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i was told that ever since i was child but some people told me that eye sight is based on genetics. which is ture? and will reducing the time that i used my computer help imporove my eyesight cuz my eyes are near sighted at 400/20 right now.

2007-05-12 16:25:15 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

Is there a secret to adjusting to bifocals for the first time?

2007-05-12 15:00:18 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

my sons eye is really goopy and green boogers are coming out of it and his eye lid is all red. What should I do to make it better?? His doctor office is closed

2007-05-12 10:28:47 · 20 answers · asked by momma 2

I'm a 18 yr old guy
I wear glasses for i have myopia

It was perfect until 15 yr...but then my sight decreased suddenly...to the extent i cant see properly without glasses

left eye : +2 right eye :+1

what should i do to completely cure my eyes..???

can i cure myself completely by wearing glasses?

2007-05-12 07:32:06 · 4 answers · asked by Captain 2

She was pretty grumpy last night, and ended up sleeping on the floor, I'm unsure if that could mean anything. Her eye is not red and according to her, it is not painful or itchy. Yet it is visibly bulging out. She is at this moment in the bathroom "flushing" her eye with water and removing her make up. (Yes, she slept in her make up... shame shame!) Anyways she tells me it's very uncomfortable, and that it feels like "The corner of her eye is stuck together." The mass is underneath her eyelid and is soft. She's never had any eye infections before and we had the air conditioning full blast last night because well, we live on the surface of the sun, phoenix AZ. So it was a little toasty....not sure if that would contribute to her swollen eyeball. If you have any idea what this might be or any inkling please tell us if there’s anything we can do to either treat it or at least keep it from getting worse.

2007-05-12 04:36:46 · 3 answers · asked by blueorchid_chic 2

My daughter is 8 and every day she comes home with a sick headache to the point she is vomiting and wants to lay down. I thought at first it was the heat at school with her playing and all. But she has even been doing this through the winter too, so i ruled out the heat. I am going to have her eyes checked on the 16th . If any one knows of another cause for this please let me know.

2007-05-12 04:12:28 · 5 answers · asked by Tanay76 1

2007-05-11 18:52:04 · 12 answers · asked by byu1689 1

(For vision ofcourse)

2007-05-11 13:08:49 · 22 answers · asked by rockinweazel 4

I am working on my computer and I get a sudden blind spot just to the southwest of center where everything seems scrambled. I can see the color of whatever is in the blind spot but it looks buzzy. So I figure it is a floater. I close one eye to see which eye this is in, then I close the other. And I realize the pattern is exactly the same! So I figure, OK, this is going on in my brain. Over the next ten minutes I notice the blind spot sort of expand into a rough vague donut shape. After a while it fades away- total time15-20 minutes. My vision is back to normal. I looked up all possible diseases that affect the eye and found nothing that fits the bill. I have had problems with allergies this past week and possibly a cold too. I figure I probably blew my nose too hard and dislodged or moved something in my brain, where it proceeded to affect my visual center. It is all I can think of. This happened once before but much more briefly. Any ideas?

2007-05-11 12:58:25 · 5 answers · asked by brightstar65 2

Are there any opticians out there that don't wear glasses or contact lenses (and haven't had correction surgery), and have perfect sight? I haven't ever met an optician that has perfect vision - I'm just curious!

2007-05-11 11:07:09 · 5 answers · asked by Trina 6

I noticed a little yellow spot on my eye this morning and started doing a little reaserch. Not sure if this is what I have but it looks like it. I will go to the doctor in a week or so to see if it changes. I do wear contacts but I am not sure if they can affect the Pinguecula.

2007-05-11 07:25:49 · 2 answers · asked by crazysparkles_2000 2


Bizarre are what?


Does any one know why it occurs? is it purely genetic, or do environmental factors have an effect?

2007-05-10 22:57:34 · 2 answers · asked by Lifeless Energy 5

i dont have good eyesite and i want to join flying school

2007-05-10 18:56:02 · 4 answers · asked by Jaysh 1

I have astigmatism in both my eyes and I am also near sited, can I get regular lasik surgery? Thanks!

2007-05-10 17:55:49 · 2 answers · asked by Mrs. Martin 3

hi...ok, this happened to me last year too, around the same time. (may) my eye (sometimes both) get really red for no apparent reason. (now let me tell you i do ABSOLUTELY NO DRUGS OR DRINKING!!!) my eye doesn't hurt, or itch or water. the white of my eyes just get really red. i went to several eye docs. last yr and they couldn't find anything specifically wrong. i changed my contact brand, and it went away. now with the same brand, it is happening again. i'm thinking it could be an allergy..but i have never been allergic to anything for as long as i know. please help me! and also, i need serious answers. thanks so much!

2007-05-10 16:12:59 · 3 answers · asked by chishru 2

ok heres the problem i stoped wearing my glasses so i took them off i was getting a little headache and now i cant find my glasses anywhere i checked pretty much everywhere i need to squint to read and type this because im pretty much legally blind without my glasses and i dont have backup glasses 2 please help me

2007-05-10 13:59:04 · 9 answers · asked by leanne0926 1

a while ago, I went to the eye doctor, the doc said my degrees was 4.25 and that's really bad right? without my glasses, I have to be around 3-5 inches in front of a book to be able to read it. I want to have a degrees of 1 or 2 but I'm afraid of getting surgery. any other option?

2007-05-10 12:45:44 · 5 answers · asked by 11:11 pm<3 4

2007-05-10 12:04:02 · 3 answers · asked by Craig4 1

I have really dark brown eyes and I have never been able to find any contacts to cover up the brown. I want blue but would settle for green also...well the light brown color is pretty too! But anyways I have seen a few people I know with eyes as dark as mine that have bright blue contacts to cover up the brown. Does anybody know of a good website to go to order some or what brand/type is best??

2007-05-10 08:54:17 · 9 answers · asked by Kitten 2

2007-05-08 12:49:06 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous