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Mental Health - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Mental Health

2007-01-15 02:30:44 · 7 answers · asked by csteen147 1

you all seem to think you know.

2007-01-15 02:20:19 · 4 answers · asked by Suet 2

I have tried medications that do not work, also tried hypnosis with no luck. I have tried memory games..I just can't seem to concentrate or remember anything for even a minute. What is wrong with me???It makes me feel stupid so I am really quiet and I don't get involved in conversations because I can't recall stories or dates or numbers. It is starting to effect my job, some days I just want to quite my job and go home and go to bed. I get real frustrated and just want to give up. Can anyone out their give me some advise?

2007-01-15 02:15:02 · 9 answers · asked by Shelly H 1

he was not young-very intelligent-and had a progressive disease that would have eventually killed him- (we had no idea-he never said a word about it till he wrote his note)-I let him lie to me about his aches and pains-(maybe I didn't want to see the truth)-he had a reason for what he did- but what the hell is my excuse for not recognizing what-now seems so obvious-and for not doing more to ease his pain and share his burden-how could I have been so selfish and blind? Now my dad-who was always there for me-is gone and my debt to him will be left forever unpaid.

2007-01-15 02:08:44 · 8 answers · asked by mistshevious 2

Hey, I know my question is weird but you dont know me, You dont know what I go through every day. The only thing that is stopping me is that I know i will go to hell.. When i was 17 i started cutting myself about 6 minths later I stopped because I became a little bit happy. I met God and gave my life to him but I was also letting people down because they didnt think i was a good enough christian. I messed up big time and had to move home and a few weeks ago I started cutting myself again. I also started driving hoping something would happen that way I wasnt killing myself it was an accident. I just feel so empty inside and I know the first thing everyone is going to say is see a pschiatrist but its not as easy as you say. I always pretended to be happy but now I dont see a point in pretending I just dont see a point in anyrthing. Another thing you will say is talk to my family etc about it but honestly I dont have any real friends and I was kicked out of home so I know they dont care.

2007-01-15 01:49:46 · 41 answers · asked by Anonymous

To what do you attribute waking up to every wonderful day? My wife is my reason for living. What makes your day great?

2007-01-15 01:41:01 · 10 answers · asked by honorarytexan 2

when it comes to any decision that could change your life, like career change, romantic partners, or any other major issue? Do you trust your instincts or take advices from people you trust? What if everyone is telling you it's a bad idea? What if you want to do it but you're afraid you're making a mistake?

I know it sounds pretty generic but I just wonder of how would you go about taking control of your life?

Thanks for any answer.

2007-01-15 01:40:55 · 15 answers · asked by Misou 2

Hey guys pls help me. i am really stressed over myself these days..first of all my skin pigmentation problem is almost killing me and makin me really depressed..i have the worst skin which gets pigmented the moment i step out in the sun (and that too in patches)..once it s pigmented it is reaaly hard to get rid of it..i cant step out in the un and do anything...it is just makin gme hate the sun and the sunlight..i am really concerned over it.
If thats not all to be concerned then i have seriopuis problems with my contact lenses..i cant get to fit them in my eyes..and my college work is usually based on visuald ( drawing and shading n all).. i am hardly able to see anything...then comes my eaitng problem..i have not been eating properly for a simple reason that i dont have anyone to cook at my place..and it is really difficult to cook myself evryday after so much hard work in the college (which makes me damn exhausted..coz of this i am loosing a lot of weight..it

2007-01-15 01:37:55 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

I smoked pot for the first time in years. I feel so much better. I sleep so much better and am so much happier. I only did it once a week ago. Can this make this much difference.Should I do it more?

2007-01-15 01:24:22 · 10 answers · asked by jsn_post 1

I have been reading alot about suicide and depression lately. Don't worry, I am a happy girl who would never consider killing myself and I have never slit my wrists. I Just think that it is a very selfish way out. Who is going to clean your blood of the floor or scrape your brains off the ceiling? Don't yet me wrong, give me your opinion.

2007-01-15 01:13:50 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous

im naturally quite shy but i really make an effort to talk to people but most of the time, people just ignore what im saying, every little thing really hurts me, if someone makes a nasty comment, it stays with me and niggles away at me for weeks, im quite paranoid, if i walk past someone in the street and they laugh, i convince myself they're laughing at me, im just so used to people being horrible that i think everyone is like that? the world just really gets me down, i really dread each day, i want to live my life, not be drowning in misery each day. i just wish people would accept me for who i am, why do i have to change? i just cant go on living like this, im just sick of being me.

2007-01-15 01:10:26 · 17 answers · asked by mummy_of_one 2

I am trying to clean up from Heroin addiction and it would really help to hear from people who have personal experience, not just from drug users but also from their parents, children, partners, employers, ect. I have been 3 rehabs and managed to stay clean for a few years once but I always go back to heroin when things get too much. I really dont need judgements from anyone although no one could judge me more than I judge myself. I am a34 years old woman, I work for an estate agents in Central London and I live a double life. I have a methadone script but still use on top of this. I live on my own I don't socialise with anyone and my life consists of working then going home, scoring and using drugs to block out the loneliness and pain. Any words of encouragement or experience would really help. All I want out life is some happiness

2007-01-15 00:41:40 · 8 answers · asked by LMac100 2

I cant relax no matter what i do,i have always had anxiety but it's got worse since my bf broke up with me. I toss and turn at night and i get so nervous it causes loss of appetite,nausea and i've had diarrhoea and constipation. This feeling is horrible and exercising and taking deep breaths doesnt work for me. I'm also on antidepressants but they havent helped either. Help?

