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Diseases & Conditions - 5 June 2007

[Selected]: All categories Health Diseases & Conditions

Allergies · Cancer · Diabetes · Heart Diseases · Infectious Diseases · Other - Diseases · Respiratory Diseases · Skin Conditions · STDs

Why can't I sleep!

2007-06-05 23:22:02 · 7 answers · asked by pee pee 2 in Other - Diseases

Diet and weight

2007-06-05 23:02:17 · 10 answers · asked by asyyoulike 1 in Diabetes

here's the picture. thanks

Pls analyze if this is a bed ug or herpes.. though I never had sex in my life..


2007-06-05 22:14:29 · 5 answers · asked by itsucks02 1 in STDs

... wat r the symptoms of having a STD? Is it possible to have a STD even if we have used condom,,?

2007-06-05 22:07:59 · 4 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

Every summer is when I start doing my nails again. I bought a new kind of nail polish remover, "Sally Hansens Extra strength". I've had plantars warts on my hands for the last 2 years, and on my feet for 3. Ever since switching to this new nailpolish remover they have been drastically shrinking in size, and some are even 100% gone! Seeing that this was working, I've been using a q-tip to dab it on the few warts that are left to get them gone-asap.. I hate these guys!

I am just wondering if I am harming my body more than doing good to it?? I probably only have another week or two left of applying it.. is it safe enough?

2007-06-05 21:41:39 · 3 answers · asked by Spooks 3 in Skin Conditions

2007-06-05 21:38:14 · 15 answers · asked by Anonymous in Cancer

I inhaled some chlorine upon opening a "pool shock" package yesterday. I immediately felt burning in throat, nose, and chest. It was sitting in the sun for a few days so it must have expaneded and "shot up" into my face. I went to the doctor and had a steroid shot. Then I went to the E.R. and had two more steroid shots, and a chest x-ray, and was put on oral steroids for three days. The problem is that I suffer from anxiety attacks so it is hard to tell if I am having shortness of breath because of anxiety or the chlorine. I went to the E.R. for shortness of breath last night and it turned out to be anxiety. I had my lungs listened to today and they were clear. Could I still suffer complications if this happened around 3:00 p.m. Monday afternoon. Just looking for some reassurance. Thank you so much.

2007-06-05 20:37:59 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

2007-06-05 20:29:45 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Respiratory Diseases

Hello, could anyone please, PLEASE recommend anything to tackle hayfever? I've taken allergy tablets but they make me drowsy, and don't even work. I've been told by a lot of family and friends that my nose is swelling up because of it and it's causing me to sneeze excessively with nose bleeds.

2007-06-05 20:15:51 · 8 answers · asked by Anonymous in Allergies

I know the best way to avoid HPV is condom (even though it is not 100% guaranteed), but the problem with that is: what if both partners are married? What would happen if they have unprotected sex? After all, can they have a child? So many questions...

2007-06-05 19:55:46 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in STDs

2007-06-05 19:49:07 · 3 answers · asked by MichaelBuffy 4 in Other - Diseases

Is there any proof that the h.i.v. virus was manufactured?

2007-06-05 19:45:38 · 1 answers · asked by suncity_madman 1 in Infectious Diseases

attack. I have not had one so bad in a long time. Is there any
one else who suffers from this condition, and what do you do
to deal with it, and what kinds of medications do you take.
I feel sometimes like I am never going to be well. I try so hard
to tell myself that it could be worse, but when I have an attack,
I am just so depressed and I feel like I will never get better.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.

2007-06-05 19:18:32 · 2 answers · asked by boxmaker40 5 in Other - Diseases

All summer they will be a problem. The easier the methods, the better.

2007-06-05 19:12:36 · 4 answers · asked by Robert B 5 in Skin Conditions

Pretend your boold pressure is... 150 over 90. What does that mean? what's the top and whats the bottom mean? Can somebody please explain it to me? Thanks.

2007-06-05 19:02:33 · 5 answers · asked by Anonymous in Heart Diseases

They are itchy, watery, and swollen. When I look in the mirror, I look like a creature of the night. I tried everything from cold water/compresses, an ointment, eyedrops, and more. What can I do?

2007-06-05 18:40:02 · 2 answers · asked by goudaandwine 2 in Allergies

2007-06-05 18:33:04 · 11 answers · asked by Denise B 2 in STDs

2007-06-05 18:26:59 · 7 answers · asked by Anonymous in Infectious Diseases

2007-06-05 18:23:49 · 9 answers · asked by kathy o 1 in Other - Diseases

I am not really clear on this matter but, I heard from a friend that STD is curable, just that the process is painful. Help me on this one.

2007-06-05 18:20:10 · 9 answers · asked by seekinganswers25 1 in STDs

I am very ill and I know that on days when I feel really good, if I can get that to stretch out to weeks or a month, hairgrowth begins again. I have more surgery coming up with lots of pain and healing. What can I do to keep my hair and/or even grow more? Anything? Thanks!

2007-06-05 17:25:30 · 2 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

"I have a little circular flatish spot, about the size of a quarter on my forehead. It is red and shows through makeup. To me, it looks like ringworm, but I don't know what ringworm looks like. My doc says too much sun, but I know better, a sun baby I'm not. Connecting me with the sun outdoors would be laughable if you knew me. But what else??" in Yahoo! Answers

2007-06-05 17:19:04 · 6 answers · asked by Anonymous in Skin Conditions

It hurts so bad wth? does that sound like lung cancer to u?

2007-06-05 17:16:24 · 9 answers · asked by N!cky 5 in Respiratory Diseases

Then you have a postive test in 2007 ? And your spouse still said they haven't done anything to give it to you ? would you beleive them after all this? After all i was told by dr. that the ODDS are against him I know! And there is more of a chance that he is still lying and most likely will never tell the truth!! and will keep doing it , is what the dr. said !! So what would you do? Even if the odds are aginst your mate? meaning there would be a slight chance somewere that he didn't do anything? Very slight though is what i mean !! I don't know how to get him to confess anything to this either?He keeps to the same that he is innocent!!? any advice? just wondering what others would say thats all!!!

2007-06-05 17:14:51 · 3 answers · asked by monkeymomma46 5 in STDs

have tried everythink

2007-06-05 17:12:20 · 7 answers · asked by SPECIAL- HANK 1 in Skin Conditions

Ok, so im 18, and i have a 12 week old son, as most people know, you go threw ALOT of testing when your pregnant, which includes every known STD check (if requested, which i did) well, i came back 100% clean. Right before my son was born, i noticed this bump on my husbands shaft. it scabbed over after a while, but i wouldnt have sex with him while it was there, and he said it hurt anyways. Well, last week, i noticed a skin colored bump on my labia (?) and it really hurt. and i freaked out, because my OB/GYN said to come in right away, because it sounded like genital warts. Well, i didnt have any money to go in, so i couldnt. It did go away, eventually doing the same thing my husbands did. But it freaked me out because my STD check came back clean. If my son is 12wks old, and he had the bump about 4 months ago, and we had been dating about 8 mths then, could he have gotten it from a previous relation, or could he have cheated on me in the "6 wk no go" period???

2007-06-05 17:00:55 · 7 answers · asked by ruspecialenuf 3 in STDs

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