb but cute?

2006-12-21 20:47:05 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Every time my boy kitty Smokey who is 7 months old drinks water he always sniffs it up his nose and starts to cough and sneeze for a while! He does it every time! How can I get him to stop and is this dangerous to him?

2006-12-21 20:32:11 · 6 answers · asked by emily woods 2

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