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Pets - 15 November 2006

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Birds · Cats · Dogs · Fish · Horses · Other - Pets · Reptiles · Rodents

I just got a cat and he is about 11 weeks old. He is an inside cat. Is it ok for me to wait til after xmas to get his shots?

2006-11-15 23:52:49 · 11 answers · asked by shelley s 2 in Cats

Always as a child I grew up with dogs, my gran had 2 dogs and they were like my best friends, where ever I was the dogs were :( and my mum has had dogs and still has... Now I'm in London I never get to spend time with dogs, I dont have one of my own as I flat share and there is no garden.... I know dogs can be a tie down but I feel if I had a dog I'd be a much happier person....

Do dogs make you happy?

2006-11-15 23:50:18 · 16 answers · asked by me_me 1 in Other - Pets

The puppy will be a male miniatire dachshund. I have one already called Gordon. My favourite choices so far are Gunner or Decker. Would love to hear your thoughts!

2006-11-15 23:49:45 · 45 answers · asked by Badgrl 4 in Dogs

My wife's cat is crazy. All she does is sit under the couch all day. She normally uses her litter box, but every once in a while she'll pee on the carpet or poop on the couch. She knows she's supposed to use the litter box. My wife thinks maybe she does it for attention, but she'll go sit with her and pet her for at least 2 hours a day.

2006-11-15 23:43:49 · 12 answers · asked by Ryan B 2 in Cats

I recently took in a Great Dane from a rescue centre.
His previous owner had trained him to kill cats because they kept attacking his pigeons.
he has killed most of the cats in my street....

I dont want to stop letting the dog out into the garden for his exercise because it would be cruel to keep a Great Dane indoors all the time.

where can i get some more cats from?

2006-11-15 23:28:28 · 20 answers · asked by DogmaDeleted 5 in Dogs

I have a 4 month old corgi who has been throwing up at night (only) on an off and on basis. He shows no lethargy nor lack of appetite (typical corgi, he is always hungry - he eats 2 meals a day). He has been allowed to go outside for the last 2 weeks and that's when he has started facing this vomitting problem (he DOES pick up crap from the street that sometimes we are too late to stop). His stool is not the hardest either (mostly on the softer side).
Any idea what is happening? If he is still energetic and wants to eat and play, should I still go to the vet?

2006-11-15 23:12:38 · 12 answers · asked by ronaldreg 1 in Dogs

we have had a few hamsters who have been very lively and healthy and have died unexpectedly (over a reasonable amount of time). any ideas of what goes wrong?

2006-11-15 23:10:17 · 20 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Pets

Do sheep and goats make the same sound? In other words, if I blindfolded someone and put them next to one of them could they accurately identify which one made the relevant noise?

2006-11-15 23:02:12 · 10 answers · asked by dave_taylor1900 1 in Other - Pets

My kitten had blood in her stool and I wanted to know if they go on "heat" Do they bleed like on a periode ? If so do they do it all the time or just when they got to the potay ?

2006-11-15 23:01:02 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

my shih tzu pup which was 1 last week has started cocking his leg and marking all over the house including his bed.
this is fairly recent behaviour, he has mixture of dry food am wet pm, constant bowl of water, door open so he can go outside when wants plus regular walks ( which most of the time spent on 3 legs )
can anyone help with tips to stop this.

2006-11-15 22:53:50 · 7 answers · asked by thomasinac@btinternet.com 1 in Dogs

Me and my fiance recently bought a cat at first she was fine with preferred me to my fiance but now she prefers my fiance and every time i walk in the room she either slopes down digs her claws into the sofa or runs away if i stroke her she likes it and nussles my hand I dont abuse animals as i am an animal lover I dont know much about cats and am really stuck can any 1 help

2006-11-15 22:52:30 · 16 answers · asked by bullet_2k4 3 in Cats

My 5 month old basset pup is "nipping" by that I mean that he will bite just a tiny bit of your skin in his front teeth. It hurts. He has drawn blood blisters on me and my 6 year old nephew. How do you stop this. My friend who is a huge animal lover says that it is part of the puppy phase and you have to just put up with it until he is about a year old. I don't buy that, as a matter of fact he's got about one more time to bite my nephew and I am going to have to look for a new home for him. Please don't tell me that I am being cruel if I give him up. I keep my nephew a good bit of the time and I will not subject him to a dog that is going to bite. If you have any serious suggestions please let me hear from you. I really love the dog, but the biting has got to stop.

