Over-the-counter sleeping pills work for me (which usually contain the same chemical found in Benadryl, so if you can't find any, you can use that). If two or three of those doesn't knock you out after about an hour, you should definitely see a doctor about what medication might be best for you.
2007-01-14 21:57:23
answer #1
answered by Oz W 2
There is obviously something bothering you that is causing you some anxiety and it could be something very serious or very minor. The simplest things can get into your head and cause major problems. By simple I mean things like having said something that you regret saying to someone. having forgotten something or having put something in a place so safe you can no longer find it. Whatever it is that is bugging you has turned into a life threatening illness. Ten days is a long time. Too long in fact for your body to function normally. The best advice and probably the only advice that you should heed is for you is to visit a psychiatrist. Don't listen to people that say you have to be crazy to visit one. You really don't have a choice, you are dealing with your life here. While you are awaiting an appointment you might try lying down at different times of the day and night and just think about things in general. Don't put a time limit on how long you are going to lie down for. Just do it until you feel like getting up.
2007-01-15 06:11:22
answer #2
answered by allen f 2
Try smoking a joint, munching out and go to bed early. I used to be an insomniac, now I can sleep for days. And when I wake up I feel like a million bucks. I've never had better rest in my life, now I swear by it. I'm surprised it's illegal, cause it works so well, and not just for insomnia, bulemia and anorexia as well, even depression to a lesser extent.
2007-01-15 06:47:34
answer #3
answered by Robert 3
Poor you!
Do you exercise much? I find doing a hard couple of hours martial arts 3 times a week was enough to knock me out!
Also, if your worried about stuff, this can reflect in your sleeping pattern. I have bouts of insomnia myself, but nowhere near as bad as I used to be, and nowhere near as extreme as you have! I sympathise. Medication may help, but your body may have built up a resistance to certain ingredients in them if you have been taking the regularly.
Good luck hun.
2007-01-15 06:03:20
answer #4
answered by The Sooz 2
Ever tried herb remedies you know those can reall help. The peace pipe puts you to sleep quick.
2007-01-19 01:59:55
answer #5
answered by heveansent 2
You should see a doctor ASAP!!
There is something going on and the sooner you find out what it is, the better!!
You might want to check this out.
2007-01-15 07:52:55
answer #6
answered by papi860 2
stop doing coke
2007-01-15 06:03:46
answer #7
answered by gin and juice 3