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Diseases & Conditions - 20 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions

Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

I use to have perfect skin, but for the past 8 years I've suffered from severe bad acne/skin. It's not just my face, it's my arms, chest, and legs too. I am so self contentious of this problem I wear long sleeves year round. I wish I could just wear a nice short sleeved shirt. People ask why but I dont tell everyone, it's embarrassing.

I've been to the dermatologist. I've been on acutain (didn't work, I got diabetic sensations from it), I've been on tetracyclene, monocycline, and doxiecycline..nothing works... does anybody else have any suggestions? The acne not only looks bad when it's there, but scars later. I can't remember the lat time I wore a swim suit in public, or went swimming for that mater. I can't remember wearing a short sleeved shirt in public, or having my skin semi normal to the point I could be confident enough to wear a short sleaved shirt. Help please

2007-06-20 23:07:11 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

I have been on Allegra 180 for a couple of years now. My arms itch so intensly that I have to put ice packs on them. I take Benedryl when it gets really bad and anti itch creams but it only helps temporarly. Now nothing is helping. Does your body become ammuned to Allegra and Benedryl? I can't take decongestants but sometimes the itching will make me go out of my mind. It is some type of Allergy. Nothing topical. Please help.

2007-06-20 23:00:36 · 8 answers · asked by Sparkles 4 in Allergies

I just want to know cause my sister might have it

2007-06-20 22:24:26 · 3 answers · asked by cochisejbrooks 1 in Other - Diseases

After i week i had sever sore throat for 2 days, chronic diarhea for 3 weeks, mouth ulcers. i had 2 HIV tests 3weeks after sex and 5 weeks after, Both came back negative. i consulted dr and he took all blood test all came back good. No i after 9 weeks i have burning in stomach and leg soles. And burning ehile passing stools.

2007-06-20 21:38:01 · 12 answers · asked by usman s 1 in Infectious Diseases

Doctors here can't help her for they have too many shortages. She has got painless lumps around her neck and more on her left side of her neck. She is around 70 years old. She had blood pressure. The symptom starts 9 month ago with two small beans like bodies inside her mouth near the epiglottis. She has got difficulties in breathing especially during nighttime when she sleep. Please help me what to do to help her.

2007-06-20 21:14:48 · 8 answers · asked by Sami N 1 in Cancer

I am a 20 year old female, and i have been diagnosed with kidney
stones after many visits in agonizing pain to the E.R.!!! I have now
learned that it is stuck in my ureter tube and is about the size of a
pen tip. My doctor thinks that surgery may be the route we will have
to go but we wont know for sure until next week. We are hoping that I
pass it before then, and if I havent then next week I will go for
another cat scan and see where it is at now. If it is still giving me
pain and it hasnt moved I can either wait for it to move naturally,
how ever long it takes, or we can do surgery.
SO.... what I would like to know is what some of you who have
had/have kidney stones think, and for some people ( women only m) to
tell me about their experiences with the surgery ( Pain level,
mobility after surgery, any bad things that happened, and how long you
were hospitalized after surgery, etc. ) and to hear some of you
stories about getting the stent pulled out!! ( Pain level, comfort
{did you feel it in you}, etc. ) so any info I can get would be
greatly appreciated!!!!!!! I am verry scared and very nervous, so
please help me!! THank You, KALEY

2007-06-20 19:09:29 · 10 answers · asked by Kaley A 1 in Other - Diseases

2007-06-20 18:56:40 · 3 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I'll be leaving for Australia is 2 days, and i just got sunburnnnnnd on Tuesday. I don't think it's that serious, becuase it's only red, with no open sores or whatever. It just really uncomfortable.

My question is, what can i do to help it heal faster. Anything that i could concoct at home?

2007-06-20 18:41:21 · 8 answers · asked by Okay Ariz 2 in Skin Conditions

Was reading the label of a cough syrup when i come across these 2 terms, "Unproductive coughing" and "Nocturnal coughing" ... what do these 2 kinds mean?

2007-06-20 18:14:37 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

It's been five years since my last child. I forgot what allergy medicines I can take while nursing my one month old. I know Benadryl, but what else since I don't have any of that? I could get a scrip, but I would prefer over the counter.

2007-06-20 17:52:05 · 2 answers · asked by Holly Moore 2 in Allergies

Ok, so i've lived in my house for about 4 years now. About a year ago we started seeing mold appear on our bathroom ceiling, and we asked the landlady about it and she said it's been there, but she bleached it out and painted over it and now it's just coming back. Well it wasn't too bad at first, but about four months ago our whole ceiling was spotted with it. Two months ago i started getting really sick non stop with headaches, body aches, sore throats almost every day, fatigue, and ear infections. A couple weeks later i started feeling anxious all the time and irritable. I looked these symptoms up on the internet and all of them combined pointed to toxic mold syndrome. I'm scared that i have it, mainly because the mold on our ceiling is black, the most dangerous kind. I'm scared of it getting to the point where i actually get depressed and so sick to the point i can't get out of bed. Is toxic mold syndrome curable? Do they have meds for it? I would like to know before i go to the doc

2007-06-20 17:48:11 · 14 answers · asked by JaggedLittlePill 4 in Other - Diseases

2007-06-20 17:45:32 · 13 answers · asked by Mary T 1 in Other - Diseases

I have this lump under my skin that is as big as a marble on my leg and my mom won't take me to the doctor unless she sees it. The only problem is, is that it is near my lower region and I don't want to show her. I am really scared and cancer is very common in my family. I am only 15 and I don't know what to do. What could it be?

