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Injuries - October 2006

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care Injuries

for Neurosurgeons only. My wife had a serious accident in which her
cervical spine suffered a prolaps 3 months ago.
Although she can walk normally, sit and move, she still suffers
from infrequent, once or twice daily tremours to her abdomen, and has generally low sensation in her arms and hands, downward from her elbow.
The Neurosurgeon has no solution as she won't have an OP.
Can the spinal injury be healed over time, and does a stiff neck collar help to improve this symptoms? She can only wear a soft collar the stiff collar gives her real discomfort.

2006-10-17 08:49:02 · 1 answers · asked by aheneghana 3

Yesterday I bent down and suddenly I head a sharp pain in my back, kind of all around the right area, but not too low or at the spine. Since then its hurt when I move in certain directions and when I breathe in deeply. Is this just a regular back problem that goes away by itself, or is it something else. What I'm concerned about is the breathing in deeply pain... 6 months ago the same thing happened and went away in a few days... Anyone can help me?

2006-10-17 08:16:56 · 2 answers · asked by cthunder 2

Was in hospital for 2 weeks. Needed 3 transfusions.Could not breathe for days,every breath was an effort, heart rate was over 150.Was waiting for ICU bed. . Developed a large hematoma on liver after ERCP. Also developed pericardial and plueral effusions.Had to have lung drained twice. Have lost over 30lbs. Still can't eat or sleep,pain constantly on side and back along ribs for 3yrs, cannot take deep breath without extreme pain.Taking lots of pain meds. Life is not the same.Depressed.Could this be grounds for lawsuit.? What if nurse was guiding the guide wire.?

2006-10-17 07:28:56 · 3 answers · asked by FP@aol 1

Was in hospital for 2 weeks.Could not breathe for days,every breath was an effort, heart rate was over 150.Was waiting for ICU bed. . Developed a large hematoma on liver after ERCP. Also developed pericardial and plueral effusions.Had to have lung drained twice. Have lost over 30lbs. Still can't eat or sleep,pain constantly on side and back along ribsfor 3yrs.Taking lots of pain meds. Life is not the same.Could this grounds for lawsuit. What if nurse was guiding the guide wire?

2006-10-17 07:18:31 · 1 answers · asked by FP@aol 1

I was helping someone dump a load on a fork lift and was on the forks. Driver went a little crazy and I scrambled for somewhere to hold on and ended up with foot caught in hydraulics and it severd toe and bone and pretty much pulled it off. Dr. hospitalized me and surgery was needed and pins are holdig it together and am off work for about 3 months now. Aside from workmans comp, am I elligable for a settlement? workmans comp is only sugesting 2/3rd`s of average pay which won`t be much. Can I get a lump sum of money for this?

2006-10-17 03:58:36 · 11 answers · asked by stewilliamsx2 1

I was hit by car (as a pedestrian) just over a month ago. I wasn't seriously hurt- just some scrapes and bruises and a nasty bump on the head. I was taken to the emergency room at the time, and followed up with my doctor a few days later. They did a CT scan- my brain is fine. The problem is that my head still hurts. There is still a bump at the top of my forehead and the upper right half of my head hurts all the time with a sort of dull ache. Nothing I can't take some advil and ignore for a little while, but it hasn't gone away and I am getting frustrated. Also, I keep getting these random jolts of serious pain. There will just be a flash of pain in a line along my head and forehead, through the area with the bump. It will hurt for a few seconds, stop, and then do it again a few minutes or hours later. It's always a surprise, and it's driving me nuts! Also, it can't be healthy to be taking this much advil for so long. Is this normal? Should I do something? What?

2006-10-17 03:52:03 · 3 answers · asked by Beneficentia 3

In the latest November Kingdom Ministry it shows that Jehovah's Witnesses are allowed to use blood fractions if their conscience allows, but that they are not allowed to donate blood.

Since blood fractions are derived from donated blood how do they justify not donating blood but benefiting from blood?

2006-10-16 20:43:19 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous

anybody know how to get rid of a hickie?? any kind of special ointment?? i dont want a cover-up, like make-up, i want a home remedy to make them disappear faster.

2006-10-16 17:55:47 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous

These are lateral xrays.

Left foot:

Right Foot:

please take your time with this. it is important to me.

2006-10-16 17:33:41 · 7 answers · asked by oneakmusic 2

Arnica is a kind of herb commonly used in U.S. and Europe for bruises and muscle soreness.

