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Injuries - March 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

Or not on purpose. Just want to know

2007-03-26 01:09:57 · 4 answers · asked by brittanyroxy123 2

A friend of mine recently broke her wrist and was told by her doctor and surgeon that the reason they would not fix it with a plate was because it would cause her to develop a 'frozen shoulder'. This does not seem right to me.

2007-03-26 00:55:57 · 4 answers · asked by shazza 1

At 4am I was woken by THE WORST calf cramp I've ever had! I couldn't put any weight on that leg or even move it the slightest bit without it cramping again.

I have been able to walk today but with a limp, because my calf is still so tight and still feels like a rock, but not as bad as it was at 4am.

17 hours later - should it be completely gone? I rarely get cramps but I don't remember one ever lasting this long.

2007-03-26 00:31:08 · 6 answers · asked by Jokin' Jo 3

I was carrying on with a friend when I fell and twisted my knee. I cant fully straighten it or bend it. It is sore all of the time and it is really swolen and bruised. I cant put any weight on it without it hurting. Should I go to Hospital? I am always really busy and dont have time to go to hospital. Does anyone know what could be wrong, and how long it will take to heal? Thanks.

2007-03-26 00:26:31 · 8 answers · asked by nottonightsir 1

still feeling pain when i twist and turn doctors said theres not much more they can do. for me. Has anyone got any advise for me thanks

2007-03-26 00:17:59 · 7 answers · asked by stephen c 1

I feel stupid for posting this. I've broken my right arm distal ulna once. Severely. It was a compound fracture requiring surgery (I was 6). When I was 13 I broke my left arm (distal) and while I was getting my arm x-rayed they discovered a previous fracture on my left arm, more proximal than the one at the time, that apparently I had never noticed.

Two days ago I noticed a lump and pain on my left arm, towards the middle. I don't know where I hit it, or anything, but I assume it must have been on the bus I take in the mornings or something (I ride a crowded University bus). But now it's all black and blue and when i move my wrist or elbow it feels like there is a... pulling right there. And then my arm aches and radiates down into my hand.

Is it possible my arm is broken? I question my judgement since apparently I didn't notice once before. When I broke my arms last time it was near the wrist and it swelled and changed how I could move the wrist, so I noticed right away.


2007-03-25 23:01:35 · 4 answers · asked by Jenn 2

The doctor has prescribed me strong painkillers but is there anyting else that I can do to help them heal up quickly?

2007-03-25 21:48:48 · 9 answers · asked by TB 5

I tore up my knee skiing in February, I can walk on it again now, and will walk into surgery April 10, told me to bring my crutches along, because I won't be walking out, and will have multiple Dr. appts. as follow up before I can be released back to work, a lil feedback would be nice.

2007-03-25 21:39:44 · 8 answers · asked by BrownPuPPy_eyes 3

On the day of the accident, I had kyphoplasty. The other options I was given didn't seem to be good at the time. I was in severe pain and was told this would give me instant relief. Well a year and a half later now, I still have severe pain. After researching kyphoplasty I found it is not indicated for patients with compression fractures that was the result of an accident. Does anyone know why this would have been done? Can anyone tell me what I can do to get relief from the agonizing pain. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

2007-03-25 18:44:19 · 3 answers · asked by Brian P 2

The blood was really thick, and gooped up. (sorry!) And it is a little sore, it had never bled before this (except when I got it pierced, obviously) and I want to know if this is normal, or if there is something I can do to fix this. Its not alot of blood, but since it has never bled yet, this freaked me out a little, hehe, can anyone help me?

2007-03-25 18:32:22 · 4 answers · asked by kate A 1

about 4 months ago i was in a car accident and long story short i have a metal rod and 3 screws in my lower right leg. i can walk but not as i could before and not for a long distance- maybe about 200 ft (about the width of 2 average sized homes) is the distance that i can walk. when i'm sitting down and i need to get up my leg totally gives out, and i skip for about 4 steps then my leg gets the hang of walking again. so i guess i need therapy for leg strength, and i really dont want to go, and now especially of money issues. my insurance and the insurance of the @$$ who caused the accident has maxed out and no more green for me. so i need to know how much is physical therapy according to my injuries.

2007-03-25 17:22:30 · 4 answers · asked by ♥mona♥ 2

I really had to go through the bathroom onetime and in the hurry to get my pants down i hit my head on the toilet paper dispenser. I had black eye and swelling around it, i was to embarrased to tell everybody what happened and lied and told everybody got into a fight.

