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Pets - 11 November 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

My guinea pig is a 9 month old female who has never been breed before. Im being offered a un breed un nuetered male. If i put them in the same cage together would they breed?

2006-11-11 23:58:39 · 6 answers · asked by MorganR 1 in Other - Pets

My new puppy (Who we brought home yesterday) has been having some problems, since last night. Her stomache got pretty big, way too big for her body, but she seems normal in activty. In the middle of the night, she started barking and crying and was trying to claw her wat out of her crate.

I took her outside, and she pee'd, but nothing else. Since then she has been restless. About 30 minutes ago, I took her out again, and did poop. This was the first time I actually saw little white worms in her poop. Since then she has pooped several other times, all solid, all with worms in them.

What type of worms does this sound like? Any idea where she got them?

2006-11-11 23:56:39 · 12 answers · asked by Blargablonkabam 2 in Dogs

I have a shak who is starting to get fin rot Iwould like to put him aside in a hospital tank but the only thing I have is a old 1 gallon betta bowl could I use that for a hospital tank? if so how long?

2006-11-11 23:55:37 · 4 answers · asked by Real Chilla 2 in Fish

The skin looks like it's pealing but not entirely. It's on his neck and the top part of its head. I haven't fed it specifiaclly any vitamin A supplement... is this the problem? His activities during the day are really sleep and eat. He enjoys climbing up and eating the plants I place in the tank... His diet is colards, kale and calcium supplement (with phospherous and a bit of Vitamins etc.)

2006-11-11 23:49:50 · 3 answers · asked by stardancegal 2 in Reptiles


I have an adorable guinea pig but im a student and she is alone most of the day. My friends aunt is offering another guinea pig since they nolonger have time for theirs. Should i take the cavy or are they happier alone?

2006-11-11 23:46:13 · 6 answers · asked by MorganR 1 in Other - Pets

2006-11-11 23:45:31 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Well i got fish from a pet store and did not no they had ick. I broght them home and then my other fish got it. I already put in ick away drops what more can i do?

2006-11-11 23:39:11 · 8 answers · asked by lil_zane702 1 in Fish

A friend of mine has a 7 and 1/2 year old male Staffie who has a growth on the back of one of his hind legs. It's been there all year. When I myself first noticed it it was about the size of a small pea and my friend said it had been there a while, but now it's as wide as a £1 coin and twice as high. It looks nasty, but it's not bleeding or weeping and the dog isn't bothered about it. I keep nagging my friend to take him to the vets and she says it's at the top of her list of things to do, but she's been saying that for months. I've decided to give her until the end of the month then I'll report her to the RSPCA. I'll keep reminding her to take the dog to the vet, but if she doesn't I can't see what else I can do for the dog. Would it be wrong for me to report my friend? Or should I have done it sooner?

2006-11-11 23:32:19 · 9 answers · asked by ♥ Divine ♥ 6 in Dogs

Does anyone know if they are an endangered species?? I have had one for about 18 years - I recently moved to Singapore from the US for business and left the turtle with my mom but I heard they are endangered and if I reported having him, they would take him away - is this true?

2006-11-11 23:31:15 · 5 answers · asked by Jonela 3 in Reptiles

2006-11-11 23:10:49 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

how many fish do you normally end up with? I wanna get an idea on how many homes i'll need. or at least have clue

2006-11-11 23:06:46 · 4 answers · asked by Deanna D 1 in Fish

I knew the dog was dying from tumours. We did everything conceivable to make our pet comfortable. We had planned to take Penny to the vet to have her euthenized but we too were just coming to grips with the finality of it all. She'd been with us for 17 years.

Unfortunately, we were too slow. Our daughter found her in the hall, curled up and panting. She lifted the dog's head onto her lap and our Penny expired. My daughter looked up at me with an expression I will never forget. I know what I said...what would you have said to her?

2006-11-11 23:01:17 · 20 answers · asked by redcoat7121 4 in Dogs

I need unique dog names for a pomeranian and dachschund....i like the ones with 2 words like Foxy Cleopatra, Honey Child, Baby Doll.....the cute ones would be nice :)

2006-11-11 22:39:41 · 16 answers · asked by Liz 2 in Dogs

2006-11-11 22:29:44 · 14 answers · asked by james l 1 in Birds

What are the pro's and cons to each/and what is a good price for a 100 gallon tank with a stand?of both kinds.

