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Pets - 19 January 2007

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents


I just got a 4 to 6 mo. old kitten and it is clawing at the corner of the bed. I got it a scratching post treated with cat nip but It just seems to like the corner of the bed. I put up some scrap carpet on it to prevent damage but I would like to know how I could discourage him from the wrong places

2007-01-19 21:05:20 · 12 answers · asked by SUPERSTAR X 4 in Cats

just over 1 week ago our cat ran off but hes never done it befor. during the 2 weeks befor he left he started eating loads and loads and we couldnt not feed him because he would just rip open the bag of food or steal the dogs dinner.Then he started pooing in the house which he also never did befor because we had a cat flap he started never going out unless we made him and even then hed come back through my window. then he strted sleeping all the time and became fat as if he was pregnant but hes definatly a boy. he then started passing blood when he pooded im scared that hes gone of to die because i read this thing where it says cats run off when there about to die please could yo shed some lite.

2007-01-19 21:00:33 · 8 answers · asked by Super awesome 1 in Cats


2007-01-19 20:57:08 · 32 answers · asked by skunk man 1 in Other - Pets

We have a 3 month old male blenheim, but just wanted to see what others thought of them.

2007-01-19 20:47:31 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I have a neighbour who I wouldnt like to approach as last time I did I got a mouth full of abuse, she has a staffie and she is obviously a lazy btch because she just lets it roam round our culdi sac sihtting where ever, (usually on my drive) My friend and I have both complained to our housing association and they keep saying they will send round the dog warden but they never do. Could I contact the dog warden direct because in the minute Im going to pay someone to kidnap the thing.

2007-01-19 20:29:09 · 33 answers · asked by charlie 3 in Dogs

Why is it that people always jump on each other (including me) for the way they view their pets?
I am an animal lover, I have had many pets all my life. My pets are spoiled rotten, they are fed, bathed, they have toys to their hearts content, all the love and petting they could ever want, but I do not forget that they are ANIMALS.
People seem to get so offended when I don't put my pets on the same level as me. No, they do not NEED routine medical checkups (heck, I don't even get routine medical checkups). No, I don't feel bad if my dog sleeps in a crate and not in my bed. No, I don't see a problem in sedating or crating a hyper animal under certain circumstances.
There is a HUGE difference between animal cruelty, and treating your pet like an animal. When did it become so common to treat our pets like little people? Hasn't anyone ever been on a farm??

2007-01-19 20:14:57 · 16 answers · asked by The Only 3 in Other - Pets

When a male betta starts makeing his nest does it look like tiny normal bubbles?

2007-01-19 20:11:16 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

it could be through separate medicines for fishes or using simple methods such as using salt water

2007-01-19 20:10:16 · 12 answers · asked by lazycrazy 1 in Fish

Are they usually buried or are their parts used for other purposes?
Just curious ..

2007-01-19 20:06:41 · 17 answers · asked by jen_1506 2 in Other - Pets

I like to give my rats plenty of options when it comes to things to play with, they have a big cage with lots of climbing space, 2 wheels, a plastic igloo, a basket to sleep in/chew on, I give them cut up towels and gift basket paper to make beds out of, empty cardboard boxes to destroy, etc.

What are some other creative things I can give them to play with? I have to get creative and go to places like the dollar store and walmart because even big pet stores lack in inventory when it comes to toys for rats. (atleast around here )

2007-01-19 20:00:01 · 9 answers · asked by Dani 7 in Other - Pets

Alright, I will try to keep this simple. We have a puppy, and being a puppy, she gets VERY excited when company comes over. She loves to jump on people and squeal and she just gets VERY wound up. We are trying to train her manners, she has been very good with all of her tricks and other training, but this is a tough one.
Needless to say, my husband's kids are coming over today, and he promised them a surprise (the dog, of course. we have been keeping her hidden from the kids.)
Their mother is very..... strict, and, if they so much as go home with a scratch she will raise you know what. I know that she doesn't mind if they have a puppy, but I am terrified of the dog jumping on the kids. They are both 6, and the puppy is 10# Is there anything that I can buy at the pet store, or the drug store that I can give her to slow her down for today? I don't want to make her sleep or anything, just something to sedate her a little bit so she isn't as rambunctious as usual. Something SAFE. Thanks

2007-01-19 19:48:02 · 8 answers · asked by The Only 3 in Dogs

2007-01-19 19:30:12 · 23 answers · asked by Chase 4 in Dogs

I adopted a ragdoll 3 years ago. She is extremely anal about food (if the bottom of the bowl is visible, she goes crazy until you add more). I can't walk around without her following me. She'll let me pick her up but isn't a huge fan of petting, although she wakes me up at night to be "lovey". She is always getting into something. If I'm in a room, she's playing in the blinds. If I try to work on the computer, she is tearing up bits of paper. Taking them away leads to her finding more. She gets into EVERYTHING unless you pay her attention 100% of the time. We've tried squirting her with water when she misbehaves, but it doesn't work. She gets crazy hyper to the point of running into walls and such and hates cat toys.

I adopted another cat about 1 year after I got this one thinking it would help her to have someone to play with. Although the two get along ok, she can become very aggressive with the other one.

I would never give her up but any advice for a slightly wild cat?

2007-01-19 19:29:52 · 5 answers · asked by Lucky 2 in Cats

She has had her first seaon and it's almost time to take her to the vets to be spayed. She's a lovely dog, very biddable and easy to train. Occasionally, when she's playing with my German Shepherd, she goes potty and zooms around the house or garden like a maniac. Sometimes I'm afraid she will hit something and do herself some damage. Will she calm down after spaying?

