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Cats - October 2006

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I think my cat is pregnant ok on august the 15 or around those days we took my cat outside and when we tried taking her in she would hiss at us and if we caught her she would scratch us.later that night i heard some howling im not sure if it was her or another cat, she let us handle her the next day. Yesterday i noticed she started getting fatter and started eating more she usually eats only one can of wet food and some dry and today she ate 3 cans of wet food and some dry food and she looks really fat.between august 15 and today its been about 7 1/2 weeks since i heard the howling could she be pregnant?or when is the time when they start gaining weight she doesnt have boobs yet.Is she pregnant or is she just turning really obese?

and also we didnt catch her on the 15 th cuz like i said she kept on scratching us so she stayed outside that day

2006-10-09 15:29:03 · 14 answers · asked by beast 3

2006-10-09 15:24:08 · 15 answers · asked by jared_dowdy2002 1

I have 2 older cats and they will sleep beside my head sometimes but never under the blankets.

2006-10-09 15:23:05 · 20 answers · asked by LAUGHING MAGPIE 6

My Cat ate a fly!!what should i do!

2006-10-09 15:12:28 · 24 answers · asked by Anonymous

My cat likes to sit quietly on the roof of my house and catch bats and then she brings them inside my room to show off. She then carries the dead bats into my bathroom and eats them. Should I be concerned? The bats she is catching are healthy, flying bats. The bats have no obvious signs of disease and I've talked to animal control and they say there isn't a big rabies problem in my area.

2006-10-09 15:02:14 · 14 answers · asked by greeneyedladysexylady 3

My cat's thrown up twice tonight. It's clear but it smells horrible. She's acting somewhat normal, not tired or anything.
We just got a new dog today who's extremely sweet and loves other animals. She approached the cat pretty quickly and the cat attacked her. The dog walked away and continued on with it's exploring like nothing happened.
I don't think the cat's eaten today or had much to drink. We brought her food and water in the bedroom so hopefully she'll use it.
Do you think she's just stressed and nervous? Could that be the cause?

2006-10-09 14:55:31 · 13 answers · asked by Melissa D 2

We saved a 4 week old kitten...(momma's gone)and were wondering when he can focus his vision...worried about rumor of white cats and blue eyes being blind.

2006-10-09 14:52:09 · 5 answers · asked by proto_moose 1

We just brought home a new kitten over the weekend and we've noticed that her breath and feces have a rotten smell to them. I noticed today after she had a bowel movement that there was blood all over the outside of her anus. What is this from, and should I be alarmed that it might harm my other adult cat's health? I'm going to take her to the vet, I just want to know what to expect.

2006-10-09 14:45:59 · 11 answers · asked by severina418 3

She is acting normal, maybe sleeping a tiny bit more, but she still plays and is active. She seems to be eating normal (she ate tuna my son gave her plus her normal food). Should i be worried. I haven't gotten her shots yet because i fell short on money. Also can you buy the immunizations and administer them yourself for cheaper? Somone told me you could.

2006-10-09 14:42:23 · 14 answers · asked by MiZmeL 4

burrow himselff into my blankets on the bed.... or if I have something I have just finished wearing thrown on the bed... he will lay on it.... is that some sort of affection !!???

2006-10-09 14:41:15 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

my black and white cat has a white face except for a little black mustache and everytime i walk around my house, she's always sitting there and just staring at me..it freaks me out..should i be worried they're the anti christ?

2006-10-09 14:31:21 · 20 answers · asked by mz_alyssatx@sbcglobal.net 1

she eats out of the dogs bowl and thinks she should live in a box

2006-10-09 14:29:27 · 19 answers · asked by Rhiannon. Stay[[+]] 4

my cat gave birth to 3 beautiful kittens a little over an hour ago. i stroked her belly after awhile to see if there were any more kittens in her. well, i've stroked her a few times and my mother has, and we both feel a 4th kitten. it's now over an hour later, and she still hasn't give birth to it. how can we help her get it out?!