2006-11-11 22:08:33 · 12 answers · asked by DeeeezNuts 1 in Fish

does beatting and punishment work????

2006-11-11 21:28:04 · 9 answers · asked by dajk 1 in Dogs

my staffy is 6 weeks pregnant and has a discharge that had a lil blood in it but is now an off white/ yellow colour like an hard boiled egg yolk colour. she is going to vet tomorrow as its night time here so no vet open. does anyone know if this is serious or can just happen in dog pregnancys

2006-11-11 21:20:20 · 3 answers · asked by mrs nevz 3 in Dogs

if any guest comes at home, my dog starts barking. it really disturbes me. if i try to stop him, he does not obey me. he does not stop even i beat him. please help. what should i do?

2006-11-11 21:11:20 · 18 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I need help finding out what to put on my carpet to eliminate the smell of the cat's urine. It's a very strong odor. Any suggestions? :)

2006-11-11 21:07:21 · 9 answers · asked by uriahisonline 1 in Cats

I have a Singapura breed which is of South East Asian decent and I was wondering if it is normal for her not to hiss. Catnip has no affect on her as I read that this is a hereditary trait and very common for cats of Asian decent to have no reaction to catnip. I've had her 2 months and she's never hissed - I even got this toy called the play paw which I put over my hand and arm and she attacks and plays with but is yet to hiss. Is this normal that she does not hiss or has she just had nothing to hiss about. She meows constantly but never hisses. Any idea if this is normal?

2006-11-11 20:53:50 · 15 answers · asked by Jonela 3 in Cats

We are currently trying to breed our Black & White Border Collie with our neighbours Black Labrador, the confusion arose when we noticed the male labrador humping the female collies head, we tried to fix this problem but the collie started humping the labradors head, why is this and what can we do to fix it...
Meanwhile look out for our book, Puppy Karma Sutra, the REAL Doggy Style...

2006-11-11 20:48:43 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

Is it normal for our 1.5 yo male cat to exhibit mother-like behavior towards our new kitten, grooming, etc? The male kitten keeps trying to lick the big male cat's nipples, and pushing his head against his stomach, like he's trying to drink milk. The adult male cat lets him do this, and keeps licking him all over, especially the kitty's head, while the kitty does this. Isn't it odd for our male cat to act like he's the kitten's mother? The kitten's 12 weeks old, seems a bit old too for that behavior.

2006-11-11 20:48:08 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I'm thirteen years old, do you think people will trust me with their dogs since I'm not professional or anything?
I will TRULY appreciate ANY kinds of advice about dog-walking for profit.
(advertising, insurance???, making a good impression, how much time i should walk the dog, how far, etc.)
I've had a labrador-retriever before, but she passed away last summer. So...i've had experience.
thank you so much.

2006-11-11 20:33:05 · 11 answers · asked by Jo 1 in Dogs

2006-11-11 20:01:52 · 16 answers · asked by studmuffin 1 in Fish

i live in a border community and know the importance of being bilingual. but i always wondered if the same could be said of dogs. i live maybe two miles from the international border to Mexico, so i learned spanish to better communicate and understand when spoken to in spanish. now, would my dogs also need to learn "spanish - dog" in order to speak and understand a dog from the other side of the border?

2006-11-11 20:00:33 · 22 answers · asked by chazam 1 in Dogs

She is not being vicious, just playful, but she nips at their arms and legs and, occassionally their faces. She has also put holes in their shirts from tugging on them. The kids are only 5 and 2 so it is impossible to get them not to run around and play around the puppy.

2006-11-11 19:58:55 · 8 answers · asked by Alison 2 in Dogs

They slid across the floor!! And i wanted to know if i can do any thing about this like report that show or that guy, thats animal abuse its just not cool!

2006-11-11 19:46:57 · 9 answers · asked by Vegetarian Pride 2 in Other - Pets

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