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Cats - November 2006

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ive got an artificial christmas tree in my living room. I also have two cats. they both LOVE the christmas tree, enough to bend the bottom four sets of branches down to the floor. one cat is the instigator. she will go real close to the tree and swat at it just enough to get my other cat, who is about three to five times the weight she is, over to the tree. he does the damage. we constantly have to spray them with a water bottle to get them to go away, but it doesn't work. we've also tried that spray that is supposed to make them not want to do it, scratch off or whatever. it doesnt work, not even on the couch. any and all suggestions would be helpful.

2006-11-27 07:25:33 · 11 answers · asked by me 2

i was outside waving the washing line pole because ive got loads of bats flying round my window and i tripped over something and fell and hit him over the head.I brought him in straight away but his little eyes are looking all crossed and weird and hes slavering alot.Ive put him next to the fire with some water but he keeps standing up and putting his back to the fire and his tail keeps smouldering.What can i do?Im really worried and there are no vets near me.

2006-11-27 07:21:47 · 13 answers · asked by Nellynoo 4

Ok I haven't seen this question before so I am asking. I have a cat who is really nervous, she recently started plucking her hair on her back in one spot. There is not a rash, fleas are not present, I have used antibacterial cream to keep it clean. Unfortunately this does not keep her from plucking her hair out, she avoids licking the cream and plucks an area beside where the cream is located. I tried tape bandaging, that only lasted a matter of seconds. Any suggestions?

2006-11-27 07:16:47 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-27 07:02:38 · 9 answers · asked by collean 2

2006-11-27 06:56:01 · 9 answers · asked by Anthony F 1

I have two female cats - one 8, the other 9 months (we've had her for 3 months now). They usually keep their distance, but when the older one thinks we aren't looking she'll run up and agressively swat the kitten until the little one flips on her back. Sometimes she'll do it when the kitten is playing on her own (I've never seen them play together). There's no blood but the kitten is pretty scared of the older cat, always watching where she's at, etc.

The only time I know they're fine is when they eat - they'll sit together in the kitchen with no problems and they eat with their bowls next to each other. I know there's some jealousy between them and we try to give both a lot of attention.

Since we've only had her a few months, might they still be working out territorial issues? Do I need to interfere or let them fight it out? I know it's my older cat that's the problem.

2006-11-27 06:47:30 · 6 answers · asked by Pook 4

This website teaches you to teach your cat to use the toilet...good idea or not??


2006-11-27 06:39:26 · 14 answers · asked by JenS12 2

My little 4-month old kitten is playful and rambunctious like the rest of them, and in between he is the sweetest little love-muffin. He climbs on me, purrs like a diesel engine, sleeps on me, gives kisses, head-butts, and all that good snuggly stuff. I love it!

Now, I've seen a lot of cats who don't like attention, are not lapcats, and want to be left alone -- and they have belonged to perfectly loving masters as far as I could tell.

Is it that my cat is just a happy guy because of our spoiling the heck out of him? Is it just a kitten thing he might grow out of? Or did I just get lucky by picking out a great cat and could have just as easily gotten a less lovable one?

Snuggly cats: Personality or result of care?

Oh, and FYI: he's a Traditional (apple-head) Siamese.

2006-11-27 06:39:02 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

She flies all over and gets into everything!!!

2006-11-27 06:23:42 · 15 answers · asked by Snowflake 1

Is there a such thing? My cat destroyed our tree and knocked it over. Is there a special spray thatll keep her away? Or must I keep her locked in the garage until the tree finally comes down?

2006-11-27 06:18:14 · 45 answers · asked by Anonymous

he was standing on my lap just looking at me as normal. he has no medical problems. he did it on purpose. i've had him for 4 years & he's never done anything like that before. it wasn't a ''spray'', it was a pee.

2006-11-27 05:48:57 · 23 answers · asked by eclecticmoon 2

"Oh! What is this giant green thing...it's sparkly...I think I will chew it!" <-my cats thought process

Ok, I have a small apartment and two cats. One is a big lazy lump and the other one....well....my favorite phrase about him is "what is he into NOW!?"

I put up my Christmas tree this weekend, put it on a 2ft high sturdy table, duct taped the base to the table, and wired the top to the ceiling. I put it in their favorite window so they can look at the lights close without being IN the tree. They can tell that the fake tree branches are not strong enough to support them; I watched them test the branches and then give up.

I have not decorated it yet, and I have not bought anything to decorate it yet. I need help! I already know no tinsel and unbreakable ornaments; small lights are less breakable than large, and to keep the wires in the center of the tree to keep chew temptation down. What I am stuck on is garland. I can’t do ribbon or any of the tinsel like garland. I have also discovered that they like to attack fake flowers… and my Thanksgiving centerpiece suffered. They will obviously eat anything like threaded popcorn or nuts. I can not lock them in another room at any point (again, small place - the bedroom houses a hamster and fish). This is my first Christmas away from home and my first Christmas with Cats – any tips (tree or other) you can give me would be a huge help!