2006-10-09 14:23:28 · 7 answers · asked by jesus_freak1026 1

without showing signs of being sick?

I have read that a kitten with Panleukopenia will throw up, have diarrhea, hunch over their food or water bowl and cry in pain.

Can they show no symptoms, but die of this virus?

2006-10-09 14:19:21 · 4 answers · asked by tab42104 3

my adopted cat is obessed with walking across my laptop keys and watching me whilst im on it why is this? can it be the sound it makes? also he likes to piss in the house y is this? and how can it be stopped?

2006-10-09 13:52:35 · 34 answers · asked by cristina d 1

I think it is the Norweigan Forest Cat...but I wasn't sure..

2006-10-09 13:52:28 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous

He is a white Pekingese if that is any help.

2006-10-09 13:35:13 · 8 answers · asked by Cristal 2

I have a 3 month old kitten, Bella. She has no equilibrim at all. I understand she was born this way. She has shiny hair, plays and pounces, eats good. She just can't walk straight or be very steady. My husband was advised to have her put to sleep but I am against as he was. We are going to get a second opinion about this...any input?

2006-10-09 13:34:13 · 8 answers · asked by roadracerxgirl 1

This includes the kittens having kittens so on and so on

2006-10-09 13:27:03 · 6 answers · asked by kelby 1

My roommates have two kittens. they were spayed and declawed about 2 weeks ago. over the past week one has developed a bladder infection and has been on antibiotics for 4 days. She still continues to pee all over the place. Today I picked up some of the cat attract littler and placed a 2nd box in the place she seems most to go other than her box, she sometimes uses the boxes, but she will just walk to a corner and pee. My roommates are on vacation and am worried that they won't be putting up with this and get rid of her. It's not my cat, but it makes me sad just to think about it. any ideas on how to get her to just use her littlerbox, or is this something that just happens with bladder infections. Every time i catch her i put her in the box. but i can't catch her every time. I've had 4 cats in my life, but never once had this problem before. I'd appreciate any advice you can give me!

2006-10-09 13:16:16 · 11 answers · asked by scarletthaze 1

Hair gets everywhere. It's a source of stress between my boyfriend and I. I believe cat lives in the house but he can't stand the hair. Please help! :o(

2006-10-09 13:11:29 · 17 answers · asked by Annie Oakley 2

Winter's coming up and I don't want the old girl to freeze when she goes outside. Should I go for fox or mink? Perhaps baby harp seal?

2006-10-09 13:02:46 · 10 answers · asked by Mike R 5

my cat cut the soft part under his paw and black goo is coming out of it why is this happening should i take him to the vet? and every time i touch it he meow in a painful way what should i do

2006-10-09 13:00:12 · 17 answers · asked by bygtoe526 1

Our 8yo male loves plastic! When we bring in the groceries he lays there and licks the bag and purrs like he's in heaven. Same with the shower curtain, lick lick lick lick. He just looks so happy, we say he's getting his daily dose of vitamin P. And you???

2006-10-09 12:57:52 · 19 answers · asked by Skanky McSkankypants 6

I adopted her from the humane society about a week ago and she is acting funny. Always sleeping and never playing. She is however eating and drinking. She was sneezing a couple of days ago, and today her eyes look really irritated. I can not afford the vet until next week. Does anyone have any ideas before then? Thank you, thank you

2006-10-09 12:44:27 · 8 answers · asked by molly p 1

2006-10-09 12:44:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

What are the chances that she will survive????

2006-10-09 12:38:07 · 20 answers · asked by geri 2

My two cats, one boy and one girl, love to rub all over my Mother-in-Laws shoes and feet when she comes over. The just go nuts. She does'nt have any other pets on her shoes. Whay do they do this?

2006-10-09 12:30:28 · 7 answers · asked by kandy_foxx 1

2006-10-09 12:17:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

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