Tonight we adopted a 4-year-old female shetland sheepdog (though she seems very small compared to our last sheltie...she's only a little bigger than our mini schnauzer, who also happens to be small). She's extremely sweet and well-tempered, but also extremely shy. Also, I was told she was kicked at her previous home on more than one occasion, and probably suffered more abuse than that that we aren't aware of. Tonight when I took her outside the first time, she got very skittish, and it was all I could do to get her to come back to me. We tried to take her out again later, but she would bolt whenever my mum or I were closer than like a yard away or made sudden movements. We finally managed to run her into a corner of our backyard, but when I reached to pick her up, she bit me. It was obvious she wasn't doing it just to be aggressive. She was just completely terrified. I didn't know how to respond. I just picked her up and took her back inside. (Question in additional details.)
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