2007-01-19 19:27:44 · 21 answers · asked by Gladys 4 in Dogs

in the roof of my house there lives more than 10000 bats. This is getting out of hand. How best can I get them dead or relocated back to where they came from.

2007-01-19 19:26:30 · 13 answers · asked by golf kilo 1 in Birds

I recently have purchased a spotted marsh frog and I am finding keeping the crickets for feeding difficult as they dont live for very long and need a fair bit of maitenance. I also have an axolotl that I feed, amongst other things, bloodworms and I was wondering if I would be able to feed these to my frog. Any other suggestions for feeding are also welcome.

2007-01-19 19:23:13 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles

My cat got sick and he is not neutered therefore its very hard to feed him and make him sleep. When the vet feed him his medicine she numbed him first, how can I do the same thing at home, I need to find out so that I can give him the meds. Anyone please help... Thanksss!!!

2007-01-19 19:16:13 · 7 answers · asked by OHwlfYESuxxxZ 3 in Cats

2007-01-19 18:49:50 · 14 answers · asked by timmy 1 in Cats

If you have one of those feeders then please toss it out. My 10 month old cat, Snuggles ran away in Oct. and came back in Jan. when we were on a week-end visiting trip. We had put the feeder in the kitty house outside filled with food and when we came back we found the bottom of the feeder in the yard and the top with our missing kitten's head stuck! he came back hungry an that feeder killed him for it. please get rid of them while you can. In memorie of my sweet Snuggle Bunny, Please.

2007-01-19 18:49:31 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2 in Cats

This is the 3rd time she's had this. Usually it lasts for 3 or 4 days. This time it's mostly blood, less diarrhea. I've taken her to two different vets where they've kept her over night to monitor her. They can find nothing wrong with her. Any ideas? Haven't changed her food or anything. Could it be worms? Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!

2007-01-19 18:46:07 · 6 answers · asked by magick_is_you 1 in Dogs

I have a three y/o st bernard female that we got a week ago as a rescue. The people that were taking care of her said that it took some time to get her to eat dog food as her previous owner only fed her people food. She has not eaten in five days except some wet dog food off of a butter knife (like a kid eating peanut butter). Today I handed her one peice at a time of dry dog food until she ate...and I figured out her problem. She has such a big mouth, and such big jouls, that she has a real hard time with keeping the peice in her mouth as she chews. She is on kibbles and chunks right now...not the stuff by olroy, but the actual kibbles and chunks. Should I be finding a food with bigger peices to make it easier for her to bite, or should I find smaller peices so she can take a mouthful and chew. Is this normal for a St. Bernard to have trouble chewing because she is so clumsy with her mouth. Please help, I don't want her to get sick!

2007-01-19 18:41:56 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I am looking for an African Grey Parrot - young - that has been handraised.

2007-01-19 18:40:57 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Birds

Hi All

Today I was going to get my bag of Dick Van Patten's Natural Balance and I ask the store manager what he think of the product. He said that he does not believe that buying for suitable for all life stages like Dick Van Patten's and Eagle Hollistic is notgood as it is not 'specially formulated' for a puppy. He recommened Advance,Eukanuba or Hills.

Then I go when I ask the fourms they said Advance Eukanuba and Hills is full of by products and he said that was good

Then I go compare the ingredient list from Dick Van PAttens and Advance Puppy Growth. They look both the same to me ? . Except Dick Van Patten does not contain corn,by products and has less Crude Fat and Crude Protein.

So what do you think about suitable for all life stages food ? Or should I follow him and get 'specially formulated food' I really do not want to be feeding my dog by-products

I keep doubting myself

2007-01-19 18:27:03 · 11 answers · asked by Beaglenewb 2 in Dogs


My Cat Mookie, is licking himself bald on his back legs and now his belly. I have had him to two different Doc's, and one gave him pills and one gave him a shot, neither worked. He was tested for allergies and so far nothing, I bought him a hood collar and this seems to work Only, he can't wear this the rest of his life. Has anyone run into this problem?

2007-01-19 18:00:19 · 8 answers · asked by Nanasgals2 2 in Cats

While I was cleaning, I saw my two male parakeets preening and feeding each other, I thought there was another girl, but albino parakeets with pink noses are boys! Do I have to seperate them, or do I have to leave them alone?

2007-01-19 17:57:44 · 12 answers · asked by maricel r 1 in Birds

Please help! My cat is acting CRAZY! i think its because of antibiotics she is taking! Ok this is the picture: I got her 3 weeks ago (5 months old?) She was really loveable and sweet and a little playful at times. She had a cold when i got her and I thought she would get over it but she didnt so I got her an antibiotic and the first day she took it she fell asleep all day. The next day, (I have to give it twice a day) she is acting INSANE! Like, WHAT is in that medicine? I cant even pet her without her biting and scratching me to bits. She's not doing it to be mean, just playing, but her scratches are drawing blood, and she bites HARD. She is jumping around, knocking things off my dressers, tearing things apart, and she has this WILD look in her eye. This is NOT her normal self! Is it the medication? Will it stop when she's off it? She's been taking it 3 days now. She NEVER sleeps anymore, just gallops around the house at mach3 all day! Please, I'm going out of my mind!

2007-01-19 17:53:16 · 20 answers · asked by o 2 in Cats

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