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General Health Care - January 2007

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First Aid · Injuries · Other - General Health Care · Pain & Pain Management

ok a heavy book slammed on my fingers and i buddy taped them etc. i went to the doctor and he strapped them for me he said i had badly sprained them (grade 2) as i had twisted them as th book fell and it would take a minium of 2 months to fully heal.
has anyone been in my situation and can they give me any advice

2007-01-22 03:04:55 · 5 answers · asked by summerbaberock 1 in Injuries

I'll wake up in the middle of the night and my calves will be so tight it is extremely painful. It doesn't seem to correlate with a hard workout. It's happened after days I didn't work out at all and when I did workout. It happens maybe once a week? I've had this fo a while now, maybe a year or two. Any ideas what this is?

2007-01-22 03:01:25 · 8 answers · asked by Lax_Goalie 1 in Pain & Pain Management

last night, while i was sleeping, i got the worst charlie horses in my lower calve region.. they wouldnt stop and now my legs are sore today! why does that happen?

2007-01-22 02:55:52 · 2 answers · asked by .:*BeAuTiFuL*:. 3 in Pain & Pain Management

I have what i consider to be muscle pain in both of my arms. The only problem is that i have not done anything to strain my muscles to hurt in such a way. This has been an ongoing problem for me. The pain is very sharp and burning, and gets worse when i move my arms. Sometimes it feels as though there is something lodged in my arm and everytime i move it stabs deeper into my flesh. Has anyone ever experienced pains of this kind? Let me also tell you that i am a 21 year old male with normal blood pressure and cholestrol. No heart disease or any serious problems. Basically i wake up in the morning and i am in pain. Slowly my pain starts to get better throughout the day. Please tell me what this possibly could be?

2007-01-22 02:51:54 · 2 answers · asked by joseph s 2 in Pain & Pain Management

This is my 4th or 5th question pertaining to my eye problems. Here's my new question: Can you wear two different brands of contacts in each eye? For those of you keeping up with my eye problems (I should say eye doctor problems), I did call my eye doctor this morning and demanded he do something about my right eye (it has astigmatism in it and he wouldn't do anything about it for the past year). He said he would order me a Toric lens for my right eye, but he's going to keep my left eye the same. Basically, he's going to have me wear Acuvue Oasys in my left eye and a Bausch and Lomb Toric in my right eye (not sure which one though). Is this safe to do??????

2007-01-22 02:50:13 · 9 answers · asked by Cindy R 1 in Other - General Health Care

yesterday i was putting up a shelf and the shelf fell off and slammed onto my hand specifically my fingers.it hurts to bend 2 of my fingers and they have gone purply blue.i have buddy wrapped them to each other.
in your opinion
what do you think i have done to my fingers?
should i buddy wrap them to other non-injured fingers?
should i play my sports tommorow?

2007-01-22 02:44:58 · 7 answers · asked by rockchick 1 in Injuries

On Saturday I fell down the stairs. Our stairs are quite narrow and I tripped and fell about 5-6 steps.. I saw I was headed all the way down to the main floor ( I live on the 3rd fl) so I turned myself and caught on to the railing. My left leg swelled up and my husband and mom took me into my parents place (2nd fl) and the put ice and vicks on my leg. I'm sure it's not broken because I don't have fever and the swelling went down. But It hurts like crazy. I have a big scrape on my leg now, and bruises in a few places.
This morning I fell again trying to catch the bus.. I didn't want to miss it so I ran and slipped and fell. (caught the bus though) and now my leg is hurting like hell
Should I go to the hospital and have it checked out? I'm sure it's not broken cuz it didn't swell up..

2007-01-22 02:37:33 · 23 answers · asked by BFP On September 20 :) 2 in Injuries

Keep twitching when I get into bed? It's my legs, my arms, my hands, my neck. Every few seconds a part of my body will twitch and it's doing my head in, it's not because I'm falling asleep bcos it happens as soon as I get into bed. It gets me frustrated cos I can't seem to get to sleep bcos of it. It started 4/5 days ago. Any ideas?

2007-01-22 02:35:29 · 8 answers · asked by Jane H 4 in Other - General Health Care

2007-01-22 02:26:21 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

I have had a headache for going on six months. i've seen every type of dr. you can imagine...my gp, an optometrist, a neuro opthomalogist, a pathologist. i've been on tons of medication including topamax, verapomil (sp) and now depakote. nothing stops this headache. sometimes it is tolerable (3 or 4 on a scale of 1-10) and then other days it keeps me totally debilitated. during the course of trying to figure out what is causing this, i've had ct scans and mri's (all normal). i recently had an mra/mrv but don't know the results yet. also while digging for answers, it was discovered that i have diabetes (type 2) and sleep apnea (am using the cpap, but it is not helping the headache...in fact, it seems to aggravate it). the pain in my head ranges from sharp, shooting pain up the back of my head to feeling like i am wearing a cap and the headache is over my whole head. visual distrubances are minimal. eyes have not changed and no nausea (to indicate migraine). can anyone help?