2006-11-15 22:47:55 · 8 answers · asked by Only hell mama ever raised 6 in Dogs


Can someone tell me about cane toads?

2006-11-15 22:34:08 · 6 answers · asked by ???? 1 in Reptiles

What can be done today????????She's my 3 yr. old shitz tzu pom He's a Cavilier King Charles Spaniel.....5 yrs. old.. No Puppies please.....

2006-11-15 22:25:02 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I haven't bought either one yet, but will an oscar bother with the pleco? or will the pleco be food for Mr. Oscar too?

2006-11-15 22:24:41 · 8 answers · asked by maggiedimaria 1 in Fish

2006-11-15 21:55:15 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

2006-11-15 21:54:16 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Fish

2006-11-15 21:42:00 · 27 answers · asked by tinaa799 1 in Birds

2006-11-15 21:39:46 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cats

I'm getting a pomeranian and a chihuahua soon. The breeder asked if I had color preferences. Just wanted other opinions on what color they like best. So tell me what you think.

For Pom colors:

For Chi colors:

2006-11-15 21:17:19 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I bought a baby dwarf rabbit (7 weeks) 4 days ago. For 3 days it was great, eating playing, happy. Yesterday morning it didnt move, just sat. 2oclock i come home. The same. I take it to vet. They dont know, but heart is fast and weak, bad circulation. referred to specialist. by now not repsponsive at all. It stayed in pet hospital on drips and survived the night, but hasnt improved. any body had this before with their bunny? Does it have a chance of recovery???

2006-11-15 21:12:23 · 5 answers · asked by sannyspain 2 in Other - Pets

Does anyone know of anything I can give her to build her up. She is 13 years old and has always been a thin cat. She has gum problems and is taking medication but has no problems eating. She is suffering from the cold at the moment and I want to give her a boost. Any ideas?

2006-11-15 21:08:23 · 12 answers · asked by moblopo36 2 in Cats

www.leerburg.com .... Is this guy totally nuts by asserting his dominance with such aggressive training or is he doing what he does well? I mean, there's a lot of stuff on that site I would never do to my dog (like hang it from a tree when it tries to attack me [but it might be necessary... i don't know]), but there's also a lot of great points he makes. What do you think about his ways of training?

2006-11-15 21:06:36 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Dogs

I am buying a Children's Python not long from now and I have all the equiptment I need, except the flooring.
I am not sure what to put, I have heard a few suggestions such as...
-Pebblies or Kitty litter
which one should I put in?

Also, if I were to get sand, if I but dye in it, would it effect the snake?


2006-11-15 21:01:29 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Reptiles


I'm sorry you are frightened of my dogs and are trying to have them killed because they are pitbulls.

I'm sorry you lack the understanding of this breed's true history, gentleness with people, wonderful temperament, intelligence and behavioral conformation. I'm sorry you won't read the ATTS stats regarding our breed's true temperament, putting it in the top four for temperament, scoring better than breeds like Golden Retrievers, and cocker spaniels.

I'm sorry that you side with and protect animal abusers by marking the breed of dog, and not the irresponsibility of the owner. I'm sorry that by your logic I could steal a car, run some people over with it and then you can blame the make of car for the accident, as I walk free.

I'm sorry you generalize one breed of dog with one group of people. I'm sorry you can't see the love and determination that many often highly educated, non-criminal and "normal" types of people show towards this breed and the great personal sacrifices that they make to take care of their dog responsibly.