2007-06-20 17:40:43 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

My 12 year old daughter was diagnosed with epilepsy about a year ago. She has generalized seizures sometimes at night, plus partial seizures during the day sometimes.
She doesn't have the epileptic scream to wake me, and i have slept through 2 of them.
How do I deal with this without wanting to make her sleep in my room and making her feel like a baby?

2007-06-20 17:31:41 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

What does it mean when your left ear and throat hurt and everytime you swallow it hurts more. I'm fine during the day but every night it comes back. I do have a sinus problem. And the summer did just start here. So what could cause this and what should I take for it?

2007-06-20 17:14:51 · 9 answers · asked by Mir 1 in Allergies

2007-06-20 17:10:04 · 6 answers · asked by pink angel 1 in Infectious Diseases

i know this is gross but i was wondering if anyone can help....ive been having a thick yellow discharge it does not smell bad and im a virgin also one of my vaginal lips is swollen what is wrong?

2007-06-20 17:08:56 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

I don't drink, they've tested my kidneys, I don't use antacids, I've been to doctor after doctor after doctor.

2007-06-20 17:04:54 · 1 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

It is far past cold and flu season but I can feel myself coming down with something. My throat has been scratchy all day and I have sneezed a couple of times. What do you use to prevent or get over a cold faster?

2007-06-20 16:42:32 · 4 answers · asked by Melissa L 2 in Respiratory Diseases

A friend of mine was recently diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. He is 31 years old. Durring a scan, they found a 3 centimeter spot on the tail end. Does anyone know what his odds are, I guess i am just looking for an idea of what he is up against. he is going to the Mayo clinic for a byopsy and if it is positive they will remove his spleen and lymphnoids. Will he have to go through with Cemotherapy regardless?

2007-06-20 16:36:47 · 7 answers · asked by dugan 2 in Cancer

I have these pinkish bumps - about 3...one on my va-j and 2 near my buttox...they dont itch or hurt and when squeezed, it just bleeds...could this be a STD or is this just a pimple or growth that i am being so concerned about...I have had sex but always protected. Please let me know

2007-06-20 16:18:30 · 14 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

2007-06-20 16:04:03 · 13 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

Or simply caused by HSV 2?For a long time the day before an outbreak I would feel really confused and unable to focus,It made me want to stay at home that day to avoid seeming crazy.Now I seem to get this for a week at a time without the outbreak.Is anyone suffering from the same syptoms?????

2007-06-20 15:55:12 · 7 answers · asked by devorobin 1 in STDs

Some many people are suffering from this disease and really don't understand what it means to be diabetic, in layman's terms, please enlighten us regarding this grave health issue.

2007-06-20 15:31:53 · 8 answers · asked by Sustagurl2 7 in Diabetes

What exactly is an orthopedic surgeon? Orthropedic? Not sure what the exact term is. I know a guy who recently had to go to Alaska because of this... his job is an orthopedic surgeon. I didnt know exactly what this was, and why? Could anyone explain!! Thanks!

2007-06-20 15:04:18 · 7 answers · asked by Nannie B 2 in Other - Diseases

its kinda weird ...right now im having funny sensation in my mouth like burning not really burning ..lil and itchy down the throat but i took the daytime benylin med and it helps and i get nauseaous too it happened before....and i had sinusitis too..what are those ? are those signs of something bad? if it is i guess its ok ..its part of life eh? i just want to prepare for something and prepare for my death if possible too. i ve been through the worst before. so that makes it ok . thank you for your help!

2007-06-20 14:47:10 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

i have ringing in my ears, but it's not that bad, but also it does anoy me some and it's on and off. i use headphones to listen to my music a lot and the last tv i had(i got a new one) i used to use headphones to listen to it and often when i sallow i hear popping in my ears. help, what is the cause and how do i get rid of it ?

2007-06-20 14:43:15 · 9 answers · asked by Anonymous in Other - Diseases

ossur collar made atlas collars for laryngectomy and trachieostomy two black velcros on the plastic body and plastic chins attached to the collar removel backs two black velcros and two black straps padded foam for support .The way the collar is made is for laryngectomy and trachieostomy for intubicution if the patient is on a ventilator the plastic trachs small regular large allow the hospitals and paramedics see the carotic pulse in the neck and allow a stoma to be made for emergencies larygectomy removel of the larynx they have a permenent stoma to breathe through trachieostomy hole in the trachiea allows the patient to breathe if they are unable to breathe on their own .. ossur collar made these atlas collars for laryngectomy and trachieostomy

2007-06-20 14:33:36 · 2 answers · asked by nadine d 2 in Cancer


I've just been diagnosed through a blood test. I have not heard how my ultrasound came out yet. I was told that I had them but wasn't told anything more but to come back in 6 months. What do I do? What do I eat or not eat? Anyway to break them up so that I don't end up being in a lot of pain???

2007-06-20 14:32:53 · 3 answers · asked by Rebecca M 2 in Diabetes

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