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Cats - November 2006

[Selected]: All categories Pets Cats

I've used Boundry product, but he's still pissing away!!!

2006-11-26 16:20:16 · 20 answers · asked by rollout e 1

I ran out of catfood Sunday morning, and cant get money out of the bank til' mon. morning. They were really hungry so I cut up some tortilla shell and put a spoon of chicken gravy (so they would actually eat the bread) and a piece of beef lunch meat. I know its probably a bad combo, and not to make a habit of it, but it was just a quick fix until morning. Question is, do you think I will wake up in the morning to find little "surprises" from them, or do you think they'll be alright for the night? I know a common answer might be "depends on howsensitive their stomachs are" and they have normal stomachs i guess...any advice would be appreciated. just need some peace of mind for the night. Thanks.

2006-11-26 16:05:16 · 19 answers · asked by CHRISTINA K 1

2006-11-26 15:46:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

my cat pulls the ornaments off of my christmas tree whenever I'm not around or asleep at night. how can I stop him from doing this?

2006-11-26 15:32:56 · 15 answers · asked by keziah 3

I've bought her a scratching post, a scratching rug, let another cat scratch the post hoping she'd catch on from watching -- to no avail. She still scratches my couch, and my fiance--who has nice furniture--doesn't want her ruining it. Any suggestions?

2006-11-26 15:21:19 · 37 answers · asked by ravenhairedmaid 2

i adopted a feral kitten last week, probably about 7 or 8 weeks old. He has been to the vet and he's only got worms and an eye infection, so he's ok. However, we are still having trouble taming him. When we try to pick him up (which is at least 3 times a day, since that is how often he needs neosporin put on his eyes), he hisses and scratches us and runs away if he can.
As soon as you pick him up, he purrs to sleep in your arms, he'll eat out of your hand, whatever. He is sleeping in my lap as I type. But he still runs away like crazy whenever we're not already holding him. He won't come near you unless you catch him, and I can't help but think that cornering and scaring him is not the best way to get him used to being picked up.
Has anyone tamed a kitten before? Advice would be welcome.
Also, do the worms make him this gassy or is it the food or what? This is a stinky kitten. Do they fart to repel predators? Does he just fart when we pick him up?

2006-11-26 15:18:00 · 9 answers · asked by Jessica 4

acording to the research of a friend raw garlic is the natural cure for worms, but now we dont know how to get the kittens to eat it!!

2006-11-26 14:58:31 · 21 answers · asked by Jules 1

there was a stray cat who basically decided our frontyard was its new home. we did after a while feed it sometimes. & then recently I noticed it was pregnant. then the cat was not to be seen anywhere for about three days. & then we heard the sound of a kitten meowing under the house. and now the cat is back as normal but have not seen the kittens or heard them meowing anymore, what could have happened?

2006-11-26 14:51:52 · 10 answers · asked by ? 6

My mother gave me a stray cat the other day .It is a female I took it to the vet got her shots and a check up . I have a dog and small kids around 5 and 6 years old . I know nothing about cats. This is the frist one . I want to give her a chance of a good life .My other dog got killed a week ago by a car :( ,but anyhow she seems scared all the time .She wants me to pet her but when I do she trys to clow me or hissss at me to .How can I try to calm her down .If I cannot tame her I will have to take her to the animal control center . Because I cannot have that going on here. But I donot want to give up on her .She is scared of me and I am kinda scared of her .I know she knows this .Because we both jump at each other and not meaning to . LOL , I beleave every animal should have a chance of life .But what can or should I do or a web site I can go to get infomation about this .

2006-11-26 14:46:52 · 13 answers · asked by purpal2002002 4

I just got my cartilage pierced about a week ago but the problem is all of a sudden my ear is like swollen, I've been taking care of it putting rubbing alcohol on it and cleaning it but it's stinging, I don't want to take it out but is this normal or is it infected?

2006-11-26 14:40:48 · 10 answers · asked by Baby J 2

I got a kitten a few days ago, I've never had a cat before, the first day everything was fine-she's litter boxed tranined and everything but the problem is she's wicked annoynig I know she's just being playful but she's constanly pawing my legs and jumping on my head. Her tempernt just doesn't seem well..is this normal behavior for a kitten? I've tried spraying her but she seems to like it. I have 3 more days to bring her back but I really would like to keep her- it's just that her temperment isn't so hot.Is it normal?