I'm sorry you cannot go into the shelters and see the hundreds of abandoned and abused pitbulls, dying only for the inane "crime" of being born the breed they are.

I'm sorry you cannot see the look of disappointment in their eyes as someone walks by their kennel, and refuses to consider adopting them based on an ill educated fear mongering reporter. I'm sorry that you cannot be there when the animal looks at a human for the last time, and in spite of betrayed by all humans they have met, their tail still wags as someone approaches with the syringe of Euthinol.

I'm sorry cannot be there when law enforcement shoots one of your dogs dead inside it's own home in front of the children it mutually loves for simply getting off the dog bed and walking over to say hello with it's tail wagging. I'm sorry you cannot be there to rescue pitbull puppies from a plastic bag in a dumpster, dumped there by someone switching their illegal, and inhumane activities to another, more lucrative breed.

I'm sorry you cannot understand the difference between canine and human aggression, in the way that this breed can. Yes, I'm saying my pitbull is smarter then you.

I'm sorry that the medieval witchhunting genetics of intolerance, generalization, and racism make you feel the need to vilify a breed of dog. I'm sorry that justice, equality, tolerance, common sense are all things you hold dear as a fellow Canadian, and expect from others, but do not yourself offer them towards a pitbull or its caregiver. I'm sorry that you don't take the constructive time to petition changes in the Canadian animal cruelty act, and in the criminal code that would deal out serious punishment to the real animal abusers.

I'm sorry you cannot see the disappointed look on a puppy's face when the people petting it quickly frown, and walk away when you tell them it is a pitbull. I'm sorry you feel the need to terrorize my family and my dogs for crimes we never have and never will commit. I'm sorry you don't have to live in fear of your dog's safety from hysterical, and mentally unstable people trying to inflict all manner of evil upon your dogs.

I'm sorry that you cannot see my breed working in some of the best Search and Rescue groups in the world, saving countless lives each year. I'm sorry our media censors and refuses to print the breed name "pitbull' when in connection with a positive act such as saving a person or child from a burning house, drowning, wild attacking animals, etc. I'm sorry you cannot see the many pitbulls registered as therapy dogs and bringing so much joy to another misunderstood, neglected demographic in our society, the senior citizen.

I am sorry you can't see a pitbull kiss a child, step carefully over a kitten, or play in a sunbeam. I'm sorry you cannot wake in the morning to feel a warm pitbull cuddled next to you in bed, and know that you are their total world, and even if the house caught fire and trapped you, they would stay with you to the end.

But, now that I really think about it, I'm not at all sorry you don't own a pitbull--you do not deserve one!

2006-11-15 20:54:21 · 20 answers · asked by raven blackwing 6 in Dogs

My cat has been knocking over her water bowl, spilling water all over the floor. I just bought her a brand new water jug thing and still she spills the whole thing on the floor....

2006-11-15 20:49:24 · 9 answers · asked by str8up 1 in Cats

Can cats get parasites/worms/illnesses from eating a gecko lizard, grasshopper, or from chicken not cooked well enough?
My cat is vomiting and having some narrow brown bowel movements, as wel as some watery light brown bowel movements.
---It should be noted I live in India and my cat does not get outside, but the lizards and insects will come in the house sometimes and he eats them!

2006-11-15 20:26:00 · 2 answers · asked by Rachel 4 in Cats

2006-11-15 20:14:47 · 14 answers · asked by ALONG 1 in Cats

my black min pinscher keep shedding fur and it so serious until it now almost bald and look like grey colour. if i pinch abit of the fur from it body it come off easily. and there no sigh of new fur growing..... :( have gone to a few vet whose right now can't give me a good answer or solution...... as there no problem or any sigh that show skin problem.. anyone out there can help? or know what is happening?

2006-11-15 19:59:28 · 5 answers · asked by pepis 1 in Dogs

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