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General Health Care - January 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health General Health Care

First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

I've tried hookah before, and I didn't know that it was bad for your health. I thought that it was just air, but looking on wikipedia I read that it speeds up gum and tooth decay and is bad for you. So i was just wondering if pot and hookah were relaly that bad.

2007-01-20 18:08:15 · 12 answers · asked by kirklandtp 1 in Other - General Health Care

2007-01-20 18:07:04 · 8 answers · asked by needsanswers 1 in Pain & Pain Management

2007-01-20 17:41:37 · 8 answers · asked by monica your new bff 3 in First Aid

I went to a doctor and got anti biotic ear drops..4 drops two times a day..that has been three weeks ago but the earache won't heal.
Is there a over the counter remedy? Do I need stronger meds?
My doctor said i could still keep on swimming. I swim three or more times a week. He said this would not hurt my ear. Ear plugs? I wear a hearing aid..and i think this is what caused my infection. any suggestions from you good people..thanks

2007-01-20 17:26:40 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

from my upper right gums to my right ear. This pain is comes and goes like contractions..as I remember when I was pregant. I did have a cough a few weeks ago, maybe this is a sinus infection that I needed to get treated? I am about to go to the ER...any idea's? I would be greatful....

2007-01-20 17:24:16 · 6 answers · asked by LeeLynn 5 in Pain & Pain Management

I know it hurts like crazy; It feels like a stinging and pinching. Im just curious, what would happened if that sticker doesnt come out of your finger? Please help!!!!

2007-01-20 17:13:18 · 18 answers · asked by LaLa 4 in First Aid

I've got a friend who was in a bad car crash yesterday. Another boy in the car with him died, but he's alive. From what I've been told, he has a brain contusion and possibly a broken neck. Exactly what would that mean for him? He's only 17 and he does all sorts of drugs. Would that compromise his recovery at all?

2007-01-20 16:49:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

while playin with my sister my ear got blocked (like an hour ago)

my right ear is blocked and i cant hear anything it feels like is there is something between my ear and eardrum

what can i do?? is it dangerous??

2007-01-20 16:48:30 · 10 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

2007-01-20 16:47:50 · 5 answers · asked by BLESSUS 1 in Other - General Health Care

I live in Michigan.

But ever since I can remember i've had pain in my knee and chronic headaches whenever it either rains, or gets severely cold. Not to mention thunderstorms or blizzards. Most importantly ever since I was in softball, and I slammed my right knee into the base... my knees have been giving me problems. Also, after I broke my wrists (not at the same time, but both were angel fractures... Age 8 and 10) i've had sharp pains in them during all of those said weather patterns. I've tried strengthening my knees and my wrists up, but to no avail. Even bowling is difficult, or picking up heavy objects.

Anyone have any ideas?

2007-01-20 16:47:48 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

How come when I lay on my stomach, laying straight on the floor or in the bed, my lower back starts to hurt real bad? Like excruciating pain but when I stand up or roll over it's fine

2007-01-20 16:32:55 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Pain & Pain Management

do you sleep at night?

2007-01-20 16:30:09 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

i had to get a MRI about 2 weeks ago and had to take my newly pierced cartilage out. i strung it with fishing wire just so there was something in there for a couple hours. but i have an earring in there now. but when i change it, it swells right away and i have to push it through really hard. should i wait a long time to change it again? or what should i do?

2007-01-20 16:27:58 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

It is not really painful, but when I lie down on my left side, it feels like I am lying down on something hard. I also feel this whenever I cough, sneeze, or when I try to massage it. I've had this since December. It hasn't gotten worse nor has it gotten better. What could this be?

2007-01-20 16:15:31 · 5 answers · asked by REGINA 3 in Pain & Pain Management

i be feeling movement and kickin in my stomach and ill rub my stomach and then it will stop. it only happends between 8:00PM 5:00Am. could this be gas????

2007-01-20 15:53:03 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

her head is really hurting and so is her right eye.

what should we do?

2007-01-20 15:44:21 · 16 answers · asked by hrrrrrrlhghglhghgghbhgb 1 in Other - General Health Care

I've been a medical transcriptionist for 18 years and have never had a problem; but yesterday I started getting a stinging pain in my left inner forearm near the wrist and I'm worried it's carpal tunnel syndrome.

