Hello! 3 months ago I was T-boned by a car that ran a stop sign. My old car was totaled for $700 (91 Honda with 260K miles on it and a past total in the history). I had to get 7 stitches in my head. I didn't miss work, though I missed two college classes that day. I have a slight scar of an inch and a half or so on my forehead. My medical bills totaled $3000 after ambulance, x-ray, stitches, etc. I have police report and witnesses were there on the report. I don't see the need in a lawyer, since it wasn't a huge injury and I haven't had any problems since then, but I have ABSOLUTELY no idea what a fair settlement is for a case like this. I've been friendly with the party-at-fault's insurance agent as he has been to me, but I've been offered $600 for pain and suffering (he said that was the max) and $500 for property damage. Should I just accept this? Like I said, I'm not looking to extract as much as I possibly can, but I don't want to get ripped off either...
4 answers
asked by
brad h