2006-10-16 17:02:09 · 1 answers · asked by Many H 1

2006-10-16 15:58:24 · 5 answers · asked by wyndell a 1

I fell about 40 feet the only thing that happened with cuts and bruises aside, was my entire wrist located. all tendons severed, and my lunate found its way to the top of my palm. I am now finishing with physical therapy but am being told that I will probably never bench press or do pushups again. major bummer I power lift for fitness and hobby. Could the doctors be covering their ***-ets, has any one else gone through something similar some inspirational words would do wonders for a man who does not want to give up what he loves.

2006-10-16 13:55:40 · 4 answers · asked by poppabear1981 1

My 3 y/o son fell down the steps this evening (about 20 minutes after the dr office closed) and hit his nose on a step. It swelled up instantly. There was a little blood mixed in clear snot. He cried for a very short time. I had my father who has some medic type training look at it. He doesn't feel that it is broken. It is still swollen more than 3 hours later. It is still red and starting to show signs of bruising. I guess what I am wanting to know is what I can expect tonight until I can get him to the doctor in the morning. I would like advice from anyone who knows from medical training or personal experience. Thanks, P~

2006-10-16 13:41:25 · 5 answers · asked by Psalm91 5

i like the pain and the attention i get when im hurt how can i hurt my leg knee or ankle but not something stupid like jumping off a cliff or smashing it with a hammer somethng that will make it look like an accident

2006-10-16 13:02:17 · 17 answers · asked by a 1

normally till you can walk after such an injury? and will i be able to wear normal shoes?

i'm guessing wearing heals is a no no ;-( - i'm gutted coz i've been cooped up in the house for the last 5 weeks and i wanna go out and celebrate but i'm not sure when i'll be able to walk and stuff!

2006-10-16 10:15:35 · 4 answers · asked by Miss Tickle 4

because i my knee still ain't all the way healed and its been an week and a day

2006-10-16 09:43:51 · 11 answers · asked by ANTIONETTE D 1

About 2 weeks ago i got told i had whiplash by the hospital whether i believe themor not is a diffrent matter but anyway they didnt do anything at all but i am still in great pain. Do you think there is something wrong ? ?
Please help me as i am very woried.
I am 14 years old.

2006-10-16 09:01:42 · 9 answers · asked by ρŵЇŋčεşŞ ѕħΣĺĺβỹ 1

Need a good orthopedic's advice.. can't get "good" answers from mine.

2006-10-16 07:44:31 · 1 answers · asked by kerry_kersha 1

2006-10-16 07:38:58 · 9 answers · asked by nicholas 1

For the last two weeks my right knee has been feeling unstable. At times it actually feels "loose" and feels like it is buckling under me. Its also making a strange sound when extended. I have a doctor appt. later this week but was wondering what this could be???

2006-10-16 06:33:21 · 5 answers · asked by Kimmy 4

Fell and hit shin bone in 2 places. Normal pain at the time and a few day after but after 3 weeks I started having pain that feels like a bad bruise on the whole length of the front and bottom half of my leg.

2006-10-16 06:17:06 · 11 answers · asked by SOOZIE 1

I had an accident over the weekend and now I have a horrible bruise on the left side of my stomach. Its so ugly, what can I do to help it heal faster?

2006-10-16 03:40:47 · 13 answers · asked by victoriaelaine2004 3

can a mri see a pinch nerve and how long dose it take to get your mri result back

2006-10-16 02:52:17 · 5 answers · asked by sallymaxlove 2

am talking about fracture.so pls help me

2006-10-16 00:13:24 · 4 answers · asked by chiaka j 1

2006-10-15 19:08:41 · 12 answers · asked by sweetistlady4 1

Ok I have syotica , and I am having troubles with that now , but now I have this thing with my left leg now , and it makes my whole leg and foot go numb, The pain goes from the bottom of my back right down my leg . What else can I do about this ?

2006-10-15 16:25:33 · 9 answers · asked by mamajo 1

My four year old has to have surgery for A hernia He has had some dentist work done where he has had to be put under in the dentist office and done fine.My question is how simular will this be and has any one been thru this

2006-10-15 16:00:44 · 7 answers · asked by SAHM and proud of it 3

i was running backwards and then i fell down and my head bounced off the ground literally. now evrytime i sit down or get up i nearly fall from diziness. am i going to be okay. if not what should i do? or how long should i just stay home?

2006-10-15 14:59:32 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous

I am having trouble getting up and down from a sitting position and there is constant pain in my upper left hip area. I have tried heat and anti-inflammatory drugs but the pain is still bad. I have to sit for 8 hours at work and I really dread going in tomorrow with this much pain, any suggestion of exercises that might help or other remedies?

2006-10-15 14:38:57 · 6 answers · asked by Coffeemate 1

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