2007-01-20 15:25:48 · 6 answers · asked by LolaCorolla 7 in Pain & Pain Management

Hi, I am 20 and have been getting sharp abdominal pain in the lower right abdomen. It shoots excruciating pain around the area if I touch it. I went to a gynocologist and he said that I had a pulled ligament but now I feel the same type of pain but not in the same spot. I havn't felt the pain in months but now it's reacurring. The pain comes and goes and can sometimes last for hours. (If it helps, I also get the same feeling below my breast bone...that shoots pain and will cause me to stop dead in my tracks waiting for the pain to go away) Oh and both pains are not simultaneous.

Does anyone know what it may be?

P.S. I am not pregnant or on meds or anything like that. LOL.

2007-01-20 15:03:32 · 3 answers · asked by Becca 2 in Pain & Pain Management

I know go to the doctor, get xrays...but besides that?

2007-01-20 14:57:16 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

however my son says that's ridiculous. Is this just an old wives tale or is there some truth to it?

2007-01-20 14:35:57 · 2 answers · asked by JaneyGirl 1 in Injuries


I have a pain that comes back frequently in my left side. It's not my appendix because that would be on the right side. It's a pain just above my pelvis, sometimes it shoots up into my shoulder. It isn't a pulled muscle. Does anyone have any idea what it could be?

2007-01-20 14:19:36 · 11 answers · asked by ? 2 in Pain & Pain Management

I go to sleep and eventually my head bends in the left direction or back and when I wake up my neck starts to hurt for the day everytime I turn to that direction or if feels sore just with my head straight. I need help!

2007-01-20 14:13:11 · 11 answers · asked by cs313 3 in Pain & Pain Management

yesterday i hurt my ankle when i tripped and fell. when i got home from school my ankle was HUGE, swollen and bruised. i had iced if for a few minutes in the nurses office. my mom made me go to the doctor. it is sprained and may be fractured. (i need to go to another doctor on tuesday) i was walking on it all day but my doctor said i have an extemely "high pain tolerance" so it could have been fractured. if it is fractured and it is a very minor one how long will i have a cast on probably? i am the starting center on both of my basketball teams and really hope i can play as soon as possible when it heals

2007-01-20 14:10:49 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

Today i was pooping and i laid a nessie (Poop so big it sticks up out of the water, just like how the lochness monster nessie sticks his head out of the water), i looked down to see it as it went down the toilets blowhole, and i splashed back up and hit me in the eyeball. wut do i do? there are no hospitals around and my eye hurts like HECK! HELP!

2007-01-20 13:54:17 · 9 answers · asked by Johnny O 1 in Injuries

About a year ago I was on a plane flight and experienced a horrible and excruciating pain in my left ear. Upon getting off the plane my ear bothered me a bit yet was a much more tolerable pain. Soon after that flighht I began to experience cases of feeling very imbalanced - both when standing and sitting that would occur totally randomly and cause to to grab onto whatever was closet in order to stablaize myself from the feeling that I was going to fall over. After going to a ear nose thorat Dr., had a couple tests and was told that I had some hearing loss and also nerve damage in the ear that was bothering me. Dr. told me that the ear is designed to repair itself, although many people suffer with this for years on end to no avail, yet said there was nothing he could do for me. Soudned crazy to me that there was no solution...and a year later my ear still bothers me, often feels plugged, and teh occassional dizzy spell continues. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions?

2007-01-20 13:46:16 · 2 answers · asked by chick33 3 in Injuries

When I wake up in the morning both of my hands are often numb for the first few minutes.

2007-01-20 13:40:47 · 9 answers · asked by Dellajoy 6 in Other - General Health Care

i have been experiencing this feeling,not really dizzy but weak or fatigue for awhile. it last only for a few seconds though. but on 2 different incidents,they were dizzy spells. ive been getting them on and off this evening and its really scaring me. i think i might head to the er.im 27 and have been pretty healthy.

2007-01-20 13:32:30 · 8 answers · asked by Moniluv 2 in Other - General Health Care

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