2006-11-26 14:34:51 · 12 answers · asked by Baby J 2

I took her to the vet today, and the vet told me to prepair for her to pass. I love my cat, and do not want to bury her, I would rather have her creamated and placed in an urn. Any advice on where I can find a nice urn. The vet has those tin-can ones, but those are not very good, they look like cookie tins.

2006-11-26 14:33:27 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had 2 cats 1 died recietly and i got a kitten how do i get my older cat to like him? is their anything i can do to help my older cat feel better or get them to get along?

2006-11-26 14:28:57 · 13 answers · asked by Meg 1

Our older cat vomits hair balls occasionly and we have tried everything to remove the odor from the carpet. Does anyone know any home remedies to elimate the smell?
Thank you

2006-11-26 14:04:49 · 28 answers · asked by tanzinite_gem 2

Two kittens frist Christmas

2006-11-26 13:54:41 · 22 answers · asked by bholden67 1

For the past 4 nights our kitten has taken to weeing on our bed ! No matter how much i scrub the bed she can obviously still smell it ! During the day she goes in the cat litter tray , but at might she waits till we are asleep then chooses to use our bed. does anyone know of a remedy of how to stop her ?or even why she is doing it ? She is 4 months old and thought we had cracked the use of a litter tray by now !!

2006-11-26 13:35:57 · 25 answers · asked by mazza 1

We just put up our christmas tree Saturday morning and all she's done is climbing. She's a little over a year old, we've had her since she's 5 weeks. I've only got her down once and she bit and used her back claws against me which really pissed her off and went straight back up the tree. I left her alone and she basically just lays in the tree and comes down a little later. She thinks it's just a place to lay and that the ornaments are her toys. She never goes to the top, just the middle or bottom. But my mom is scared she's going to knock it over or ruin the ornaments, and we're worried about her getting hurt.

I don't know what to do, i've tried telling her firmly no, but she just does it anyways. I've tried to lightly spank her, she just thinks i'm playing with her. And now my dad is threatening to spray her with water, which I don't approve of.

Any suggestions, or anyone that's gone through the same situation and has got there cat to stop?

2006-11-26 13:30:48 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

My kitten had over 100 fleas when I bathed her, now she got them all back, I know they live in the carpet but what products work the best to get rid of them???

2006-11-26 13:21:50 · 9 answers · asked by Mishca 1

2006-11-26 13:14:27 · 9 answers · asked by L U K E 7

2006-11-26 13:03:58 · 8 answers · asked by dustin w 1

Why doesn't the catnip I bought for my cat make him act wild for it. He acts no different. I bought the catnip from Wal-Mart.

2006-11-26 12:58:45 · 11 answers · asked by The Initiative 314 1

2006-11-26 12:00:06 · 9 answers · asked by dfksone 2

I love Cat's but 10 weeks ago my Cat died (had him from 13wks til he was 20) and I miss him so much, I miss the company he gave me, I do want another Cat, not to replace him (nothing could) Cat's our all so different so I know I'd never get another like him...
But how long should I wait...

2006-11-26 11:54:26 · 25 answers · asked by Anonymous

my two famle cats have always got along... but just recently the older one has been real mean to the younger one. she wont let the younger one anywhere near her and just glares at her all the time... the younger one has resorted to only walking on the counter tops, so we moved her food up ontop of the computer desk. she wont go into the "cats room" where we keep the food and litter box. shes totally scared to be in the same room as the older one... i have no idea whats wrong with them. i need your help...

2006-11-26 11:49:22 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-26 11:48:30 · 14 answers · asked by FREDERICK H 2

They keep climing up it & knocking it down im afraid its going to fall onmy 1 yr old neice

2006-11-26 11:45:51 · 12 answers · asked by sissy kiss 1

2006-11-26 11:36:11 · 9 answers · asked by Rosalyn W 1

2006-11-26 11:11:25 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I saw someone selling Feral Kittens for cash on Freecycle. Is that legal with Freecycle?

2006-11-26 10:50:39 · 7 answers · asked by Bonnie G 1

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