i have a 2yo daughter, she had a chip on her front teeth about a year ago, from then on she doesnt want her teeth to be brushed or touched, so we just let her brush her teeth on her own which made her teeth become worse, theres cavities now and her gums on the front teeth got bubbles, we brought her to the sick kids hosp and they said they have to extract the 2 front teeth, they have to put her to sleep but her schedule would be a year from now since that hospital is really busy, we brought her to another dentist and they said they really have to extract the 2 front teeth as soon as possible coz they're infected and might affect the coming teeth, but they don't have gadgets to put her to sleep, they would do it while she's awake, i'm afraid that would be too traumatic for her, she's just a baby to go through this, im really worried what should we do? is there a hospital with PEDODONTIST where we could take her so she's asleep? really depressed about this matter thanks...
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