2007-01-22 02:22:05 · 12 answers · asked by onebigkid 2 in Pain & Pain Management

Hi everybody. I have this strange lump about the size of a small pea on my right index finger at the bottom, and on the inside, so it rubs against my middle finger. It is hard, doesn't move around and doesn't hurt when I touch it. the skin around it seems normal. But, it does seem to slowly be getting bigger. It's been there about 8 weeks. I don't think it warrants a trip to the doctor, but what the heck is it? Anybody know?

2007-01-22 02:00:31 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in First Aid

I normally go through a cleaning regimen twelve to fifteen times each day. Unfortunately last night I slipped on my bathroom floor and a cotton swab got stuck in my ear. I heard a popping noise accompanied by some blood and I cannot pull out the cotton swab for fear of passing out. To make matters worse, I cannot hear from this ear either. I tended to my wound the best I can, taking care to clean around the ear canal and remove the blood, I even managed to sleep on my back the whole night without turning on my side- or so I thought. This morning I awoke to the broken end of a swab on my pillow and I could almost swear the other part is still stuck inside my ear canal. I still cannot hear from this ear but my medical condition precludes me from venturing into public- I cannot afford to be around germs. It is a very similar condition to the bubble boy. What should I do? Should I brave the world and go to the hospital? I feel so silly about all this, what an embarrassment.

2007-01-22 01:51:56 · 5 answers · asked by drinkypoo 1 in Injuries

IT hurts so bad it woke me up out of my sleep. Its feels like I'm starving but I'm not. Even after I eat, it hurts. It just happened witihin the last 24 hours. It feels like a completely empty stomach but its not. What do you think?

2007-01-22 01:49:05 · 4 answers · asked by ? 1 in Other - General Health Care

does anyone ever expirenc this because i need help to stop it

2007-01-22 01:27:02 · 4 answers · asked by Brandi S 4 in Other - General Health Care

Just eaten my lunch (a few ham salad rolls) and the rolls were a little on the tough side. Now my jaw feels like it's dislodged and it is really uncomfortable. What can I do to ease it?

2007-01-22 01:24:46 · 9 answers · asked by HiFi 3 in Pain & Pain Management

I was wondering if any has ever served in Doctors without Borders (Medecins sans Frontieres)...where did you go? What was your experience like? Was it worth doing?

2007-01-22 01:18:35 · 3 answers · asked by Greg 3 in Other - General Health Care

she gave up with me last year but shes started again. i want her to stop but i ve smoked myself and dont want to sound like a hypercrit.

2007-01-22 01:17:24 · 17 answers · asked by live-o 2 in Other - General Health Care

I just wonder about the use of these parts, can someone help?

2007-01-22 01:06:56 · 4 answers · asked by Zico 1 in Other - General Health Care

It doesnt really hurt now, but, it burns slightly. I put some Visine in it, but it doesnt seem to be working. Any pressure on it feels painful. Its also slightly closed as in its swelled up. What is it? And its only one side.

2007-01-22 01:03:25 · 4 answers · asked by Mashu 4 in Injuries

Is it all relative or not? When I'm busy, got lot's to do etc time just flies. A whole weekend can shoot by if it's a good one. On the other hand counting down from, say 1.30pm until 5pm, when you are work. Time just takes forever to slowly plod on until hometime.

Why the hell does this happen?

2007-01-22 00:48:23 · 11 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - General Health Care

Of course he will be visiting the doctor today, but my husband has been having shooting pains in his lower back and down his leg all weekend. It got bad last night. I rubbed icy hot on it and he took Ibuprofen but got no relief. He was up all night. I think it is his sciatic nerve but not sure.

2007-01-22 00:07:30 · 6 answers · asked by peach 4 in Pain & Pain Management

A friend of mine cut her arm on something earlier, and the blood ran black for the first couple of minutes. After that it was red, and she says she feels fine. What could have caused the black blood?

2007-01-21 23:57:14 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

its been over three years since i have gotten a bruise, during a certain point of my life it seems that i just stopped bruising. I broke a bench with my shin, kicked someone in their elbow, and alot of other just generally painful things. Nothing short of being beaten with a sharp wooden pole will bruise me, someone said it was a lack of vitamins but i eat healthy and take a multivitamin. any ideas?

2007-01-21 23:52:22 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Injuries

like the ones we had when we were younger, not the new type

2007-01-21 23:45:32 · 11 answers · asked by oldtimer 1 in Other - General Health Care

after having surgery......i was doing my physical therapy....I feel like some thing tore up...its very painful....but was painful like the first serious injury.
Im scared that my ACL tore again....:S but i dont want to tell my dad....wat should i do? or is it just normal when im doing physical therapy???

2007-01-21 23:26:48 · 2 answers · asked by anthegreat2407 1 in Injuries

I fell outside 2 days ago and my right wrist and hand is popping like crazy and when I move it a certain way it hurts really bad....should I go to the dr or just leave it the way it is because its not swelling or anything so I know nothings broken.

2007-01-21 23:16:17 · 3 answers · asked by Supernatural Fan 3 in Injuries

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