Biting Midges are USUALLY found on farm animals.My 2 dogs are a RARE case,especialy here in Illinois but they did get the Biting Midges from infested straw bought at a farm.This has been torturing US for OVER a YEAR NOW!It is SO SAD TO BE ABLE to HELP the symptoms,but not CURE them.I have been to 4 Vetrinarians who were no help,we tore out OUR CARPET,had an EXTERMINATER COME HERE 5 TIMES,asked the Village's mosquito program what they,or we could do to get rid of them(said no),asked the head Vertrinary Parisitologist at PerdueUniversity if he had any suggestions(said no),we've tried just about every chemical you can think of recommended for that type of insect.We even bought a Machine Guarenteed to ELIMINATE BITING MIDGES and mosquitos cost$259that was advertised on the Television(waste of money)!We're HOPING someone in the SOUTHERN US might be able to give us a POSITIVE IDEA because I'm told MIDGES happen more down there on pets.GOD BLESS YOU DOG LOVERS,Thanks,VERY sincerely,Pam
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