Im a 34 year old female. I've been having pain, stiffness, & swelling in my right hip, knee, and ankle for about a week.
The leg feels heavy in the calf when I walk on it. I have varicose & spider veins in the leg and a history of severe trauma and DVT, in the same leg. Worried about possible recurrent DVT, I went to the local ER, last night. Doc there did several xrays. No broken bones. He said it didn't appear to be a clot because several of the usual "Homeing signs" of a dvt are not there. He sent me home with a prescription for pain killers and anitiinflamatory medicine and told me to apply ice, then heat.
Ice makes it hurt more. Heat helps the pain a lot.
Should I still be worried ? I don't have any medical insurance
and can't pay any of the local doctors money up front, so my only medical option is the local emergency room, right now.
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