6 weeks ago I fell from a pine tree approx 20 foot fall. I broke my tibia plateau, fractured 3 vertabrae lumbar region, and dislocated shoulder. The surgeon put 3 screws in my tibia. 1 month later I was diagnosed with a blood clot below the knee. I enjected myself w/ lovanox for a week and now taking cumatin pills every day for the next 6 months. 8 days after being diagnosed w/ the clot, I noticed my leg was no longer swollen and was in less pain. Later that day I started having a weird breathing problem. This breathing problem remains and it has been one week. To describe it, I would say I feel myself take a normal breath but I don't feel like the breath is satisfying me? I end up with a somewhat panicky feeling. I went to the hospital. They did a cat scan, ultrasound, and a few other tests. They said they could not find any clot, my body was getting plenty of oxygen and that they don't know what is causing my breathing problem. Any advice will be very appreciated? thx!!
10 answers
asked by
mike u
Respiratory Diseases