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I'm almost 30 years old, I never had the need for corrective lences, but everyone in my family does. Not that I'm complaining, but what did I do right?

2007-09-11 09:50:52 · 6 answers · asked by Zakko D. 2

I have three siblings, all of them have blue eyes except for me. I've begun to find that it is almost impossible for parents that both have blue eyes could have a child with green hazel eyes. Everyone in my family has blue eyes except for me. I need more precise in conclusion with an answer before I confront the situation. I know it could be to my childrens and my best interest to possibly be able to find health issues from a biological parent. I need to know who may be my direct biological parent, on the results of an answer pursue if further on asking a family mystery. Is it possible for two blue eyed parents to produce a child with hazel green eyes. And if it is possible, what would the likely percentage of that possibly be? Thanks

2007-09-11 09:23:55 · 12 answers · asked by ddcoolyb d 1

can a single cornea of alive person be donated to a blind person.........................coz we can live with one eye....just as we can live with one kidney

2007-09-11 08:11:06 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have no opinion myself other than I don't think I could have it myself. I just want to know other peoples experiences as I was in on a conversation between two people who had strong opposing opinions but no actual experience of the procedure.
I prefer to have some idea what I'm talking about before I join in!

2007-09-11 06:19:42 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Let's say I see with a sharpness of 95%, while after the surgery it was 100%. It's annoying.

2007-09-11 05:48:46 · 7 answers · asked by Bicho 2

Do u say i shud wear specs?n shud i wear it constantly,or jst while readin n all?

2007-09-11 04:42:07 · 4 answers · asked by mithu 4

can anyoe help me,
i am am going to be thirteen soon, and i need to know if there are any tips to help keep my eyes healthy

2007-09-11 04:12:12 · 3 answers · asked by Jason 3

2007-09-10 17:10:31 · 3 answers · asked by leleanorc 2

I have had a cateract since I can remember,even when I was a kid tTSO mis-diagnosed it as lazy eye ,so a few years I wore glasses and a patch 30 minutes a day ,but when I first got my drivers license I had to get an eye test which proved to be a cateract.Doc asked my didn't I take care of this when I was young.Well i was used to seeing with ine eye .the right has 20-20 Should i get it removed so I can see with both?some say my brain wouldn't be able to adjust the change,I think I can.

2007-09-10 15:36:38 · 13 answers · asked by S B 1

What color? I have dark brown eyes. If I get green or turquoise contacts will it look grey on me?? If so, what color do you suggest? My hair color is naturally dark brown. I have medium skin tone.. I've been wearing glasses since I was a youngin, and I sorta want a change....

2007-09-10 15:17:13 · 6 answers · asked by pdz-360 2

Spent all my life with dark brown eyes. Over the last few years the outer 1/3 has turned gray, then clear and now is becoming blue. Never heard of this and is it normal? After 50 years of knowing the color of my eyes now am in limbo. Anyone know what is going on?

2007-09-10 13:48:42 · 5 answers · asked by Pengy 7

ok im 13, and i wear contacts.they gave me some. for the right eye its - 2.25, and for the left eye its 1.25?
weird hu!ok so is my eye vision bad???im right handed

2007-09-10 13:31:09 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hi! I'm 15 and I've never been to the eye doctor. I am going tomorrow (I failed my drivers ed eye thingie..I couldn't even see the E) to have a eye exam and was wondering what they do?

Also, when they ask you to read the chart thing what do I say? i can't see any of it. It sounds kinda lame.

Double also, what will they think when I can't see anything?

Thanks guys!!!

2007-09-10 11:22:05 · 5 answers · asked by Always Confused 2

I've got allergies,will i get athsma coz i've hered people with allergies are likely to get athsma?

2007-09-10 07:13:31 · 3 answers · asked by Snowy.com 3

It's because i'm still on it now and i've got headache running from my eyes to the brain,or should i get spectacles?

2007-09-10 07:07:41 · 9 answers · asked by Snowy.com 3

Lasik eye surgery.

2007-09-10 06:45:29 · 8 answers · asked by zaggittier 4

often have? it looks like a drop of milk...