2007-01-15 00:15:30 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have been dating a woman for the past year who claims to have herpes for the past 20 yrs. but hasn't had a break out in 10 yrs.
First of all is this possible? She has recentley had a break out and I would like to know when it would be safe to have intercourse with her again? Would it be safe to have sex her now with a condom?
Could I contracted if she were to perform oral sex on me?

2007-01-15 00:07:10 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

i need to find a good herbal remedy thats cheap.

2007-01-15 00:02:15 · 17 answers · asked by mummy_of_one 2

I am facing lack of self-confidence. I can't make speech before audience. How can I face the public & make speech before audience or on stage ?

2007-01-14 23:49:35 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

Ive been on it for just under 2 months and I stopped taking it 2 days ago..how long do I have to wait for the side effects to leave?

2007-01-14 23:25:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

When I get stressed, I dont know myself. Could you show me ways to live a stress-free life. So that I love me and my neighbour. Thanks

2007-01-14 23:11:34 · 5 answers · asked by A. C. NNAM 1

Last year I was put on antipsychotics (also referred to as "major tranquilizers") scary or what? I get side affects from medication very easily and while my body was adjusting (which took more than 5 weeks) this medication made it hard to do anything, I would frequently have to ring someone to come help me down stairs because I would be so dizzy I couldn't stand, they made me feel like a zombie my emotions drained along with my imagination pretty much I felt dead and not like me (a common effect with them) but without them I feel more like me but I worry about whether or not I am safe, sometimes my paranoid schizophrenia gets the better of me and it is very worrying about whether I am a danger to anyone. I have consulted other people using them, done as much research as I can, consulted doctors my boyfriend is confused too he said this to me "my opinion is I'm scared it will take you away from me, but I also think it might help, so I'm torn over you taking them" what do I do?

2007-01-14 23:05:19 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Well i got to bed at 4 in the morning and i wake up late 2pm in the morning ive been trying to improve it to a earlier time but it just won't work! if you could give me an answer it will been kindly taken



2007-01-14 23:01:19 · 8 answers · asked by MEET-THE-ONE 1

I am having a problem. I feel happy when I get home and then five minutes later I feel all sad/upset and angry. Half the time I feel like I need to cry and stay in bed all the time. I cried myself to bed the other night and my mom and I got in such a big fight she said I was mentally challenged. Can anyone help me.....?

2007-01-14 22:38:51 · 10 answers · asked by {*Naomi*} 3

i am a enginner by qualification and i am not getting a feeling of satisfaction in whatever work or activity i am involved .... this dull feeling makes me frustatated at times and i fell very low on my part..

2007-01-14 22:35:33 · 7 answers · asked by a s 1

i dont know what to do!!! i feel happy one minute and sad and angry the next?!!! i have depression but i have been told it could be bi-polar?! any advice people?!! xx

2007-01-14 22:31:45 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-01-14 22:21:33 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had recently came back to Melbourne from Hong Kong. And ever since that, I have been experiencing a feeling, which I think is loneliness. I used to be enthusiastic towards my life; I used to like spending time alone. But now, I do not feel like doing anything and I feel miserable when I am by myself.
Is this feeling loneliness? And how can I return to my old self? Please help! Thanks!

2007-01-14 22:14:07 · 10 answers · asked by timidgirl 2

Ok, one again it's like this, I am afraid each time I listen my favourite song(what I usually do after my revision) will reduce my memory? Or anything that will prevent you from memorising things? Any action shouldn't be taken?

2007-01-14 22:11:10 · 4 answers · asked by Kadaj aka Kadaj 1

when i look in the mirror i see a deformed grotesque ugly disfigurered face been like this all my life from school upto adult hood ive had people throw abuse at me in the street and people call me ugly i have had no confidence from being abused as a kid and my mum not believeing me and i have been callled ugly from many people i dont know why as i have done them know wrong the final straw was when i could take no more from life and tried to end it i really do believe that i am disfigureded to me it is what i see in the mirror have you any tips advice on how to make myself look just a tiny bit better or anythhing i live in a small town and people all know that i have tried to end my life due to my poor appearance i am like this 24/7 i dont think of anything else except plastic surgery to rectify my face and by that i mean reconsstuctivr surgery this is debiliating to me and it is true and so real people also find it easy to take advantage of me and hurt me please help me if you can

2007-01-14 22:00:27 · 21 answers · asked by Anonymous

I can remember to call someone. However I cannot remember what I just did. For example, " I will watch TV and not remember what the person just said 5 seconds ago, however i can understand an comprehend it? However, It's as if you are doing something your not even thinking about. Is this ADD?

2007-01-14 21:56:14 · 2 answers · asked by italyazzurre44 2

Stress is very common to us people who live in the city, There are nights that i roll around my bed for hours till i can manage to relax and finally sleep. I tend to believe that its the life style that is rong and the endless pursuit of money, but this is something that we can not change. It is the way society is built

2007-01-14 21:36:33 · 5 answers · asked by alexandros t 2

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