it started out as me,sickly. respiratory stuff. I thought it was the cronic...
but it got worse. Much worse , on that rainy tuesday.
one my kittens got sickly ..snuffly ..sneezy on Saturday, and by
Monday it had spead in varying degrees to all my kittens (5) . I brought the Original sickly one in to the vet and he sez "cold" or resp infection, and gave me Zithromax (Cherry flavored -WTF?-but that's besides the point.)to give to them. that was a couple days ago , and there is still no improvement. they are congested and you can hear the fluid in there , even tho the vet says the lungs are clear.
starting last night my older cats began comong down with it. and by this morning , my poor thomas ia Wheezy/snuffling as bad as the kittens do.
Could it be Mold. we were drying birdhouse gourds inside.
I put them out in the shed, and i hope that's it, but i'm still worried.
we also had brought in a hollow stump for he kitts to play in? it had dead poison ivy on it...
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