I had my house built a year ago. Within about a month the grout around the perimeter of my shower started getting soft -- rubbery-like. Within another month you could squish the grout out of its place with your finger. It was like toothpaste. The contractors came out and looked at it, said it was inexplainable, said it was probably caulking and replaced it with GROUT. I saw them mix it. Within another month the same thing happened. They replaced it again WITH GROUT. This happed three more times. Each time they scratch their heads, say this is impossible and regrout it.
We thought that there was some way that water was coming up from underneath and never allowing it to dry thoroughly in the first place. They say that it IMPOSSIBLE due to the way the pan, the liner and the tile are installed.
Now they're telling me they won't fix it again because obviously the homeowners (us) haven't been cleaning it properly. Hah!!!
What is this and what should we do? Thanks
16 answers
asked by
comet girl...DUCK!
Maintenance & Repairs