2007-09-10 00:02:16 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

Why can't we just buy "Near sighted" glasses at the local drug store like we can buy "Far sighted" reading glasses for $10 and that's it? It makes no sence. If I just have normal bad eye sight, then why can't I just go to the local store to buy some near-sighted glasses
Near-Sighted glasses are reading glasses also, but just to read further away. If N.S. glasses were sold near me for $10, I wouldn't give myself a stronger pair, maybe weaker if anything as long as I can see everything with them. If one of my eyes were stronger than the other, I would buy 2 of the same pairs of glasses just to get the different powers.
When I went to the eye doctor a long time ago to get glasses for around $150, they also checked my eyes for some sort of diseases, but shouldn't you get that done for getting far-sighted reading glasses?

This question has been buging me forever and ever!!!!!

2007-09-09 16:46:13 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous


is there any way to make my eyes look better? i mean i have an epicanthal fold, no crease, yadda yadda yadda.. and i just want to have good lookin eyes that are deep set in your face to have a deeper look..already read about cosmetic surgery but is there like facial reconstruction specifically for the eye and eye structres?

2007-09-09 15:46:14 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

anyone i ask looks at me like i'm crazy. i think it has something to do with the spectrum of light between bright white headlights and red tail lights.

2007-09-09 15:17:00 · 5 answers · asked by cat83lilbit 1


I'm 17. I had my strabismus corrected when I was 6 years old, and I wore glasses up until the age of twelve. Now I'm starting to get slightly blurry vision, and sometimes headaches (although those were predominantly due to a misaligned neck). I'm just wondering if this is due to my strabismus and vision problems. Do you think I should get contacts? Or do you think this is due to a more serious issue? I'm going to see my opthamologist at the end of the week. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!

2007-09-09 13:55:01 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

My mom says since were black its normal but ive seen other black people white white eyes....and I do exercise alittle nd try 2 stay healthy .When I was younger i always used 2 drink pop nd not alot of water...could this be jaundice??Help me!!!

2007-09-09 11:42:27 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous

if so, please tell me how...

2007-09-09 10:59:58 · 14 answers · asked by nikki_bombfizzle 2

i wear glasses a lot of people say i look better with out glasses. I AGREE im 13 i want contacts so badly. mom mom says i can have them "ask ur dad first"

i asked him many times always no. he says they are to expensive, loose them and other excuses and blah blah blah. hello? my glasses i have right now are expensive! i lost them a cpuple of times! he also says wearing contacts 4 gym is bad. well hello! i'll wear my glasses in gym i want contacts. cause some time i forget my glasses and i need them 4 school.

how can i convince my dad to let me have contacts thanks!

2007-09-09 09:46:50 · 8 answers · asked by Mimi 4

because i have some trouble lookin at the board from far away in school. idk it takes me a litle longer to make sense of what it says cuz i see it a litle blurry. i only need them for class, i can see fine otherwise. will it be more expensive to buy permanent glasses? cuz i dont wanna spend a fortune on glasses i wont use all the time, whats the average price?
im not plannin to get contacts because i dont need them permanently. will it cost less for non permanent?

2007-09-09 09:35:11 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

my vision is pretty bad and ive been wearing glasses since i was 6. im 16 now and im getting soft contacts soon, but i heard that when your vision gets 2 a certain level of damage, soft contacts cant correct your vision anymore. is that true? please say it isnt!

also, if u have soft contacts, would you recommend them? are they really better than glasses? and do they make your eyes red? and how much do soft contacts cost excluding the cost of the solution?

2007-09-09 09:35:08 · 5 answers · asked by uma b 2

ie to remove the implant and replacing a new one.

2007-09-09 07:59:27 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

I just wanted to know what is the worst for your eyes ( as in which makes your eye-sight worse, faster)

2007-09-09 07:18:37 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Hey, I'm 16 and I can't cry.. I don't know why I just can't, I mean I've had my heart broken in the past week but somehow I just can't cry no matter what. What could be the reason for this?

2007-09-09 05:20:03 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

My left eye has 20/50 vision, while my right eye has 20/40. Does this mean I need corrective lenses? And if so, can you get contacts right away? I'm 12, if that makes a difference.

2007-09-09 05:11:57 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

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