2007-03-25 16:34:12 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

Sometime last week I was doing shoulder presses, and seeing as how they are behind my neck I was sitting strait up with a bit of pressure on my lower back. After that day my lower spine has been killing me. It feels like my vertebrae are smashing in on each other (though I doubt it). And today I was bending over a bit (not a whole lot by any means) and I almost fell over from the pain. It was enough to stop my vision for a moment. Do you think that the pain could be caused by the shoulder presses? And If so, what can I do to avoid future injury?

2007-03-25 15:16:02 · 2 answers · asked by Hans 4

2007-03-25 15:01:17 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-25 14:57:57 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous

2007-03-25 14:43:39 · 12 answers · asked by brittanyroxy123 2

When he shined it at other people, it was not a round circle. It was a big flash of red light. I'm worried what will happen to me. Do I have eye damage and can I prevent this from happening in the future?

2007-03-25 14:31:43 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I have tendonitis my shoulder what can i do to heal it quickly i gave had it for almost a year now

2007-03-25 14:12:44 · 3 answers · asked by ironmen53 1

IM not going to try it@!

2007-03-25 14:09:13 · 8 answers · asked by brittanyroxy123 2

My daughter has a splinter (small but causing area to be red) which she got from our deck. None of the splinter is sticking out of the skin so I can't grab it with tweezers. She won't let me "dig" for it because just touching the area makes her hurt. What should I do?

2007-03-25 13:10:12 · 9 answers · asked by GeminiVirgo1971 5

I had a car accident around 4 weeks ago and ended up with various nasty cuts around my eye. I had 40 stitches in these various cuts and had the stitches removed after a week. The doctors are saying that it is healing normally and that I should start to massage the area to help break down scar tissue. Now theres just a few things I wanted to know if anyone out there could offer me a little advice on. Is the Doc right about the massaging?, How long does the natural healing process take to be complete on such an injury as this? How long should I wait before using any sort of scar reducing products, and finally, Is there anyway I can reduce or prevent scarring and scar tissue?. Any advice and help would be much appreciated. Thanks

2007-03-25 13:08:17 · 12 answers · asked by Anonymous

I had it since September, been many times in a doctor, PT and had cortisone injection and planing to have another one.I had a massage, used a hot compress. Can a chiropractor help me? although I'm not in pain like it used to be but I can't lift my left arm high enough to apply deodorant. I followed what the PT told me to do at home regarding excercise.

2007-03-25 13:00:03 · 5 answers · asked by Vida Jolly 1

I have recently began running track for my highschool (I'm a sprinter). About a week ago I started experiencing pain in my quad while sprinting. My quad tightens up and i'm in serious pain. I have been using heat pads and been taking ibuforen, but it doesn't seem like it is working. I've haven't been running in 4 days but my quad still seems to be bugging me. It doesn't hurt to walk on it. It just starts to hurt when I run and try to stretch it out. It has been starting to bruise also. What should I do?

2007-03-25 11:53:07 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous

i have spina bifida and use a wheelchair but my right leg can go up a few inches left cant move at all

2007-03-25 11:33:32 · 1 answers · asked by jadedearing 2

I've had 3 back surgeries and have rods and pins in my back. Does anyone know if I can do any yoga, and where can I get the right steps for it? Thanks

2007-03-25 09:53:01 · 5 answers · asked by DOT 5

Her left femur was broken and her pelvis. Surgery is in the morning. How long does this type healing take and what is involved ?The surgeon said they were putting in a rod.

2007-03-25 09:33:46 · 10 answers · asked by bob 2

While over at my mothers this afternoon we were putting a mirror on her dresser. It was noneventful and took all of 5 mins. Upon sitting down She noticed a Huge bump forming on her hand between her ring finger and middle finger. There was no pain or abrasion just this golf ball size knot turning black. We put ice on it and it went down some but I just phoned her and she said it is now spreading thru out her hand and it is now hurting. She is not on any blood thinners. The only thing she has taken is predizone for (spelling) gout.

2007-03-25 09:30:43 · 6 answers · asked by GI 5

I've read a lot of advice on Answers concerning conucussions. Last night I got punched and kicked in the head a few times. The person attacking me was very small and weak. Today I feel a little dazed and lightheaded, and when i move my head around it makes me feel slightly dizzier. A lot of people on Yahoo! Answers say that one should go to the emergency room immediately. Can I just see my regular doctor? If I do have a concussion or confusion, how will I be treated? How do doctors usually deal with this? My understanding is that I should just refrain from sports and dangerous activity. Please be elaborate with respones, all advice is GREATLY appreciated.

2007-03-25 07:26:35 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous

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