My boyfriend has a Min-Pin who is in most respects a sweet dog, but she really interferes with our sex life. If we close the door, she constantly barks and whines. And if we leave the door open, she jumps up on the bed. YUCK!!!
Also, he has always allowed her to sleep on the bed, but I don't like this. The thing is, he's had the dog for 3 years and I don't know if it's too late to ask her to sleep on the floor.
Does anyone else have a problem like this? What do you recommend we do?
Also, I just don't like the way my boyfriend interacts with his dog. He calls her his "daughter."
And when I first brought my cat to his home, he encouraged her to "get the kitty" - basically chase after the cat and intimidate her.
Do I have a right to ask him to find a new home for the dog? The thought of a house with no pets makes me sad but the way my boyfriend interacts with his dog really disturbs me.
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