2006-11-27 05:43:50 · 13 answers · asked by Alexis 4

A few months ago my cat, Pogo, started walking around the house meowing really weird. He also makes this cooing sound like a pigeon or a dove. I thought he was doing it because he was lonely (our other cat died) so we got another. That seemed to be what it was since he stopped doing it after we brought the new cat home. But, now he is doing it again except its even more strange. He does it at doors and walls. The strangest times are when he walks into the corner of a room and stretches as high as he can standing on his back paws. Once he is stretched as high as he can, he starts crying. His meow has this bizarre trill to it. Everything is normal, eating, drinking, potty, no sickness, no worms, no ear mites, no fleas, nothing. Why is he doing this, it is creeping me out.

2006-11-27 05:38:27 · 7 answers · asked by bloggerchick 1

He's 5 years old -- doesn't go outside anymore, but likes to look outside

2006-11-27 05:38:16 · 19 answers · asked by lewmoorhouse 1

I have a female cat approx 14 yrs old. She went in the litter box and didn't do anything, then ran around the house screaming as if she was in pain. Then she was hiding under my bed with a terd hanging out. Sorry for the details, but it appears she is having difficulty. I'm not sure if it's because she has maybe chewed on our fake Xmas tree, or something else. She cleans herself a lot and always pukes up fur balls. Her belly is wide and the vet says she's healthy, but probably has fur balls that haven't passed one way or another. I don't want to leave her alone in pain, but I also don't want to rush her to the vet if it's something that will pass on it's own.

2006-11-27 05:31:26 · 9 answers · asked by Emjay 3

I have a 9 month old maine coon & a 5 month old maltese. They both eat wet food now, but the vet told me to change there diets to a very good dry food. Does anyone know of any ways to do this without making them so hungry. I tried the new stuff you pour on the dry food (made for dogs) and only my cat will eat it, and even then he picks at it. Anybody have any suggestions.. Oh & also I put some water in the dry food to soften it up and neither of them liked that idea!

2006-11-27 05:30:28 · 11 answers · asked by Deana 1

from my cat? It's been there awhile because it's huge! Plus when I've tryed to pull it off my cat "MEOWS!" so I know it's hurting him. Please help, I'd say the head must be in pretty deep.

2006-11-27 05:24:18 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat was recently killed when she was hit by a car on a main road near to my house. My wife and I are absolutely devestated and at first said she simply could not be replaced. A week has gone by now and we are starting to realise that we need something to fill the void left by her. We are keen now to get a kitten but are very concerned about the dangers of the near by main road. Is is possible for a cat to be contained within either the house or the house and garden. Any advice would be greatly appreciated

2006-11-27 05:12:18 · 15 answers · asked by Alan Walnut 1

2006-11-27 04:58:53 · 5 answers · asked by James C 1

I know he will be wary of us to begin with and nothing smells of home yet but I thought (perhaps naively) that he might be coaxed into playing little games with string or toys, or at least come out of the cardboard box we gave him sometimes, but he hasn't, except when we are asleep or we leave the house! We've only had him a few days though so maybe I am over-worrying.. Should I be worried? I am quite new to cats.

2006-11-27 04:52:04 · 21 answers · asked by Clazza 2

our cats have claws i've heard of ncaps that can be put on them to help with pulling

2006-11-27 04:46:01 · 7 answers · asked by moorek38 1

I already used one of those rolling things that are sticky but theres still cat hair on my black jacket! help.

2006-11-27 04:45:46 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-27 04:44:04 · 8 answers · asked by learner mom 2

we are getting a three month old male kitten and I would like to get him fixed, as our neighbors have several female cats, and neither of us want more kittens.
I was wondering if there might be some service to fix the cats for free, My hubby doesn't want to invest alot of money in this cat, but wants it fixed.
Also what age would be good to get him fixed?


2006-11-27 04:34:57 · 11 answers · asked by sandrarosette 4

She is a former abused Egyptian Mau, the breeder took her back after finding out about the abuse and we got her from a friend of the breeders. She was pregant, but the babies were still born, we've had her 6 years and still she won't allow me to pick her up.

2006-11-27 04:27:54 · 6 answers · asked by julie k 1

I am scared she will jump up onto the hob when it is still hot and burn her paws. Anyone know of any shield or device which would prevent her hurting herself?

2006-11-27 04:03:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

2006-11-27 03:47:00 · 16 answers · asked by Anonymous

I've been feeding my cats Special Kitty Urinary Tract dry food. The vet said one of my cats has allergies and that I should try changing his food. I'm looking for one that will be good for urinary tract infections and allergies both.

2006-11-27 03:44:24 · 9 answers · asked by Willow 2

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